
Fated To Alpha Lyell

The war king - they call him. He's led many wars and won. He's a great pack leader, who rules his pack with love and pride. His people love and adore him. He is given respect wherever he steps. Who doesn't know Alpha Lyell Viceroy, the twenty-seven years old man who's taking the continent by storm. Which woman doesn't want to be in his bed? He has everything. The perfect face and body. A prosperous pack and riches. But his life isn't complete. He lacks one thing - his mate. He's searched far and wide for her. He isn't particularly desperate to find her. "What do I need a mate for?" He says but, with his position as Alpha getting threatened, he needs to find her. He was almost losing hope, until one night, he eventually finds her. Locking eyes with her, he had this urge to protect her from everything in the world. But there is a problem. She's human and also a sacred bone, a descendant from a betrayer clan. But there is something... something about their meeting. Maybe, just maybe, they might have met once. Maybe twice?

Nike_Lasho · Fantasía
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7 Chs

She Is My Mate!

A few Hours Ago

Lyell's Point Of View

"We're here, alpha."

But I never wanted to come. I could have just sent him a happy birthday letter by bird or something but mother insisted I must go. I mean...why? We were never on good terms with each other in the first place. Since he was introduced to me as my half-brother, we've been in each other's necks. I was seven then. I was out playing with my friends and came home that evening only to find a woman who looked quite younger than my mum and a boy who had a bratty look on his face. First time seeing him and he already looked unlikable.

"Who are they?" I remember asking. My dad pulled me close and replied, "say hi. He's your brother and he'll be staying with us from now on."

Brother? It seemed like a joke. How did it happen? The last time I checked, my mum only gave birth to two children. Mother took me in and explained everything to me. The woman I saw outside was my dad's mistress and the boy is her son.

"Did you know he had a mistress?" I asked her and she replied yes but I knew she lied. She lied not to make me worry and get in trouble with my father. Because if she had said no, that means dad cheated behind her back and I wouldn't have taken it lightly. He was three years older but I never respected him. In rank, I was higher because I am the legitimate child and the heir. He was just a mistress' child even though he was also an alpha. We competed for everything.

"Don't get into fights with him." My mother warned but a day wouldn't pass without us scratching each other's faces. We were the perfect description of cat and rat. When he clocked eighteen, he left the Western empire for the Eastern to grow his pack. He claimed he wouldn't let me rule over him and he succeeded. He established his pack and three years after, his mother joined him there. I heard his mum is remarried or something. I don't know. When father died, Valko and his mother never showed up to his burial and now I'm expected to show up to his birthday? I guess it's better for us to pretend to be friends than be enemies.

Mhm, Redblood Pack. I wonder what inspired him to name his pack that. Suits him though. It's been about six years since I've seen him. I wonder what he looks like now.

"This way, your majesty."

One of the guards led the way and I followed.

"Well if it isn't my little brother."

Gosh, his smirk is still ugly.

I put on a fake smile. "Hello, brother."

He opened his arms wide and hugged me. "How many years has it been? Seven?"

I chuckled. "Six years since you abandoned your pack."

"Oh brother, don't word it like that. You make me seem like a bad person."

Tch! This pretender.

"Come, have a seat."

He pulled me and made me sit beside him. I looked around the hall. Did he invite the whole pack to his birthday? The party is lavish and suits him perfectly. Some maids came around and arranged varieties of food on the table.

"I heard you just came back from war. Shouldn't you be recuperating? I mean... coming here would have been such a bother."

Don't act like you care, you shit face. "Nah. What kind of brother am I if I can't make time for my loving brother's birthday?"

"Wow." He hung his arm around my neck, grinning. "You must love me so much."

You wish!

"Of course, I do." I ruffled his hair. He glared at me secretly but I didn't fail to notice it. He soon forgot about me and started chatting with his men. Their conversation bored me to death. The only thing I could do to keep myself busy was to drink and watch the performance of the dancers. Gosh, I should have let Mingen follow me. I smirked smugly when I felt several pairs of eyes on me. I turned to the ladies and winked.

"Hi." I mouthed and they blushed. Feels good every time. I got up from my seat. Going someplace else is better than staying in the middle of this. As I took a step, I felt something thumping in my chest.

"What the hell?"

The thumps became louder and my chest began to burn. I dropped the cup of wine in my hands as my legs failed. What is this? Why is my heart hurting so badly?

"Lyell, are you alright?" I heard Valko ask but I couldn't answer. It was as if my head was being torn from inside. I gathered my strength and stood up. Looking forward, everything was blurry but I could see a white light. It was as if it was calling me. My legs moved on their own, approaching it. The more I moved closer to it, the clearer it became. I pushed away anyone in my way.

The pain was getting unbearable by the minute. I moved even closer and then I saw her, down on the ground about to get hit by someone. I quickly rushed to her and shielded her with my body. I got hit instead but I couldn't care less. The safety of the woman in my arms is my priority at the moment. She was quite shaken up. She gripped my arms with her trembling hands. My wolf was growling. I could feel this insane urge to protect her from every bad thing in the world. What am I supposed to say first?

