

What if twins were born in the present, one the embodiment of a strong cultivator from the past and the other resurrected after living 100 years into the future? This is the story of younger brother York McLean, the freedom seeker, who was resurrected back into his original body after living 100 years of humiliation and slavery, and the story of older brother Ares McLean, who seeks revenge after being betrayed and killed in the past. Amid the chaos of the past, present, and future, both brothers make their way in pursuit of their own goals in a private world where humans are one of several dominant races.

KAITO_RB · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Edward Wesker

Sun City, City lord Palace.

A brightly lit magnificent hall.

The ivory-white stone walls were without any decorations. Under the lighting, the criss-cross lines formed into Inscriptions of the Sun could be seen. The up-and-down crude and unrestrained style, instead of giving a messy and disordered feeling, was giving an imposing, majestic feeling.

In one of the halls of the palace, Lord of City, Edward Wesker, was sitting dressed in a dark red resplendent shield with intricate engravings covering the entire him, and one of his hands was supporting his head against the chair, eyes closed and contemplating. The armor on his chest was bright and beautiful like a white jade, and the inscriptions were faintly flashing with a flowing light, looking very luxurious.

Suddenly, Edward Wesker opened his eyes, and then glanced towards the assistant to the side, asking: " Adolf, how are the preparations going on for our troops?"

Adolf, who wears a red headband bearing the inscription of the sun and with the number 1 on it, was the first elder in Sun City and the second person in command after the lord of the city.

"My Lord, as of now we have already mustered 2,000 Inscription Masters. They have all answered the summons and are prepared to have the life and death battle with that Dawn and Star City !" Adolf's eyes were glinting with a cruel light and he couldn't suppress the excitement from his words.

"Only 2,000 Inscription Masters? Too few, have they all forgotten the pride of a Sun City? And is Dawn and Star City so easy to get along with, I cannot allow Sun City to perish in their hands! "

Edward Wesker suddenly stood up, his voice was angry and displeased, and his dark brown hair was standing erect. Instantly a level five inscription master aura swept across the entire palace.

Edward Wesker, though wildly ambitious, did his best for the entire Sun City; he was not willing to see her fall.

Edward Wesker had long ago felt that Dawn and Star City's monitoring of the Sun City had increased a little, this was considered humiliating to Edward. Could die on the battlefield but cannot accept to live like livestock who are being watched by others.

Therefore, Edward had long ago started to accumulate strength, waiting to have a showdown with Dawn City and Star City.

However, many people in Sun City do not understand this as a large number of Inscription Masters don't care about putting the interest of Sun City at the expense of their own.

" My Lord, we are still two years away from the schedule, more Inscription Masters will certainly organize for us over time."

"Anything else?" Lord of Sun City replied.

" Nothing, My Lord."

" What about the third elder, isn't there any news about why he suddenly disappeared?"

" No, we haven't been able to find any trace of the third elder yet."

"Strange, it is not his habit to be absent from the gathering without prior permission. Step up searches, I want him kneeling in front of me by tomorrow morning."

"As you wish, my lord." He bent down a little before, turning around and walking outside the palace.

As he came out, a malicious smile slowly began to form.

"As you wish."

In the magnificent palace hall, only Lord of City, Edward Wesker, was left sitting on the chair with his eyes closed, who knows what he was thinking.


Early the next morning, the residents of the City of the Sun woke up to the sound of loud sirens.

Some took the curtains away and opened the windows to take a look at what was happening.

Everyone could see the engraving masters of all ages, young and old, running back and forth in a panic, and it seemed like they were looking for something.

Houses and shops were forcibly raided to search them amid surprised, fearful, and angry screams.

One of them couldn't hold himself back after seeing his family panicked and his children crying and he stumbled to catch one of the inscription Masters who looked young and young.

" What's going on? What are you looking for?"

The young inscription master looked at the man who looked old and then gave a glimpse to the children who had not stopped crying before saying with regret:

" Sorry, it is the order to search all the houses and various facilities in the city. The third elder was found dead on the doorstep of the city's Lord's Palace, so the whole city is in a state of emergency."

With this, the young master of engraving turned around and left the house for the house next door, leaving the man whose face was painted with expressions of disbelief.

Not far, inside the academy, can hear a sigh sound: " It started."

York looked at the chaos that was beginning to form, weaving the most appropriate plan to make some gains.