
Fealty to my Lady Rebirth

This is my first story so my lovely readers should not expect proper grammar since I'm writing on my phone instead of my laptop This story is about Adam West who is abducted by a fealty system before being shoved into a apocalyptic world created by the collision of various apocalyptic novels Watch as he has to protect his lord from various protagonists ranging from rebirth to upgrade system users,transmigrated and reincarnated immortal cultivators Armed with nothing but his Western lineage knowledge in a Eastern apocalyptic world and a half-baked system he will make sure to protect his lord from all threats especially stinky pigs wanting to steal his precious lord

Xavier_Rave · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs

Mu clan of Xia country

After waking up an hour away from the destination Adam began mulling over the information he received about the newest suspected Lord

"Mu Ling former second young master of the Xia country Capital Mu clan which dates back centuries which is a rare double line family focusing on politics and military.He is considered the former second young master as he left the family in his twenties to avoid a particularly fiercesome battle for heir which led to the fall of his brother the late fourth young master Mu Long he then settled himself down in the City S of Province G which is the farthest he could possibly go from the Capital without actually leaving the country.It is there that he started the Mu Group which quickly became the top force of city S.He married Li Sirou the second young lady of City S Li family which upon further investigation was side branch of the ancient martial arts Li family the second oldest family of martial arts dating to a approximately a decade before the great disappearance of power continuing on after being married for five years he was calculated by his secretary which led to him impregnating her this incident almost destroyed until Li Sirou was also found out to be pregnant with Mu Ruixue which helped them slowly fix their marriage and as for the scheming secretary,well she was given a check worth ten million and told to never bother them of course that was their wishful thinking because she showed up at the 18 birthday gala of Mu Ruixue claiming to be dying and begged him to take care of Mu Yue who was the then conceived child of course he accepted after all he couldn't abandon his own daughter even if she wasn't born righteously of course it didn't help that he had to make the decision in a room filled with people both allies,strangers and enemies alike.After this fiasco died down Mu Yue was bought an apartment in the City S and given subsidies every month to survive of course she being self aware of her birth circumstances she also never took the initiative to find or trouble the Mu family of three of course this didn't stop the pampered first young Miss Mu to come to her door and trouble her once in a while by showing of her father's love for her and disdain for Mu Yue"

"Qiqi tell me quickly is Mu Yue a protagonist"

{Possible Host Qiqi won't know until we meet}

"Such a pitiful person is definitely heroine material I just hope she is not a Mary sue character"

"Now that I have confirmed that the ring is in a protagonist family the chances of recognizing a Lord have increased I just hope said Lord is not the pampered young miss or I won't even know where to cry"Adam once more lamented his future as he neared his destination

Meanwhile Mu Group headquarters.

"Mr.Mu the butler of the Western regions West family has called to inform that the eldest prince would be visiting your home later and he wishes for all family members to be present" reported Mu Ling's male assistant after the first incident of being he never dared risk using a female one

This report caused Mu Lings hand to still from the reports and shake slightly before he steadied it and asked in a somewhat hoarse voice

"Did they mention what it was about"

"No Sir they called only in order to ensure the full attendance of the family including both your daughters but I took it upon myself to inquire news about their visit from the business contacts and it appears this was an impromptu decision of the prince"

This did not allow Mu Ling as he tried to recall if he ever did anything to draw the ire of the West royal family after all even the main family dare not put on airs before them otherwise they might find themselves abandoned by Xia in view of the overall situation after all it has happened before just not in Xia country but then he thought about the beauty of his Ruixue and began to calm down after all according to rumors the eldest prince has never had any messy relationships unlike his relatives of the same generation and who would not like such a prince as a son in law thus began the great old fox Mu scheming before he was interrupted by his assistant

"I have already informed the Madam and young miss but"the assistant paused as he hesitated before continuing "Should I really inform the second...Mu Yue to be present with the Madam and Miss personality this would lead to an argument"

