
Chapter 15

The door had a sense of mystery that seems to call her .

Its origins were shrouded in mystery, and the writing on the door was in a language that nobody in the estate seemed to understand. They simply referred to it as the "Language of the Ancients."

With her heart pounding in her chest, Althea came face to face with that very door. The enigmatic symbols carved into the wood were beautifully intricate, their meaning eluding her completely. Althea had a strong hunch that this door held secrets, and she was determined to uncover them.

Just as she was about to reach out and touch the door, an old lady suddenly appeared out of thin air, as if she had materialized from nowhere. She wore a flowing, cobweb-thin gown, and her eyes bore a wisdom that transcended time. A faint shimmer surrounded her, suggesting that she was no ordinary woman.

"You aren't allowed in there," the old lady said, her voice a soft, haunting melody.