
Fates Breaker

A guy dies gets reincarnated. come watch him run his dimensional shop while dealing with his home worlds bs. Slight Si/OC

VividSilverWolf · Cómic
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I would like to make this clear the rank system that I put in here is to help tell where the mc stands and yes he will be op in the dxd world by the end of this chapter. Mainly because the first world im connecting to his shop will need him to be and he will only get stronger.

Now I also want to make this clear as well I may gender-bend one or two characters.

Now on to making sure you guys understand the higher rank of the system A-rank is the super devil or god level and S Rank is the heavenly dragon level and SS-rank is dragon god or higher. Wait what do you mean by higher than dragon god you will have to wait and see.

I don't own anything besides the Oc everything else belongs to their rightful owners.

System/important text


Beep, beep, beep. Hitting the stop button on my alarm clock I groggily woke up, sat up, and went to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror look at my reflection for a sec then go about my busyness As I'm making my way to the kitchen, I check the date on my phone seeing the date I realize that it has been 2 years since I was brought into this world after my death and 7 years before canon in this world which is DxD sadly. I got a few wishes before my reincarnation which was.

1. A system but with only a way to tell him how strong I am is as in F-D-C-B-A-S-SS which is low-mid-high-ulti-etc. An inventory, a skill tab that levels skills D-C-B-A-S in ranks the higher the better. Though after coming to this world, I got 1 gotcha ticket and to select 1 skill of my choosing I choose gamer mind. I got all of that for not going with the typical gamer system and whatnot.

2. I choose a shop that connects to different worlds and has a shop for my system that I can buy things from the worlds that my shop connects to, it creates a copy of said item so it doesn't take from that world. (What I didn't know until a few weeks after I got to my new home was that I got to select up to 3 games that I played and use the items/equipment from those games to use for my shop or personal use.)

3. Is that the god that reincarnated me to get a break from his job.

Was it wrong of me to wish for it no? When he asked why I answered him you looked like you needed a break. Plus, I had a slight fear of the unknown so it was up to him which world I would be sent to. He merely smiled at me and said he would reincarnate me in one of the anime I watched. I did get to choose what I looked like, so I chose the character Noctis from Final Fantasy 15 but with silver eyes, and slightly longer hair that now has red highlights going through it. I'm also an orphan so yeah had that going for me, also my shop is close to Kyoto thankfully. I also noticed that I'm not a human, I'm a high human.

What does my house or shop look like you ask well for one it's a two-story building with a nice little garden at the front of the house. The house has three rooms on the top floor in it one, of course, one of the rooms is my room and the other one is my office room for meetings and such. In the other room I left alone for a while until I turned it into an offshoot of the time chamber from dragon ball, I plan on making it into a real one later when I can. The first floor is where my shop is, it has a decent area for the shop section. The other two rooms that I turned into a workshop and storage. My shop can't be destroyed, no one can harm anyone else in the shop or teleport into it. I found out that it hides magic/energy signatures how I found out was because currently I'm sitting at an ultimate-class level of magic energy and I haven't been training my magic yet because I have been working on other things which use my magic which in turn makes me stronger, because of the continuous use of magic. I have trained myself physically, I don't know how strong I am strength-wise.

Miner Time Skip 1 year

Hmm well looks like I finally managed to fill my quota of healing items. Though now that I think about it is about time to open my shop for the first time since I got here. I think the next thing I'm going to work on is getting my smithing up to A-rank like my alchemy is, yes, I have figured out the fertility problem that the supernatural races have, am I going to sell it to the supernatural along with the potions probably. Though I may just request an audience with Yasaka for a trade agreement, and an alliance with her faction since I am technically living in her territory though I may do that later after my shop opens and have a few worlds to go to should things go that way. I have met the Phenex family and that was a chance meeting in which I helped Ravel who was about to get taken away by a few kidnappers (who want to take her for some ransom) from the bar where her brother was at which she was outside when it happened because she couldn't stand the atmosphere in there.

I didn't know who she was at the time, nor did I have the ability to sense magic very well at the time good thing I did have my magic suppressed through the whole ordeal. Though I did gain an admirer from that encounter, we made a deal of sorts since I was new to the supernatural side of the world, I was given an offer which I declined since I didn't want to become a devil, I asked to be given some basic knowledge of the supernatural side of the world. Mainly because I didn't want to use my knowledge from the anime. I offered to train both their youngest son Riser and their daughter Ravel. They didn't take that offer seriously since I was new to the supernatural side of the world, so I created a barrier and stopped suppressing my power after that they agreed after I told them everything I currently know about magic and my current strength was self-taught and from training. Yes, they know where my shop home is since I was going to train both Ravel and Riser in the Sodo time chamber.