Mu Ling frowned as he imagined the headache his wife and daughter would cause him they knew but then again the Wests specially mentioned the whole family and who dares to go against their order

"Inform her to attend also send the jade I bought in the western region to my wife and Ruixue to placate them first and as for Mu Yue just throw her that old ring I got from that stall"

"Yes Sir I will do so now" replied the assistant as he sighed before leaving and contacting Mu Yue

At Mu Yue's place she was currently staring at her clean face with cold temperament in a daze as she could swear she was just being eaten by a zombie after being abandoned by her 'family's who she had protected for 5 years in the apocalypse before they abandoned after returning to the Capital Mu clan not only that her 'good sister' and merry band of men designed and pushed her into a zombie tide.She glanced at her phone as it began to ring showing who was calling and it was her cheap father's assistant when she remembered that today was the day that the eldest prince of a foreign powerful royal family visited and she made the great mistake of giving up a treasure to her vicious sister because she wanted it.Which she then later discovered to be a treasure and this time she would not let her have it of course she also wanted some revenge on the foreign prince after all although he wasn't romantically engaged with her sister like the others he was always protecting Mu Ruixue from the side while listening to her commands and would come trouble whenever Ruixue demanded.After organizing such thoughts she picked up the phone


"President Mu informs you to be back at the villa in two hours also to dress decently"

"Yes" this is how it always worked,she never had the option to refuse but unlike her last life she would not go have anything to do with them after getting the ring unless they provoked her and if they did do such she would not be merciful but for now she just had to follow her previous life's actions so she quickly dressed up in a pair of jeans and white blouse after all even if she was going to go the party she would not dress up for him and she left

Adam twitched his lips as he watched the rows of maids leading to the villa entrance with voices resounding to the sky "We welcome Eldest prince Adam Draco West" it was no exaggeration to say he just wanted to turn around and leave but unfortunately he still had to enter and so he did and at the entrance he met the Mu family of three and the outsider behind them Mu Yue

Mu Ling stepped up and slightly bowed his head"Welcome prince Draco I hope your journey was pleasant"

"It was certainly pleasant Second old Mu" this made Mu Ling twitch his lip he really wasn't that old but who made the other party a prince.he could only bear with it first so he smiled

"Who told you to disgust me with that welcome humph"thought Adam before glancing at the mother and daughter pair who looked like very elegant in their dresses and then looked at the girl wearing a casual outfit behind them and was more certain about the Lord being found this time of course he just glanced at them which didn't arouse their attention before he strode into the villa like he owned the place and sat at the main seat like it was the most natural thing to do and the Mu family followed behind him and took a seat on the couch and waited for Adam to speak but he just glanced at each of their jewelry before landing his site on the ring on Mu Yue finger with a thoughtful expression then continued

"Mu I'll get straight to the point you happened to be in possession of a particular artifact of which the West family has been protecting." this instantly made Mu Ling pale as he glanced at the jewelry he just gave his wife and daughter and couldn't wait to rip it off them and offer it with both hands to Adam whilst kneeling and begging for mercy but before he could he heard Adam continue"This artifact is a quite important to us Wests as well as whoever owns it but first I allow you to introduce yourselves after all I must still pay attention to etiquette whilst outside.While the trio of Mu's began introducing themselves Adam was talking to Qiqi

"So Qiqi is what type of protagonist are we looking at here"

{Mu Ruixue standard heroine with a harem of men and one Star knight A.K.A The Host and Mu Yue rebirth protagonist story currently unfolding Lordship uncertain}

"OH God no not the nympho staring at me like a hungry wolf" "Although I said that I can't blame Mu Ruixue after all I black pupils with blue flecks in them and to top it all of I have naturally Grey hair which hasn't happened since the great disappearance which lead to people more often than not feeling like their gazing at the night sky filled with bright stars and pale moon of curse his athletic body with a slight tan due toknight training didn't help as for his face sorry but it was only slightly above average he was like a progress bar stuck at 90% to being the perfect foreign prince male god.Anyway the ring is still in the possession of Mu Yue so maybe it could recognized her as well after all their blood sisters"as Adam finished his thoughts he heard Mu Yue introduce herself as just that Mu Yue which caused some stiffness in the atmosphere which Adam ignored entirely

