

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · Fantasía
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96 Chs




It was a while after the werewolves,vampires and fairies were hunted down and killed . The humans believed that we were all extinct. I was seated in the school's library reading a book about a young lone wolf with goosebumps rushing all over my body, just like me all her kind were murdered and she was trying to go through life on her own . Tears swelled in my eyes as I remembered the events that led me on a life's journey as a lone wolf and in a new territory,pack and the new school Mooncrest Senior high school without family or friends.


I remembered the day when I had gotten from school and walked into my home and my instincts went off, something was just not right at home.

The door of the pack house was cracked open which was so unusual. We never left the door open no matter what. I pushed the door wide open and my mouth went agape at the terrible sight before me.

The alpha of my pack who happened to be my father and the Luna my mother were lying on a pool of cold blood with both their eyes wide opened starring blankly into the air, I sniffed into the air trying to pick the scent of how many people were in the house, but the scent was covered with very strong air freshener scent.

I knelt down beside my parents and let out a loud howl trying to get help from my pack members but after howling and howling there was no response from any of the other wolves which made me know that something bad happened to my pack.

I could not shift into a wolf because I had not turned eighteen years yet but the anger and bitterness in me almost made me to shift. I ran upstairs to every room, the beta had also been killed in cold blood. With his wife and kids. That was the same to every other wolf in the pack house making me know that it was the wolves and vampire hunters who had done that.

For a very long time there was a row between vampires and wolves. The vampires didn't want anything to do with wolves because they thought that we (wolves) were evolving and becoming the best we could be and they thought that we would rule over them. They partnered with humans to kill us but the humans when they understood their weakness also went after them fearing that they (vampires) might also come to rule over them.

After that terrible incident, I had gathered a few clothes in a backpack, opened my parents safe and money was still untouched inside. I took all of it in a suitcase and dragged it with me downstairs . I looked at my parents bodies one more time. I couldn't bury them because it would raise questions from the humans and with that they would do anything to find out what happened to the bodies and they would soon come after me . I wanted to stay alive to take revenge for their deaths either way.

I looked at them and knelt beside them, I closed their eyes and wept before a scent hit my nostrils!

" F***ng humans!" I uttered and walked through the back door and into the pack forest. For once, I wished that I had already shifted because a shifted wolf can run faster than a Lamborghini in its top speed. Since I had not shifted yet ,I had to walk through the forest as a human, but with my heightened hearing sense of a wolf and smelling sense I could hear and smell humans from miles away and cunningly avoided their paths.

I walked for two days and nights, through the forest, crossing rivers and streams. Stopping to rest and to catch a breath at night but I couldn't sleep with the images of my parents flooding my mind . I stopped at the borders of our pack and the neighbouring pack which made me almost got choked with my own saliva when I met with humans at the border patrolling and I knew the same thing that had happened to our pack had happened to our neighbors.

" Move and I will shoot your brains off!" A cold thrilling voice snapped from behind me and I knew the cold metal on my head was a gun. I stopped at my tracks. I couldn't get the scent of the person behind me due to the cologne he was wearing.

" Now with your hands above your head where I can see them, turn around slowly and don't try any tricks. " The person ordered and I immediately obeyed. Did I mention that I was afraid of death? If there was anything I was truly scared of was death.

I imagined my beautiful brains spluttered on the ground and I shook with chills. "She is cold, get me a cover. " The man said again and a hypothermia cover was thrown at him and he gave it to me.

" Are you a vampire, a wolf or a human? " The man asked when I had wrapped the cover over my body. He was looking so unfriendly and the black eye patch covering one of his eyes made him look more sinister,it gave him a pirate look or should I say a Ruger look but he was too cute to be ignored. Somehow I felt safe with him. I gathered my courage and asked him , " That would have been the first question you could have asked me before covering me up. Are you going to cover me up and then shoot me if you find out that I am a wolf or vampire?"

" Yeah ,I will shoot you as soon as I find out that you are either a vampire or a wolf, so what are you? " He gritted his jaws.

