
Fate/True Jujutsu

Gojo's revived by a sheer miracle and knowing that he will never win against Sukuna himself, he sacrifices his life for one final attack. Infinity X Infinity creates a huge time space distortion and with a final smile. he looks at the King of Curses and utters the most annoying sentence Sukuna would ever hear. "Hey, love is kinda strong too, don't you think? I- No, WE won." This is the tale of- Huh? What do you mean Sukuna is the MC? (Cover from here (h)ttps://medibang.com/picture/qu2105251551395690004069478/ this was before Sukuna even possessed Megumi, a true Nostradamus)

True_Shigimmy · Cómic
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4 Chs

New World, New Jail, Same Goal 4

The fight started almost instantly, Heracles noticed the shift in power of who was facing him.

Ritsukuna was live.

"Huh, I expected mo-" He was promptly cut off, as with speed betraying his bulky look, Heracles broke expectations and was en route to smashing Ritsukuna, which he promptly blocked with his newly found Mana Burst.

That's right, Ritsukuna was going to play a bit.

However, he massively miscalculated, not only the speed but the strength of Heracles too, his arm was crushed, nay, his arm held off so much force it got amputated by sheer force.

Everyone saw this happen and was severely shocked, but they kept running. Mash was a thinking of going to help, but Fou made her remember to trust in Ritsukuna.

"Huh. Well, I'm sorry, I guess you are worth the praise, Berserker." Ritsukuna said, catching his arm mid air and regenerating it with RCT.

'I'm not going to play around after all, this one's strong.'

Ritsukuna switched to CE and rushed forward, he tried to punch but it barely dented the skin of Heracles.

And, once again, Ritsukuna massively, underestimated Heracles.

He was not only strong, fast, but tough as all hell too.

"And you also have immortality to top all this off? Man, you sure are a real monster, Berserker!" Ritsukuna grinned, a good fight is always welcome.

He tried using dismantle, but it didn't work and promptly dodge another strike, causing the land below to crater in. Archer watched, almost laughing at how dumb this plan was.

'Is this their plan against Berserker? To buy time?' Archer said, he debated following the runaways but in the next moment his eyes were glued to the fight.

Ritsukuna used his new found Cursed Mana Burst (CMB) after ducking from Heracles' swipe, launching an uppercut to the gut, the force of the punch was strong enough to propel Heracles a few meters off the ground and Ritsukuna followed by a spinning back elbow, fueled by the same CMB.

Heracles, who had no feet on the ground heeded to physics and flew horizontally to a bunch of trees. Ritsukuna, followed through, attempting a stomp but Heracles, once again...

Defied Expectations.

With agility beyond normal, even for not Berserkers, Heracles balanced himself in his arms and spun his legs, corkscrewing to an unguarded Ritsukuna, hitting him square in the chest, caving it and having his ribs poke his heart out.

Afterwards, he jumped up and hammered Ritsukuna to the ground and ended the vicious combo with the stomp that Ritsukuna wanted to do unto him.


Ritsukuna suffered, a heart pierced by rib bones, a caved in chest, guts splattered all around and a heavy annoyance from continuous broken expectations.

Berserker did not let up and was about to grab him, but Ritsukuna, finally taking it seriously muttered a word.


Just as he regenerated with RCT, Berserker lost his head.

Heracles died once.

Ritsukuna, looking at the headless corpse, was not going to let it drop his guard, he jump away and awaited the immortal part, and lo and behold, Heracles regrew his head as the old one vanished.


"Not only are you strong, fast, tough, but you're also surprisingly skilled and agile and topped off with immortality?" Ritsukuna praised, "I wonder how much you are if you weren't mad stupid like that? Shame. I might've just faced a good temporary setback against you."


Ritsukuna sighed. He truly wished he could've enjoyed this. But, as it stood, it was going to be a disgrace to be setback more against something this brainless.

It was a disgrace to them both. A fine warrior who was so skilled that even in madness induced stupidity was capable and him, The King of Curses taking longer than he wanted and unable to play around.

"I'll allow you rest. Cleave."

Heracles died twice.

Archer watched, half in awe and half in fear, the fight closest to this was when his King fought this mad beast, but even she wasn't able to kill him safely and decided to leave him be because it wasn't worth it.


