
FTWD: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

This is a story that focuses on a teenager named Dominic, who starts out as a simple teenager, much more insightful than the rest. But as the story unfolds, more secrets about him that were unknown will be revealed. Just when he thought he had a peaceful life, a message from his father forever changed his perception of reality. Discovering that a terrorist attack could turn everyone into the walking dead, he did everything he could to prepare. However, just when he least expected it, chaos invaded his world. As his adrenaline-filled story unfolds, he will discover that these undead, better known as walkers, are much more familiar than he believes. The entire course of history changed once again when he discovered that he was in a world that he had much knowledge about. Can Dominic survive this apocalypse? What will his position be in this world? Do the Bearers look familiar to you in any way?

SrCuervo · TV
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181 Chs

Frontline (2)

"Zz… Central command, black spots are appearing on the radars."

"It could be an error. Restart the systems and report."

"Zz… Negative, a black spot is approaching our base."


After hearing the alert, Dominic wasted no time and ordered everyone to mobilize for a possible large-scale walker confrontation.

Learning about a massive horde of walkers, he ordered all people inside the bunkers to mobilize. This place must not be breached by any walker.

At that moment, tanks, heavy machine guns, and a large amount of ammunition were transported to the towers around the walls. Everyone was in a panic about the possible walker horde.

In open spaces, experienced soldiers were setting up mortars, ready to initiate an attack as needed. Many knew how terrible a walker horde was, and all feared what it could do to their new refuge.

"Zz… I want the artillery to start firing heavy loads at the black spot on the radar."

Dominic donned his combat uniform. The entire base was put on high alert, and combat helicopters began to ascend into the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The large explosions in the distance shook the ground, killing tens of thousands of walkers on impact. But knowing the large spot heading their way, they needed to continue with the charges.

"Negan, how many tanks have been mobilized so far?"

"All of them, over three hundred." Negan was smiling but was obviously nervous. He had never seen this level of warfare, and if those walkers could still reach them despite all the explosions, then the enemy they faced would be tough to defeat.


"I need the armored vehicles with machine guns ready. We must time the attacks to make the bullets effective."


"What is it?"

Nick approached, running, and shouted, "It's estimated that there are fifty million walkers; the spot has been analyzed by experts, and that's the figure they're mentioning."

"Holy mother of God, Lucille, we're going to be busy tonight."

Dominic wasted no time on nonsense and said, "Notify the bombers; tell them not to hold back against the enemy and to shoot with everything we've got."

"That's exactly what I'll do."

"Mobilize everyone; everyone must shoot, so call everyone."


Everyone began to move. The ships at sea quickly sent out combat planes to bomb the heart of the walker horde, headed to the base where Dominic and his people were stationed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Contact is expected in five minutes."

The first walker staggered out at the edge of the forest, and then, in view of everyone, a dense horde of the undead emerged from the forest in an instant. But these walkers were running.

The vast majority were running like mad dogs. The front of the horde was endless, and the helicopters in the sky began to open fire.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Dominic didn't give the order to shoot. The mortars, though capable of eliminating walkers, needed to wait for more to gather. Everyone swallowed hard, watching the figures getting closer, and the armored vehicles remained silent, waiting for the moment.

Two hundred meters!

One hundred fifty meters!

One hundred meters!


Under Dominic's order, dozens of mortars opened up, firing shot after shot without regard for time. In just a few seconds, a series of chained explosions occurred in the distance, and hundreds of walkers were eliminated.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The people in the armored vehicles fired first, along with those in the barricades. At only one hundred fifty meters away, thousands of walkers were torn apart by the rain of bullets.

Huge explosions and bursts of blood mist could be seen in the massive walker horde.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In no time, the Walker group stopped advancing under the intense base attack from all directions. But shortly after, while reloading, the machine guns continued to fire.

Finally, when they were more than 40 meters from the barricades, Dominic fired the first shot from the city wall!

"Now, everyone, open fire!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under Dominic's roar and gunfire, a series of bursts from the watchtowers and walls were directed at the walker horde.

"The good thing about all this is that Alicia is far from here." Dominic looked at the hell ahead and smiled at the death coming their way.

"Damned chocolate brownie, bring me the bullets," Merle shouted, looking at T-dog, who had fallen on a sandbag.

"Don't yell at me, damn it."

"Then how the hell are you going to hear me?"

Thank you for reading. If you want to support me, read original novels and read 30 extra chapters of this story, you can visit my Patreon: SrCuervo

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