" Find out for yourself because you won't believe me by the word of my mouth!" I said arrogantly. I expected him to smile but he didn't. Instead he called someone else and the person came and pulled me away with him. I was taken to a room that looked like a lab and had something like a helmet put on my head , it had wires that were connected to a computer and the man with a patch on his eyes walked into the room and asked, " The results? "

The man who took me away said, "It's negative she is human. " The eye patched man squinted his eyes in disbelief. He didn't believe the results and I knew I had only passed the test because I was not a full blown wolf since I was under eighteen. He then coldly asked me: "What were you doing in wolves territory ? "

There and then I knew I had to come up with a good lie if I was to remain alive and avenge my parents death:

" I was working as a maid in one of the houses in the Brooks wolf pack. I went to the stream for a bath and when I came back, I found my bosses and kids all killed, I had to walk away and get a fresh start."

" Mmmh I see.... What is in the bag and suitcase? " He asked. I had to say the truth in case he went through my bags and found out I was lying, he would refute everything I said before. " Erm , it's a few clothes and a suitcase full of cash, I stole from my dead boss, a girl has to survive you know, I want to do something better for myself you know." I said and a faint smile lined his lips before it disappeared.

After a few minutes of interrogation, asking my name,how old I was and everything. He gave me a card which was pass-card to be given access anywhere in the pack and he asked me if I wanted to stay in that territory. I nodded Yes. I was exhausted and needed somewhere to rest. After all I didn't want to keep moving. The Mooncrest pack was the largest and highly guarded,if I hid well no one would ever suspect that I was a wolf.

He ordered one of the men to drop me in the pack house for the night before I could figure out where to stay the next day. When we were almost leaving the lab, he shouted. "Hunter ." My heart skipped a beat was he a hunter ? Was he going to kill anyways.

" What? " I shouted back in a trembling voice. I fear death remember?

" Hunter Allan, that's my name Ania Talia. " I smiled and walked out following the other man.

Driving through the town I realized that humans had taken over everything and everywhere and my heart crinched in pain because humans were playing God, deleting our kind.


"Ania,the bell has rung its time to lock the library ." The library prefect gently mentioned and I nodded. I stashed back the book I had on the shelves , swung my back pack over my shoulders and started walking to the hostel. It was one week since I got there and I hadn't made any friends yet. In fact I was totally avoiding making friends so that they won't know that I wasn't human.


I watched the new girl walk out of the building from my class which was a floor below mine. I was standing at the large glass wall facing outside. She walked in quick faint steps with her head bowed to the ground, she was clearly scared. Man! my heart wasn't beating, it was thumping against my ribcage! Ania was my mate. I knew that from the moment she came to the pack border where I was patrolling.


I had gone into the woods to take a pee when I picked up a scent of a wolf, not any other wolf but a Lycan wolf scent. The lycans wolves were the fastest and the strongest of all wolves species but they were nothing compared to us the vampires we were the greatest. Especially a hybrid vampire like me. The scent became stronger, "F**ng werewolf." I cursed under my breath and I loaded a silver bullet in my gun nothing killed a wolf but silver or wolfsbane anything else they heal from it . I was a vae-wolf a hybrid, mixture of a vampire and a wolf. I could survive in either of their colonies pretty well and I could easily pass as a human too.

You see , I believed I was the among the few remaining vampires in the world when humans attacked killing almost all of my kind. l had done a good job blending well with the humans that they never suspected anything to a point of joining them in their patrols also finishing off wolves and hiding the vampires in plain sight in the Mooncrest pack where humans had taken over.

" How did this wolf survive, we had massacred an entire pack days ago." I said to myself circling the wolf who was alone ,I came up from behind her.

The girl stopped at her tracks in shock when she noticed the humans patrol. She wanted to turn around and flee but I crept from behind her and roared: " Move and I will blow your brains off! ." She froze.

I placed the already cocked gun on her head ready to fire when her scent hit me again and my wolf growled, "MATE." Inside of my head. " F**k... What.... Her?" I muttered to my wolf in my head and it replied, " Yes her this gal is our fated mate." I shook my head to silence my wolf and it growled in annoyance but it shut up.

