
Fated To His Darkness

FATED TO HIS DARKNESS "Are you trying to gain my attention?" he asked, a note of cynicism and gave her his devilish smile. ______________________________________________ "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how... In a world where vampires and witches secretly coexist with humans, there lived a fragile and timid vampire named Aliena. Her life took a tragic turn when her mother left her, leaving her in the care of her cruel stepfamily, the Anwars, who despised her for being different. Aliena was not like other vampires. She possessed no remarkable abilities or strengths, often the target of her stepsisters' mockery and mistreatment. Forced to live in secrecy among humans in the Mundane universe, her life was a never-ending nightmare. But destiny had different plans for Aliena. The vampire kingdom of Nacrifa, in the mysterious realm known as the Dark Universe, was on the brink of war. The current king, summoned all vampires in the Mundane universe back. Upon her arrival in Nacrifa, Aliena was introduced to a world of darkness, magic, and intrigue. The royal court was a complex web of vampire politics, where alliances were fragile, and betrayals were commonplace. Amidst the chaos, Aliena found herself inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic Crown Prince, Sebastian. He was not a pure vampire but a rare hybrid, born of both vampire and witch bloodlines, and carried an air of mystery and danger. As Sebastian and Aliena spent more time together, their connection deepened, and a forbidden romance blossomed. But the path to their love was not smooth, as both their worlds were threatened by external forces. Dark creatures and powerful adversaries sought to tear apart the kingdom of Nacrifa, and Aliena discovered her unique abilities could be the key to victory. Yet, the mysteries didn't end there. The Crown Prince harbored a hidden identity that even his closest confidants were unaware of. Secrets from the past began to unravel, and their intertwined destinies became entangled in a tapestry of love, magic, and danger. As the war loomed over Nacrifa, Aliena had to find the strength within herself to rise above her weaknesses and embrace her true self. In a world where strength came in many forms, she had to prove that even the weakest vampire had a role to play in the kingdom's survival.

Deborah_13 · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Same Color, Same dress

Inside the grand ballroom, an opulent display of elegance unfolded. The attendees, donned in regal gowns and suits, concealed their identities behind a myriad of masks. The expanse of the ballroom was bathed in a radiant glow, courtesy of the countless golden and silver chandeliers that hung with grace from the ceiling. The tiles underfoot were pristine white marbles, and the overall interior resembled the small, ancient chateaus one might encounter in Europe. It was as though the room had been plucked from the 1700s or even earlier.

Meanwhile, not far from the ballroom, Prince Sebastian found himself rummaging through his wardrobe in search of the perfect attire. His quest for the ideal outfit had been set in motion by an unfortunate incident involving his grandfather and a spilled drink.

"Now, now, what is the Crown Prince doing here while the ball is in full swing?" his grandfather's voice rang out, breaking his concentration.

Sebastian turned, his gaze locking onto the figure of his grandfather as he entered the room.

"All thanks to you," Sebastian replied with a dry tone.

His grandfather chuckled. "Oh, come on. Don't tell me it's because of that little drink I spilled?"

"Why are you here?"

Egeus, his grandfather, wore a cheerful expression. "I was just checking up on you. So, since you're looking for a good outfit, I'll help you."

Sebastian rolled his eyes as his grandfather made his way to the wardrobe. Egeus was clearly taken aback by the vast selection of clothes.

"For how many hours have you been searching for a garment in this sea of clothes, and you still haven't found one?" Egeus feigned dramatic distress. "Good Lord, can't you do anything without me?"

Prince Sebastian remained silent, his gaze fixed on his grandfather. Egeus was more than just family; he was a mentor, a father figure, and the only person who truly understood him.

"Okay, I found one," Egeus announced triumphantly.

He held out a red suit adorned with golden stones. "These are perfect, they match your eye color."

Sebastian accepted the suit and retreated to his dressing room, a smile playing on his lips. He couldn't ignore his grandfather, no matter how cold he appeared. His father was a different story, caring more about the throne than his own son. Sebastian harbored a deep resentment towards his father for how he had treated his mother.


I stepped out of the car as the guard courteously opened the door for me. Before me stood a magnificent sight, a towering and vibrant palace that seemed to touch the sky. I had never laid eyes on such a breathtaking edifice in my life.

People moved about the palace grounds, exuding joy and laughter. Their attire was nothing short of astonishing, and I couldn't help but be in awe of the entire scene. The guards guided us to where my father was standing.

He was engaged in a cheerful conversation with my stepmother while my stepsisters marveled at the palace's grandeur. Upon my arrival, my father announced my presence.

"Here comes Aliena," he declared.

All eyes turned to me as I approached, with Dinna following closely behind. It was evident that my stepmother, Lydia, and my stepsisters, Helena and Hermia, couldn't hide their jealousy.