Now you may be wondering why I would train Riser well one this Riser is more mellow and isn't like the cannon one. Plus, I don't like Rias her peerage from the story, so this is a fuck you to them, yes Riser is Engaged to Rias, and from what I heard she is like her cannon self just more prideful and bitchier. Since I started training with them, they reach the ultimate class in magic and physical strength but are hiding it to fool the other devils their family knows how strong they are. I became good friends with them during that time, and after I was told that he was engaged to Rias I have been working and something that will through the devils for a loop and in an uproar, it's not finished yet but should be when they have their rating game. I'll be having them help me with getting rid of a certain pervert, I'll be setting Ddraig free in exchange for doing so he will have to have an alliance with the Yokai faction or me depending on if I manage to get an alliance with them.

I'm currently working on finishing my gift for Yasaka to show that what my shop sells would be beneficial for her and her faction. The gift I am making is two pair of glasses one will be able to tell a person's name and alignment and strength, the other will help with the most hated enemy of all faction leaders… PAPERWORK. I'll be bringing with me a few potions with me to show to her as well, I have already talked to the Phenex family, and they understood why I'm doing this since I'm needing backing so no one would try fucking with me. Plus, I helped them with creating a new version of Phenex tears after showing them mine that I have which can revive someone and heal them a bit after which they would have to use some healing magic or items or heal naturally. After a few hours I managed to finish them, I could instantly make them with my creation magic but I don't want to rely on it too much.

Walking up the entrance to Kyoto's palace where Yasaka resides I noticed two people standing guard there knowing they were most likely yokai. "Halt you are not allowed to enter, for what reason have you come here?" says the being on the right. Looking at him but keeping the other in my eyesight I say why I have come. "Hello, my name is Jon Wolfman I have come seeking an audience with Lady Yasaka about a business offer and an alliance. I would have contacted through mail or some other form but didn't have the knowledge to do so to get ahold of a faction leader." After saying that I noticed that with a slight hand signal one of the hidden presences left and a few minutes later came back. I was allowed in being led by the one that I spoke to. I was curious as to why I was let in to have a meeting with her. Turns out it was mainly curiosity because why would someone who seems to have no supernatural backing or is known would request an audience with the leader of a faction.

Coming up to the door where I will be meeting Yasaka in, the yokai knocks on the door. After a few seconds, we hear a come in he opens the door and gestures for me to go in, doing so I also thank him as I walk in. It does not take me long to spot Yasaka but before I could speak, I heard her say. "Come take a seat Jon I can call you Jon, right?" I nod while taking a seat across from her while she continues. "For what reason have you asked to have a meeting with me the real reason that is?" Looking at her for a second, I take a sec to gather my thoughts because the story didn't do Yasaka justice. She is a beauty, that is all I can say. "Lady Yasaka the reason I have asked for this meeting is because I have a business opportunity for you or an alliance proposition. First and foremost, I have a gift to show that my products are ligament and not false." Taking out an ornate box I place it on the table, open it, and take out the two pairs of glasses which get me a raised eyebrow. Sliding them over to her I speak. "These are magical glasses that I have made along with other items at my shop. The first one allows you to read things 120 times faster than normal, the other one is more special it allo…" Before I could finish what, I was saying I was interrupted looking to who interrupted me. "How is the other one more special than the first if what you said about it is true then it is a great boon." Says a yokai who was sitting off to the side inside of answering them I look back to Yasaka who has a poker face on. "If you would put on the glasses and look at me then everyone else I guaranty that everything it shows you is true." Looking at me skeptically for a few minutes she reluctantly does so and looks at me and her jaw drops while looking at me why well.

Name- Jon Wolfman

Alignment- natural

Strength- A-rank god level

Needless to say after that things when along faster though I did not expect her to suggest making an alliance. Before continuing she had guards come in and take a few people out of the room and move them to another room and make sure they didn't leave said room. "Out of curiosity why are you suggesting an alliance, and not asking why I don't join a faction?" I asked her to which she had said. "It would be a great boon to have you just our faction, but I don't think someone as strong as you would join us. For that reason, I suggested an alliance." Nodding in understanding. "I see, I understand where you come from, I agree to make an alliance." After saying that I told her about the potions that I would be selling to her faction and made it to that they can't sell them to other factions or give out information about where they got them. I also said to her I may end up joining her faction later down the line this alliance is to see how they would treat me and such.

It has been a few weeks since my meeting with Yasaka and so far things are going well she has come to my shop a few times and yes my shop was open to my current one just not the other world. I'm currently sitting behind my counter since my dimensional shop opened, when I hear the store door open looking up from the computer at the counter I take notice of the person who walked in and was shocked at who it was or what it was.

Yes, I know cliff hanger get over it.

I'll be updating hopefully every 2-3 weeks maybe sooner depending on my mood. I would appreciate any ideas for my book next chapter ill show the skills and stats of Jon in an event that happens. If you don't like my story don't read it it's not for you.