I smiled at her and said. "Hi, I'm Lyell."

Shit! That was awkward. Twenty-seven years of waiting for my mate and that's the first thing I say to her?

"H...hi." She stuttered. My gosh, her eyes are so beautiful.


Her face held confusion for a while and it evolved into shock. She looked at me with widened eyes.

"Nice to meet you, mate." I say to her.

"What?!" She exclaimed. She looks like a bunny when she widens her eyes. A cute bunny. I looked around and that was when I realized all eyes were on us. She quickly stood up but she fell back down. Thankfully, I was quick to catch her in my arms and stood up with her.

"Let me down!" She yelled in a whisper.

"But you're holding me!" I yelled in the same tone she did, teasing her. She looked up at my face, glaring. I smiled and adjusted her in my arms.

"Hold on tight."

I turned to the door and walked out with her in my arms, ignoring the quizzical stares from the people.

"You...you can put me down now." She says in a low tone. I let her down and balanced her well on the ground but I didn't let go of her waist.

"Um...arms off the waist please."

"Oh... sorry." I let her go, clearing my throat awkwardly.


"What did you mean?"


"That word. If I heard correctly, you said mate. What did you mean by that?"

I tilted my head sideways, staring at her in amusement. "Are you kidding me right now?"

She shook her head innocently. I nodded and say, "what I meant was that you're my mate. As in...the woman I'm destined to be with. As in, chosen by the moon goddess."

"That is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible, darling."

I burst into laughter at the sight of her scrunched-up face.

She cocked her hips and folded her arms. "How do you know I'm your mate?"

"You felt it too, right? The heartbeat and head throbs. Didn't you feel your heart burning and your head almost exploding? Wasn't that why you were on the ground, shivering?"

"Wait." She raises her hand. "You mean that's the mate bond thingy?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"But... doesn't it have to do with rosy or woody scent in the air or something?"

I smirked teasingly and bent to her height. "You've read too much fictional books, darling," I say, my face a few inches from hers but she looked so unphased. Gosh, she gets more interesting by the minute. I leaned away and continued. "It's different for everyone."

Her 'I-don't-care' eyes were soon filled with realization. She grabbed a fistful of her hair and screamed.

Aleena's Point Of View

At first, I was like no, it's impossible. Mate? Maybe he was mistaken. I mean, sure I wished for it to happen and I've imagined this scenario countless times but is it actually happening? I never thought of that possibility. I must be dreaming. No, I must be completely out of my mind right now.

"No! There is no way this is real. This is completely impossible!"

"It's quite possible, sunshine."

I stopped in my pacing tracks and threw him a glare. Now that I take a good look at him, he's a hundred times better than his description. My gaze went to his face and I got lost in his jade eyes. I licked my lips at the sight of his plump lips.

"Are you listening?" His thick but calm voice snapped me out of my trance. He raised his thick, perfectly shaped, eyebrows teasingly and chuckled. What's with this man and chuckling? He brushed a strand of hair from his face and closed the gap between us. His brown hair is so beautiful and silky. Makes me wanna run my fingers through them.

"To be honest, I don't know the first thing about having a mate. You're my first."

Should I be honored?

"But what I know is..." He paused and stared down at my face for some time. "What's your name?"


"I wanna protect you from everything, Aleena."

His whisper almost caused me to cream myself. It was like a magnetic attraction, I could not look away from his face. Dang! He's so attractive. He has such a symmetrical face that's just so perfect. When he smiles, his perfect sharp jawline becomes more alluring. I never find facial hair attractive but his bristle is doing some unexplainable things to me. Is it the mate bond? Maybe. Or I'm just lusting after a man I just met.

"Alpha Lyell." I managed to say. He took his eyes away from my lips to look at me. He was about to say something when someone said...

"What's going on here?" We turned to the owner of the voice. I prayed for the ground to swallow me when I saw Alpha Valko approaching. Alpha Lyell on the other hand looked so unaffected.

"Hi, brother." He casually greeted.

"You shouldn't be seen with such a thing, brother. What are you doing with the maid?" Alpha Valko demanded. Alpha Lyell raised his hand, "please excuse me."

He then turned to me. "I wanna ask for your permission."


"Do you want me to take you out of here? If you wanna stay..." He swallowed, reluctance evident in his eyes. "I'll let you stay. I don't wanna do anything you wouldn't want."

Wow. I'm speechless at this point.

"Answer me, Aleena. Do you wanna leave with me as my Luna?"

Your Luna?

I'm still unsure about all these but there was something about his eyes. I breathed in and nodded. "Yeah."

He grinned in satisfaction and winked before he faced Alpha Valko.

"You'll respect her because she is my mate!" He pronounced with authority.