Hermia and my father, however, greeted me with beaming smiles. For the first time, I felt a sense of pride—proud of my beauty, proud that my stepsisters envied me.

"Oh, Ali, you look stunning and radiant. I can't take my eyes off you," Hermia exclaimed.

"Thank you. You look as beautiful as ever," I replied with a smile.

My stepmother, feigning a smile, approached and pinched my cheek. "Aliena, you are such a beautiful young lady," she said.

"Thank you," I replied, playing along.

After a brief time spent outside, we entered the ballroom, which was filled with a multitude of people, making it easy to get lost in the crowd. I was spellbound by the opulent decor, and Dinna had to remind me repeatedly to keep my mouth closed.

"Is this even real?" I whispered to Dinna in amazement.

"Yes, it is," she giggled. "Why don't you relax and enjoy yourself?"

With a wink, she left me to my own devices as my father whisked my stepmother away to dance. My stepsiblings dispersed into the crowd, and I lost track of their whereabouts.


Sebastian emerged from his dressing room, and his grandfather was still in the same spot where he had left him.

"That was quite a long wait," Sebastian remarked, checking the time on his wristwatch. "They're about to introduce the Royal family."

Egeus and Sebastian made their way to the receiving room where the Royal family would be announced.

"You look good, by the way," Egeus complimented.

"Your appearance isn't shabby either," Sebastian replied.

Inside the ballroom, people danced gracefully with their partners to the melodious tunes, until the music came to an abrupt stop. Some of the attendees wore puzzled expressions, as they were still unfamiliar with the customs of the kingdom.

"All hail the Almighty royals!" someone announced, and every head in the ballroom bowed in reverence. The wide doors opened, and the entire Royal family entered.

As they all assembled, the King ascended the podium, microphone in hand.

"All rise," he declared, and the attendees raised their heads, their gazes fixed on the Royal family. It was a privilege for many to breathe the same air as the Royals, especially for commoners.

"I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for attending this royal ball. It's evident that we are more than just a multitude," the king stated, eliciting chuckles from the audience. "At this point, I'll invite my son, the heir to the throne, Crown Prince Sebastian Vanthorns Scheller, to say a few words."

The King turned to Sebastian, expecting him to take the microphone. Sebastian was uncertain about his father's intentions but made his way to the podium, where the King handed him the mic.

As he began his speech, whispers and admiration rippled through the crowd. Some were captivated by his striking looks, while others wished he would choose them as his future wife. Men both admired and resented him—admired him for his power, strength, and courage and resented him because their women couldn't take their eyes off him, even behind their masks.

Sebastian resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the comments he couldn't hear due to the masks. He completed his speech and scanned the crowd. His eyes locked onto a girl wearing an outfit identical to his, and it wasn't just the color; it was the same sequins, embroidery, and stones. Their gazes met, and he couldn't help but be curious about her. With a nod, he left the podium.

Unbeknownst to Sebastian, Aliena had observed him intently from her vantage point, standing next to Lydia, who couldn't take her eyes off her stepsister. Aliena was engrossed in watching the Crown Prince, her eyes fixed on his masked face.

What stunned her was the striking similarity between their attire, down to the finest details. Their dresses were identical in color, pattern, and design—right down to the sequins and stones. It was as if they were dressed in the same outfit.

Sebastian's gaze found hers in the crowd, and their eyes locked for a moment before he left the podium.

Aliena turned away, grateful that no one had noticed the silent exchange. She brushed the incident from her mind and decided to fully immerse herself in the enjoyment of the evening. Such opportunities didn't come along often, and she intended to make the most of it.

As the night unfolded, Aliena couldn't help her curiosity and found herself wandering away from her father and step-family. Her eyes darted from one captivating sight to another, and she couldn't suppress her sense of wonder.

Noticing a servant carrying a tray with glasses of red wine, she followed him, her throat parched. She recognized the wine as "blood wine" from its distinctive hue. Her thirst grew insatiable, and without hesitation, she approached the servant.

"Excuse me," she addressed him. The servant turned abruptly and bowed his head.

"I'll take four of those," Aliena requested.

Before the servant could react or offer a warning, Aliena had already seized four glasses and downed them in quick succession. The servant watched in wide-eyed astonishment. Blood wine was notorious for its potency, and even two glasses could be overwhelming. Yet Aliena had downed four.

Aliena's head began to spin, and she felt unsteady on her feet. She stumbled away from the hall before the servant could intervene. It felt as if she were floating on cloud nine when she collided with a solid chest.

"What the hell?" she blurted out, her words slurred. "Can't you watch where you're going, you good-for-nothing—"

Her ranting came to an abrupt halt as she looked up and locked eyes with none other than the Crown Prince, who had removed his mask. She squinted, her vision hazy from the wine, but Sebastian steadied her.

"Are you trying to gain my attention?" he asked, a note of cynicism in his voice, and gave her a devilish smile.