
Exams and Packing Time

I walked into the 14x18 ft hall Hauwa beside me feeling very confident about this exam. I sat down at the seat assigned to me which was a bit far from Hauwa. I sighed safety precautions I guess. The professor handed out the exam scripts and one by one I answered the questions making sure to read them properly.

After the exams, I met Hauwa outside waiting for me on the school bench as she had finished before me. I sat down beside her and sighed "How were the exams?" I asked her. "Ok I guess, wasn't that tough but wasn't that easy either." I nodded and we settled in a comfortable silence waiting for our chauffeur as I wasn't allowed to drive yet and Hauwa hasn't gotten her license yet.

About twenty minutes or Mr Will arrived and hopped in the back seat. "Afternoon Mr Will!" Hauwa and I greeted the middle-aged man in his late thirties married with two beautiful girls. "Afternoon Miss Zarah and Miss Hauwa." He replied respectfully.

"Mr Will please don't call us Miss you're just like a father to us you don't have to be formal aren't we friends?" He chuckled lightly. "Yes mi....er Zarah " I laughed. He roared the engine to life and took us home as we laughed and chatted along the way.

"Assalamu alaikum!" I screamed at the top of my lungs so wherever Umma was she could hear me. "Wa'alaikum salam" Hauwa whispered beside me. we walked towards Abba and Umma's side of the mansion and met her on her prayer mat doing dua. We sat on her bed waiting for her to finish.

" Assalamu alaikum Umma" Hauwa and I greeted "Waalaikisalam Girls, how was the exam?" she asked. "Masha Allah it was fine" I answered for Hauwa and me. "Alhamdulillah," Umma said.

As we stood up to leave I remembered something "Umma we need help packing, We don't know what to pack." I said turning around. She laughed "I'll help you girls tomorrow, after zhur prayer when I'm done packing." We nodded and left to take a shower in our various rooms and change into comfortable clothes.

I quickly took my shower not wanting to spend long cause my tummy was grumbling already. I wore an ash sweat with a matching hoodie, picked up my veil and tied it in a turban style. I took my phone and made my way to the kitchen where I met Hauwa seated at the island with a plate of spaghetti in front of her.

I guess I'm not the only hungry one. She was dressed in black yoga pants and a white baggy long sleeve shirt, a veil lazily wrapped around her head. I went over to where the food warmers were kept and served myself. "Are you seriously going to finish that?" Hauwa asked as soon as I dropped the plate and sat down.

I looked at my plate, it was piled high with spaghetti. Yes, I'm that hungry. I shrugged and started stuffing my mouth as I scrolled through Instagram.

"Did you fast that you are just stuffing your mouth with food? Wait, even when you fast you don't eat this much!" I heard Ya Mahmud's voice from the entrance of the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating. Leave it to him to spoil the silence. My fork was on the plate ready for another forkful of spaghetti. I put the fork into my mouth, my eyes widened in realization and I smacked myself on my head. The plate was already empty. Ugh.

I stood up and kept my plate in the dish wash all the while Hauwa and Ya Mahmud were watching me with an amused expression. I went upstairs laid on my bed thinking of nothing. I later heard the adhan calling for maghrib prayer so I stood up and laid the prayer mat. As I had already performed ablution when I took the shower and prayed three raka'at.

I sat there waiting for Isha as the time was not that far apart. Once I heard the adhan I prayed and snuggled in the comfort of my husband. MY BED!!!!!! Darkness eluded my vision as I slowly went to my fantasy world.


I woke up to the call of the adhan from my phone. I rolled off the bed and managed to stand on my two feet. Making my way to the bathroom, I eased myself and performed ablution. I went out and laid the mat, put on my hijab and prayed raka'ataynil Fajr before proceeding to pray fair. My eyes slowly betraying me.

I managed to finish praying and make dua before I ran, literally to the comfort of my bed even though it wasn't far from where I prayed. I slid under the covers and drifted off once again to my fantasy world.

I groaned as I woke up to someone bouncing on my sweet bed. "Let me sleep!" I groaned. "NO!" I heard someone say. Only one person has the guts to get on my bad side and that person is the one and only Hauwa Mu'azu. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed.

"I hate you!" I said to her. "I love you too sugar pie!" The sun rays were already in my eyes. Not bothering to check the time I hissed and got off the bed with my Duvet and made my to the lounge chair far away from the window and snuggled back, ready to go back to sleep. "Are you seriously kidding me right now it's 12 freaking pm already" Hauwa yelled "So!" I said from under my duvet "WE HAVE PACKING TO DO" and that did the trick cause I bolted up immediately. How could I forget Umma was going to help us pack and she hates lateness.

I ran to the bathroom as I left Hauwa smirking as if she had achieved something big. Once inside I ran into the shower and switched it on. Immediately the cold water made contact with my body I shrieked, I should have regulated the water first. I stepped away from under the shower and regulated the water. Now seeming warm I stepped back under the shower took a quick bath making a silent note to take a shower later and got out wrapped myself in a knee-length towel I went out to meet Hauwa seated on my baby using her phone. Next to her was a knee-length long-sleeved striped button-up, white jeans and a beanie.

I shooed her out to get ready. I quickly got ready and prayed. "Have you prayed?" I asked her once she got inside. She nodded, I grabbed my phone and we went to Umma's room. We salamed and entered to meet her zipping her last box.

"Umma good afternoon" We greeted. "Afternoon darlings are you ready for us to start packing?" She asked. "Yup," I said "Sure," Hauwa said. "Wait how long are we staying there?" I asked curiously. "Two weeks or more depending on your grandparents," Ummah said.

We followed her out of the room and to Hauwa's room first. About an hour after we had finished packing. Hauwa's clothes filling two boxes thanks to Hauwa's indecisive mind. She had two carry-ons and the handbag she's taking along.

We moved to my room. I brought out a three-set box from the far corner of my walk-in closet and kept it close to my bed. I was just about to start getting my clothes when Umma and Hauwa stopped me. They pushed me to my bed and made me sit down while they packed my clothes for me.

They finished just before Maghrib filling the three boxes, two carry-ons and the handbag I'm going to use. If it was left to me I will still be packing by now. I thanked them and we went to pray Maghrib.

After that, we went for dinner and departed to our various rooms. I quickly prayed Isha, changed into my PJs and snuggled in my bed.