

What if twins were born in the present, one the embodiment of a strong cultivator from the past and the other resurrected after living 100 years into the future? This is the story of younger brother York McLean, the freedom seeker, who was resurrected back into his original body after living 100 years of humiliation and slavery, and the story of older brother Ares McLean, who seeks revenge after being betrayed and killed in the past. Amid the chaos of the past, present, and future, both brothers make their way in pursuit of their own goals in a private world where humans are one of several dominant races.

KAITO_RB · Fantasía
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19 Chs


York left the Academy heading to City Affairs Administration Building.

Today, he was planning to take his share of the inheritance left by his parents to him and his brother Ares.

The McLean family was one of the noble families in Sun City, so they owned a lot of property.

York was planning to acquire the magic stones as his share of the inheritance, leaving Ares various estates owned by his parents.

Magic stones represent the currency agreed upon around the world, so York wanted to use them to speed up his plans.

He didn't think much about Ares' opinion because he knew his brother had ways of making a higher income from these properties, which was what happened in his previous life before the decline.


Ares stood in front of an inn with an old signboard that said 'Heaven's eye' and trembled.

Why was he staying in such a shabby inn?

He didn't think about it for long because he quickly pushed the door of an inn and entered.


"Welcome," the middle-aged innkeeper greeted Ares. It wasn't a very kind attitude. He had a cigarette in his mouth as he watched Ares and asked bluntly having seen the clothes he wears, "Are you a noble? There is no way such a person would come look for a room in this shabby place. Why have you come?"

"I am looking for someone. I think they've started staying here yesterday."

"...So, You are a noble."

The innkeeper quietly put out the cigarette. His attitude suddenly became polite and he guided Ares to the innermost room on the second floor. "Sir, the one you have been waiting for has come."


The door of the room opened by itself while Ares was feeling surprised. The sight seen through the open door was completely different from Ares's expectations. The room inside the old, small inn was unbelievably large and gorgeous. It was reminiscent of the palace where the lord of Sun City stayed and maybe better.

Ares entered the room only to stiffen like a statue.

A long table filled with delicacies. One man was sitting alone in front of it and eating. The movement of the fork and knife was a classic. The classic music that spread out in the background from the moment he entered the room seemed to enhance the dignity of the man.

The situation seemed peaceful and completely contradictory to the chaos taking place outside.

Ares was overwhelmed. The man's Aura—Ares felt a huge pressure and couldn't move due to the Aura coming from the man with yellow hair.

The man who was still sitting with his back to the breathless Ares spoke after chewing the meat in his mouth, "It seems 'Heaven's eye' food has never changed over the past one hundred years."


The eyes on Ares's face shook, with shortness of breath.

Dragon Words—every single word spoken by the man contained a great power that exerted force on the world. This force was as high as the man's aura and crushed Ares.

"When I wake up every 100 years, the first thing that comes to mind is food. For me, the food is one of the few or perhaps the only thing I miss."

" I hate looking so I usually choose the same places every time to eat, and 'Heaven's Eye' was one of these places. But if I get bored with someone's food, I usually get rid of it and what surrounds it."

"I want to thank you. Just a little while ago, I was thinking about destroying this City. But thanks to you, 'Anomaly', those who live on this island have been able to get a second chance."

'Second Chance, huh.' Ares thought.

"And since you know our habits, you know that you can make one request, I won't ask for the reason for the anomaly and I won't look into it any further, so mention your request. "

Dragons were different from the rest races. Friendship might not be possible but they weren't clear enemies.

In their habits, if a beginner succeeds in getting to know them, this is proof of his talent, so they are given a chance. But this opportunity is also a test, if you fail to win the dragon's attention or your order is overpriced, you won't gain anything.

And here was one of the great dragons, a dragon with three horns, the dragon of time, Ashcroft.

For this reason, Ares had asked to be given time to reflect on his request last night.

After he gathered himself, his lips moved, announcing his request:

"My request is..."