
Fate: Why Don't you Find Another Savior

Tatsuya Suzuki recalled the moment he first stepped into the Holy Grail War. Perhaps fate had already been arranged: he was thrown into the Kingdom of Shadows without knowing anything and became a disciple of Scathach. He was entrusted by Kirei to raise his daughter Caren, which he was unable to do, and adopted his second daughter Sakura from Tokiomi. When Fuyuki's child-rearing life had just begun, he was chosen by the Holy Grail and given a Command Seal. He planned to summon Berserker to join the war, but instead, the famous magician Fairy Princess Morgan appeared. "Anyway, I'm always being pushed forward, so I might as well be one step ahead," he thought. Unless, even this idea was part of the calculation. For Advanced Chapters join my Patreon: patreon.com/Nis74 Please Note: I do not own anything in this fanfiction. The copyright belongs to their respective creators.

Nis74 · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 29: There are a lot of "guests" tonight

Keyneth used the "Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid" to defend himself

At the same time, Kiritsugu Emiya, who was waiting for the opportunity in another room of the castle, confirmed through the surveillance cameras in the hall that Morgan was fighting Kayneth.

He immediately ran to Irisviel's room, intending to take this opportunity to kidnap the innocent children brought by Suzuki as a means of forcing them to use the Command Spells to make their Servants commit suicide.


"The door... is gone?"

Kiritsugu stood by the wall where the guest room should have been, but he couldn't see the door.

He reached out and touched the wall, clearly feeling the magic coming from it, proving that there was a barrier interfering with the perception of the five senses.

"I see." Kiritsugu smiled sarcastically, understanding the current situation.

"Is that Kiritsugu? Kiritsugu, are you outside?"

Irisviel's voice came through the wall.

"Iris, you are safe in there, don't worry."

Knowing that the other party had prepared enough backup plans, Kiritsugu abandoned the hostage plan.

At that moment, he saw a line of words appear on the wall and then gradually disappear.

"The innocent shall pass."


Kiritsugu didn't expect such a barrier. He felt a surge of anger at being ridiculed.

He didn't know that this was not an ordinary barrier at all, but the "Courtyard" among the four major types of magic that Morgan excelled at—"Mirror," "Coffin," "Courtyard," and "Tower."

This was called the "Garden of Innocence" and was the same type of magic that imprisoned the Flower Magician Merlin.

However, Emiya Kiritsugu did not have time to explore the details. Irisviel's voice could be clearly heard through the wall, and her sudden rapid low cry was also audible.

"What's wrong, Iris!"

"There are new invaders coming towards the castle from other routes," Irisviel hurriedly told Kiritsugu.

Kiritsugu couldn't help but let out a wry smile, "There are really a lot of guests here tonight."

"...Kiritsugu, the person who came… is Kotomine Kirei." Irisviel confirmed it and told Kiritsugu.

This answer gave Kiritsugu a headache.

Saber was fighting Caster, Morgan stayed in the castle to fight Kayneth and was responsible for protecting Tatsuya Suzuki's two adopted daughters.

Given Morgan's situation, as long as the new enemy did not involve those two children, there was no way she could help resist.

"Maiya and I will go there."

Kiritsugu raised the automatic rifle in his hand.

Even though he had regarded Kotomine Kirei as the most dangerous enemy in this Holy Grail War from the beginning and had been on guard against him at all times, Kiritsugu did not want to confront him so early.

It was obvious that, just as Kiritsugu had noticed Kirei early on, Kirei had also been keeping an eye on Kiritsugu for a long time, and had seized this window of opportunity to break into the Einzbern Forest alone.

This was a change that didn't fit into Kiritsugu's plan, but it was just right because he had no worries at the moment.

Even he was blocked from entering the barrier, so Kotomine Kirei had no chance of breaking in.

Iris is safe and sound, but Saber is bleeding.

After making up his mind, Kiritsugu immediately left the castle with his assistant Maiya, preparing to set a trap in the forest to stop Kotomine Kirei.

Kiritsugu Emiya breathed in the cold, damp air of the forest, which was completely different from the Einzbern Forest in Germany.

He couldn't quite remember.

How long has it been since I stepped onto a battlefield where the odds of victory were unpredictable?


Thirty-two, or thirty-three?

In less than a minute, Artoria killed one sea monster after another in a blood-thirsty manner. She couldn't count how many sea monsters had multiplied.

She just had a vague feeling that this would be a longer minute than she had ever expected.

Looking back at Suzuki, his body had been stained by the blue-black liquid of the sea monster, but he was indifferent and was still concentrating on preparing the magic.

Caster was well aware of the danger posed by Tatsuya Suzuki. Even though he ignored his presence emotionally, he did not relax rationally at all.

Gilles de Rais used the treasure "Prelati's Spellbook" in his hand to the maximum extent, ignoring the terrain disadvantage and speeding up the summoning of sea monsters. Even he himself was overwhelmed by the sea monsters, making it impossible to act.


Artoria silently set a number in her heart with the heaviest tone.

The forty-sixth one.

Even with enough magical power to support her, she tried her best to create a circle around Suzuki. However, just as she tried to continue swinging the invisible sword, a sea monster took the opportunity to entangle her left wrist.

Artoria roared and cut off the tentacle.

But this also brought a glimmer of opportunity, as a sea monster pounced on Suzuki from behind, and was about to devour him and the unconscious boy.


When Artoria shouted a warning, Suzuki clenched his fists, turned back calmly, and glanced at the larger sea monster.

Caster showed a strange smile that no one could see, looking forward to getting a large amount of magical power replenishment after the sea monster devoured Suzuki.

Two sharp rays of red and yellow cut the sea monster in half.

Instead of sitting on the mountain and watching the fight, waiting for the result to be revealed and then looking for an opportunity to kill Caster, Diarmuid followed his heart and rescued Suzuki and Artoria.

"Lancer..." Artoria was very surprised.

Suzuki gave a faint smile, "Be prepared to resist the impact of magic, Saber, Lancer!"

He opened his hands again, and a rune flashed by.

"Wild Thunder."

As the words were spoken, blinding lightning flashed from the void, sweeping across the battlefield, and neither the sea demon nor Caster was spared.

Artoria and Diarmuid subconsciously moved closer to Suzuki, using their anti-magic powers to block the aftermath of the great magecraft.

The sea monsters could not withstand the lightning under such huge magical power. After a brief irregular spasm, they burst and exploded like balloons filled with water.

Electric currents flowed through the moist soil soaked with blood, and the grass and trees gradually became charred and dry, as if they had been devastated by a disaster.

"This is..." Diarmuid was amazed.

"...The real great magic." Artoria murmured in a low voice.

It lasted for less than ten seconds before quickly dissipating, leaving only a devastated battlefield and electric currents that were still flowing from time to time.

As for Caster, the moment the magic was activated, he realized that the battle situation was beyond his expectations and evacuated urgently.

This was probably also included in what he called "full preparation."

"Since you stood up for me just now, I will let your Master go tonight, Lancer." Suzuki said lightly, as if the scene in front of him had nothing to do with him. He carried the boy towards the castle, "Next time, I will come in person."

"I'm Grateful..."

The moment he saw Tatsuya Suzuki, Lancer already knew what kind of enemy Keyneth had encountered.

And the other party generously chose to let him go.

"I'm sorry, it's not time to rest yet, my husband."

Then, after telling him about the battle situation at Suzuki Castle, Morgan added in a lighthearted tone.


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