"Now that formalities are out of the way I would like for you to present the rings you each got from old Mu"

As they each held out a hand with a ring on it Adam strode toward them before hearing Mu Ruixue quickly shout at Mu Yue

"Wild child quickly hand over the ring.You also deserve dad to buy you things humph."she snorted arrogantly after all she knew that the mother of his sister almost ruined his parents marriage and she hated her for it.This sentence cause Adam's heart to clench as he waited for Mu Yue's answer

"No" Mu Yue answered in a single word and just before Mu Ruixue caused a scene Mu Ling quickly placated

"Don't worry Ruixue it's just a broken ring I got on a street stall" this placate Mu Ruixue and also allowed Mu Yue and Adam to release a breath they were both subconsciously holding and Adam decided wrap things up quickly before something else happened

"All you need to do is drip a drop of blood on each of your own rings and wait"this is what Adam decided that if the Lord wasn't Mu Yue he'd rather take the ring back and forget about this family then swear fealty to a pampered young miss of course this went against their family teachings but he's sure he can find another protagonist and while these thoughts ra through his mind the mu family proceeded to do as he told even Mu Yue although she couldn't this happening in her last life as the blood dripped on the ring it was absorbed of course this was seen by Adam and Alfred who was always silently following behind him without having Adam to speak only casting a glance at him Alfred moved and escorted Mu Yue to their cad without giving her a chance to refuse as Adam looked at Mu Ling with a stoic face

"Old Mu we have received our artifact and since it is currently bound to her we will take her off your hands in return we have organized for your return to the main Mu clan" this made Mu Ling shut up and silently forget this daughter of his after all he couldn't fight the Wests or stop them so it was better to accept the benefits

"This...I thank Prince Adam first and only ask you treat her kindly" after hearing this answer Adam nodded in approval before throwing a somewhat tattered book at Mu Ling turned around and striding out he said

"That martial arts book should be enough for your Mu family to get some speaking power in the main clan of course they wouldn't dare to go against my West family's decision anyway and I suggest Miss Ruixue learn how to use a gun men love women who can fire a gun accurately" and he left without waiting or hearing an answer as he got in the car which then drove ahead but little did he know his actions would cause the pampered young miss to become a sharpshooter who was as shrewd as an old fox of course this wouldn't be until much later of course his reason for saying and doing such were not without reason "Having them move back to the main clan should make Mu Ruixue lose her temper after all the real young mistresses are the children of the patriarch and this would be made painfully aware to her plus no matter what kind of apocalypse happens gun skills and martial arts will be useful this could be considered me doing what is needed to separate my Lord OH no it's Lady from her past family and their eventual manipulations""Now for the Lady"

Adam stared at Mu Yue as he instructed Alfred to get a box at nearby restaurant and after they arrived and 'escorted' Mu Yue to the box after entering Adam strode a step behind Mu Yue before she turned around and tilted her up a bit to stare at him with hint of warning and danger flashing in her auburn eyes which honestly looked a little cute like an angry kitten staring at someone trying to approach it and then without waiting for her to speak both Adam and Alfred both got on one knee with a fist on their chest above where they should be and with heads bowed spoke in unison "Alfred Winterdale housekeeper to West Family greets the Lady" "Adam Draco West current heir to West Family and protector of the ring swears Fealty to and greets the Lady on beha88l89o88o8lf of the West family present and absent and return seek asylum"This shocked Mu Yue s much that she had her mouth slightly open before she could return to normal and was cauuzààeggyght by Adam as he was Slightly peeking at her since he finished speaking and couldn't help being worried about the pigs who would want to steal his Lady from him.As a knighted prince he is legally allowed to crusade against someone right?