" Put your hands in the air where I can see them and turnaround slowly." She immediately obeyed. I saw her shiver then asked for a cover for her. She seemed stubborn by how she talked back at me but I was cool with it ,she was my mate . I also realized she was not a fully blown wolf because if she was, she would have known I was her mate instantly.

We did a test which she passed as human again because she was underage. I knew there and then that I had to protect her after all she was my mate. I asked one of our patrols to take her to the pack house of the former alpha of the pack after she agreed to stay. I watched as she entered into the patrol car then they drove away.

Later on that same day when my shift ended, I walked into the pack house, my eyes roaming over the living area, I didn't get a glimpse of Ania! "Where is she?" I asked Joe the beta of the former pack a wolf that I spared his life after he begged me not to kill him on the night that we had ambushed the Mooncrest pack,till then I never fathomed why I spared him . I still remember the gun I held up in his throat but I found myself changing my mind after his pleas .

" Who are you asking after alpha?" Joe asked and I threw him down on the floor. " How many times have I asked you not to call me that, I am not your alpha, your alpha is dead ." I roared with my feet on his chest.

" Alpha Hunter is everything alright,are you two fighting? " One of the little kids asked from behind me and I removed my feet from his chest, extended my hands to him and pulled him up with one yank. " This alpha thing is all you, make sure it stops my name is Hunter, only Hunter." I hissed straightening his collars and he nodded .I twirled around ,met the girl, I saw the terror in her eyes prompting me to scoop her and told her the same thing that I didn't want to be called an alpha. " Other than that Joe and I were only playing. Not fighting" She nodded after I said that.

She was an orphan after her vampire parents were killed almost every person in the pack house was an orphan or abandoned child. " Have you seen the new girl, little one? " I asked the little girl as I walked with her to the kitchen. Placing her on the kitchen island, I walked to one of the freezers and pulled out a bar of chocolates. I walked to the sink washed my hands and ran a kitchen towel through water making it wet.

I then walked to the little girl and wiped her hands clean with it, before breaking the chocolate bar into two,I gave one to the girl and ate the one before asking her again if she had seen Ania.

" She was taken to the newbies room, she has not left there since she went in." The girl told me.

" Hey you go and tell the new girl to meet me in my office in ten minutes. " I said pointing at one of the cooks,I believed by then that she had already been given the house tour. " Yes alpha.," She said and I clicked my tongue as she walked away. " I don't know why you get irritated when you are called alpha ,it suits you by the way." The little girl told me as she bit into her chocolate.

" It is because I am not an alpha, alphas are for wolves, we the vampires don't have that. " I said scooping her up again and walking out with her back to the living room where almost every one was seated watching a TV show. Most of them were toddlers to teenagers and a few young adults making the pack house to be occupied by close to 25 of us excluding the staff.

" Go and watch with the rest ,I have something to attend to will you?" I told the girl who was already getting comfortable in my arms , she wriggled out of my hold when I placed on the floor before she ran to one of the ladies. I smiled as she sat besides her to watch.

" Tv off in ten minutes and dinner in twenty, lights off in an hour you all have classes tomorrow" I roared and they chorused. " Yes alpha." I opened my mouth to say something but words failed so I just turned around walking into my office.

Ania was standing next to the table desk when I walked in , she almost jumped out of her skin when she saw me. It wasn't surprising I knew the mate bond was already forming.

" Please sit down ." I said pulling a chair for her and she slid on it making herself comfortable. " I didn't know you were the alpha of this pack." She said and I boiled over.

" I am only going to say this one more time ,I am not an alpha!" I thundered and the next thing that I heard is the sound of her chair scraping the floor and before I knew it she was at the door trying to find her way out. Thankfully vampires move with a speed of the sound and in a second I was standing in front of her blocking her. She bumped into me as she was not expecting while I smiled seeing the shock on her face.

I looked at her round beautiful face with big eyes, for the first time I really took in her beauty and man! she was the definition of beauty and gorgeous. I could not stop my hand from touching her face with the back of it. All this while my wolf was screaming MATE, MATE ! MATE ! in excitement . And I did everything I could to restrain myself from kissing her at that point.

