
Fear me (english)

Fear. Fear is what dominates people, which makes them make wrong decisions. That makes them back down. But I am not afraid. Fear is not part of me. I am not human. It doesn't control me. It doesn't dominate me. I am a monster... ... And monsters create fear.

Karen_Lauren · Cómic
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13 Chs


We had already been in the forest for a week and a half, he had agreed to accompany them on their explorations so that they would not have any more encounters with the animals and would have to flee again.

I became friends with Sai, Sakura was sticking like a limpet to Sasuke who just ignored her and looked annoyed. Kakashi wouldn't put down her porn books.

It was another normal day, we went back to the clearing and ate to go to sleep.

I was having a nightmare, I was dreaming about it. With his arms around me again. With her smile, her stupid about protection, her ironies, her kisses ...

Suddenly open my eyes.

I looked at the sky, I didn't want to close my eyes again ... it was too painful ... I didn't want to remember it again.

I got up and walked to the trees, there I started to accelerate ...

I felt the wind on my face.


Branches and logs that did not reach me.




I passed bear territory.

Beyond, in the heart of the Forest of Nine Tails, was my home.

I skidded to the brake, pulled myself up gently, as if afraid of waking someone very dear to me.

Without even realizing it, I allowed tears to run down my cheeks again, uncontrollable sobs to flow from my lips.

That beautiful scene illuminated by fireflies, that small waterfall that hid a cave behind its fall, that little refuge that I called home.

Golden air swirled in the center. My eyes couldn't believe what they saw.

"Kurama ..." My soft whisper was blown away by the wind.

It couldn't be, he was ... he was ...

I admired in agony a beautiful nine-tailed fox somewhat larger than my wolf friend, a soft orange hue, lying in the grass near the stream that left the waterfall ... trying to catch the fireflies with its snout.

My knees hit the ground.

For the first time in years I felt that pain again. That agony that kept me captive.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But what he did know was that he couldn't stop the tears. I could not stand it. It was too ...

So I let it get out of hand.

Storm clouds swirled over the Forest, covering it completely, threatening, silencing my heartbreaking cry.

Lightning and thunder fell everywhere.

Kurama got up and walked towards me, following the fireflies.

I raised my hand to reach her but it went through her body ...

- KURAMA! - I turned desperately to see that she did not stop her way. Scared, I called him, begged and shouted to the heavens to come back.

I could only see his silhouette fading in the same way it had appeared.

No trace of him remained.

A light drizzle began to fall.

Suddenly, a terrible and threatening storm was rushing over the Forest.

«I want Kurama. »