
fated to death

Most victim's are the ones we call villains: Jevis_508. ************ They will leave amongst you, will be cast out by all kinds, rejected by destined, looked upon as a curse.A savior to all kind they will become and destined to old souls they are, the seer chanted like a possessed soul in a hall of royalty and elders and the declaration of the prophecy has left everyone shaken except one man who sat with an unreadable expression, the crown Prince of Goderian, sat amist a group of royal and nobles lycans and dires with a rigid face and sharp eyes, whiles the rest were in shock and confused, he had know change of expression. ***************** How could his highness be destined to a mere human,who is viewed by his people as a weakling, they will only be disappointment and angry with such fate. So I will do you the honour, I Orana Hertta reject, before she could finish she was pulled roughly by a hand, before she could talk he yelled STOP THAT! you have been gifted to me and nothing will change that so you better get use to it, he replied. So what she yelled pushing against his chest, this definitely left him speechless as no one had the guts to even dare walk the same path with him without permission talk less of touching him, who else had the audacity if not she these little human girl destined to be his, his train of thoughts were broken when the woman in front of him snapped her finger in front of him. Pointing at him she warned, you do not own me, and I will never let you control me, if I want to stay out then I will, if I want to date someone then I will and if I feel like having a one fun night with a hot lycan then I will she declared and walked out. Orana whom hasn't had an easy life, not even when she was young was she spared, was destined to one of the most difficult men on earth and she had to deal with it. Orana is a 20 years old human with a dark past, wounded heart and a duty to the world and she has to bond with her destined to accomplish that but what happens when she is destined to a difficult and strong headed crown Prince. *************** This is a story about the golden Roses, gifted to old souls of broken hopes.

jevis_508 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

chapter 4; Goodbye

A mother isn't one who births, but one who raises and love with all their heart. Mother is a title but motherhood is a blessing. Jevis_508


A woman in a lovely red gown, hair done up in a messy pony, beautiful grey eyes which reflected a white light, the woman walked towards the bright light as though she was being pulled towards a votex of beautiful white stars.

The woman continued walking towards the light in the tunnel like place, she took calm steady steps approaching the light, she showed no fear as she felt no treat from the direction she walked rather she had felt so calm and serene as thought someone had placed a warm blank around her and Beethoven's himself was playing her one of her favorite master piece.

She continued until she saw a woman stand at the beginning of the light, the woman she saw can be described as an ethereal beauty stand in a shimmering white gown, her hair the purest of white, her face could not be seen by the woman as the light she emitted was almost too blinding.

The woman she stood in front of was the moon goddess, bowing in greeting to the goddess the woman whose name was Delphora rose to her full hight and enquired.

Why has the goddess of the moon summoned me to the holy realm.

A human child will grace your laps and another daughter you will have. The child is of fate and destined for greater things. With two arms you shall embrace the child and by your side she will rise and fulfill her destiny.

After the message the bright light began to dim until she felt a tap on her shoulder turning started she turned around only to find her daughter staring right at her with her forehead folded in worry, getting down on one knee she used her hand to rub off the folded skin.

What's the matter? my little brown ,you look tense she asked , mama I tried calling you so many times but you wouldn't answer, what happened to you her daughter enquired, pulling her daughter into her embrace she held her tight, nothing happened to mama, she is perfectly fine okay, the woman replied the little gir stared at her for some seconds before nodded head.


At the other end a panicking mother was, frantically packing up their things as her husband tried to came her down.

Please take it easy bunny you will hurt yourself her husband complained stretching his hand to grab the woman who was frantically walking around the room, How can I Zam, how can I she shouted, they have found us, they have found her she continued amist her sobb, you know they will harm her when they find her and the worst part is we do not know what they want or why they are after her, I thought she was safe this time selena said she was, for eight years we have lived in peace so what happened?, she was finally starting to have a normal life, my baby girl doesn't deserve this she was finally starting to accept others and associated she even went for a party today Zam a patry!, and now she has to go into hiding again, this is ruining and breaking our daughter Zam can't you see, she will go back to being that lonely girl who played alone in the playground, our daughter has been forced to grow up to early, each day it feels like her childhood is been chiseled away, make it stop please Zam, find a solution Zam I can't take it anymore, she can't take it anymore please, she cried hard in her husbands chest.

Watching his wife and daughter hurt this much was like torture to him, I will bunny, I will find a solution I promise and had sealed the promise with a kiss on her forehead.

The family of three had packed up their things, and after staring at the house for a few minutes, they had driving out of the house to a new hide out.

Father the new place we are going will it make mum happier, the little girl had asked which her father replied with a nodded whiles kissing the back of her hand, she is going to b....

Before he could even finish his sentence something had appeared in the middle of the road, an angry red eyes monster stood in front causing the car to swive and hit the tree, the three people inside were fortunately not heavily impacted by the bump, the first thing the father and mother did was turn to their daughter with a composed fornt they had kissed her and wished her a goodbye in the hearts.

Pink, yes mama the crying little girl answered,you know papa and mama loves you right, the little girl nodded, good girl her mother praised, trying to hold back her tears, she continued mama wants you to run in that direction she pointed towards the forest, do not look back okay no matter what you hear, she used her hands to wipe away the tears on the little girls eyes, mama and papa will be behind you, we will always be with you , both gave her a kiss before her mother whispered a go to her, the little girl took off running in the direction her mother pointed without looking back.

Her little legs only paused when she had a scream echo in the forest, wanting to go turn her mother's voice echoed in head, sobbing even more she had picked up her pace1, running deeper into the forest.