My mate's bond was strong but I knew I had to wait for my mate to find out on her own that she was my mate, before I could act on my feelings. " I am sorry for scaring you,I didn't mean to." I said softly.

" How did you get from you chair to the door in a split second?" Ania asked.

" I didn't it's a fragment of your imagination. Allow me to walk you back to your sit please." I offered . I smiled when she took my hand that I had extended to her. A tingling sensation rushing all over me. "You wanted to see me?" She asked.

"Yes I want us to talk about, your plans and your next move. " I said . We talked for almost one hour and in that one hour I had convinced her to stay at the pack and enroll in the pack's school, so that she could continue with her studies after promising her that I would get her place in the hostel.The office phone rang interrupting us,it was Joe informing me that dinner was on the table. I loved when we all ate together.

I stood up and helped my mate to her feet. " You might consider opening a bank account to keep your money,it isn't advisable to walk around with such cash." I told her that and she accepted . We walked down the hallway into the huge dinning area and everyone went silent when they noticed me ,I knew they really respected me but I hoped it was only that and not fear.

" Good evening everyone! " I said and they chorused.

" Good evening alpha." I didn't object I was already tired of objecting.

"This is Ania Talia. She is new here and she has agreed to join us ." I continued and I paused as they clapped. " I expect that everyone of you will welcome her warmly and extend your friendship to her, who knows she might be the next Luna of our pack now that you think I am your alpha." They all laughed and I watched as she took an empty seat on the table that she was offered. As others greeted her while others didn't.

Dinner was soon over and everyone left for their rooms except my friend Mylar. " A wolf,..... Hunter? A f***ng lycan wolf? Two wolves in this territory Joe and her prepare for a wolf uprising because those two can fill this territory with baby wolves in no time and out number us. Kill them now before they start breeding." Mylar said .

" They wouldn't dare breed Mylar ,they will be under my strict scrutiny furthermore I am a hybrid mixture of a wolf too, they are under my protection too as part of them. " I replied.

" Why her and why Joe, Hunter haven't you been wiping out all of their kind, what's so special about them? She asked and fumed. " Are you questioning me Mylar? All of you are alive because of me, including you, Joe and Ania and everyone of you in this pack and territory of this kind. If you want me to kill them I might as well start with everyone of our kind in this house and beyond." I snapped getting angry that she wanted me to kill my mate. The mate bond can never allow that, it fights for their loves to the last drop of blood.

" I am sorry alpha. I know Joe being a wolf already knows that Ania is a wolf and not a vampire . I know it won't be long before all the other vampires in this territory know that there are two pure breed wolves in this territory,what makes you think that they won't come after them? She asked.

" It is your work to make sure that no one absolutely no one ever finds out, the way Joe has not been discovered make sure Ania won't be discovered either or it's your head I will be coming for first." I declared.

" Yes alpha Hunter, I will take my leave now." She said and walked away.

The next day I watched as Ania sprayed a special cologne on herself and took some suppressors to mask her scent after explaining to her that was our norm. Since I was going to the school to train I drove her to school ,made sure she was registered and given a room in the ladies hostel.


Mylar's scent hit my nostrils and without turning around I asked her, " Ania has been here for a while now, how is she fairing on?"

" She is very anti-social, she doesn't talk to anyone else except you, even in class she doesn't raise her hands to answer questions unless you specifically ask her ,she even requested for her own room ,she doesn't want to share her space with no one, but study wise she is catching up pretty well either she is book smart or in her former school they were ahead of the syllabus. Her anti-socialism is my main concern now,she doesn't join others in the cafeteria or anywhere else ,I don't know what's up with her. Can I book her in for guiding and counseling? Just Incase it's psychological? " She said.

" No .....Thank you. I will personally talk to her." I said. Putting my hands in my pocket I started walking away.

" You have a unique interest in this gal huh." Mylar spoke from behind but I didn't turn around or answer her instead I continued walking away .I didn't want anyone knowing she was my mate yet, I didn't want her to be treated differently until she found out for herself that she was. I walked to my car wondering how I could help my mate to mingle with others.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I Hope you enjoy the ride. Remember



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