Heracles tried to start fighting back, but just before he was able to propel himself, he once more lost his head.

"Cleave." Ritsukuna watched in boredom as

Heracled died thrice.

Cleave was a major bad match up against Heracles, Sukuna had two versions of his technique, Dismantle which is extremely effective against inanimate objects, and what it lacks for lethality it makes up for number, and then Cleave.

Cleave was a slice that adjusts its power according to the enemy, it wasn't a weapon as much as it was just a cut. You pick the target, the flesh and it cuts accordingly. It had no fundamental limit except the own mind.

He cut space, cut infinity with this.

But, the main reason this was a bad match up is because Berserker's Noble Phantasm (NP) works in that what power killed it before, cannot or would have a much harder time doing so again. But, this is useless before Cleave, because no Cleave is ever the same one.

It adjusted to the strengthened Heracles effortlessly.


Heracles died a quadtet of times.

Archer felt it.

This was a monster. This wasn't supposed to be here, his status as a Guardian, no Alaya himself was telling him.

This thing could very well grow to be on the same level as a beast. It was both Human and of Gaia, maybe alone it could be manageable, but its current state in symbiosis was something that must not continue.

If it learned of what more it could achieve in the state he is in, he would be unstoppable, either that or the boy it hosts would keep it in chains. Hopefully. What he saw of the boy was that he was kind, maybe the next him to be summoned would do something, but as of right now, Archer could not-

"Cleave. Fucking rat."

Archer disappeared into motes of light, decapitated.

Ritsukuna looked back at Heracles who didn't roar after reviving anymore, the scurrying Archer? Probably. Was emanating some negative emotions of fear and it was interrupting his send off for this fine warrior.

"Just this much and you've lost will? Cleave."

Heracles died a quintet of times.

Heracles wasn't afraid, but even in his madness, he could tell-


Heracles died a sextet of times.

That he wouldn't be able to win this fight as he is-


Heracles died a septet of times.

A semblance of sanity coming from a frequent sensation of death-


Heracles died an octet of times.

Heracles tried to remember the face of someone who has given his an unopposed defeat-


Heracles died a nonet of times.

Oh how he wished he could've fought as his true saner self-


Heracles died a decet of times.

It was a shame that this man, who looked so lonely-


Heracles died an undecet of times.

That he couldn't help this man enjoy this one thing-


Heracles had no more lives.

And, he watched, as his vision fell sidewards, the look of Ritsukuna. Someone who once again proved his superiority beyond anyone.

'How lonesome.'

"How boring."


The group that was responsible for sneaking into where the grail was, stopped as Cu paused.

"Wh- WHAT?!" Cu asked no one in shock.

Mash worriedly looked back, she thought of turning back, to make sure Ritsuka was safe.

"That's crazy. That's really crazy." Cu looked gravely at Olga and Mash.

"You guys should really, really watch out for that Sukuna guy." Cu finally revealed.

Mash confused as to what he meant, looked to the forest they ran away from just a few minutes ago.

"Berserker is dead... Archer is too." Cu dropped.


"Huh?" Olga asked, stupefied at the sheer unexpectedness of it, or impossibility rather, she saw that berserker, she could tell what his stats were and in Cu's words, immortal.

"Nevermind, let's go, our journey just got smoother." Cu, not much to dwell on it, continued running, beckoning the other 2 to follow.

On the outside at least.

'I know myself how strong that Berserker was, and he killed it in under 2 minutes? Can my lancer self actually fight that?' Cu thought to himself, and for the final time, he sighed it away.

They had more important things to think of.


Ritsukuna, now with free time, decided to ask a bit more.

"Hey brat, you don't mind me playing around a bit would you?" Sukuna asked.

'N-No. In fact, take your time hahaha, I think we... have too much time actually.'

Ritsukuna pumped cursed energy into his right arm and then mana to his left arm, his fight with Heracles gave him some more insight in how it works, and essentially as long as there is no need for one to cross another, they can coexist.

'Man, its always cold or hot when you do that.' Ritsuka added as small talk.

But, it caught Sukuna's attention.

"What do you mean?" Sukuna turned off CE.

'T-That! It feels cold.' Ritsuka clarified.

Sukuna turned on CE and turned off mana.

'Now its warm again, seriously how do you do that?' Ritsuka, sweet summer child, could never guess that those words would've made Sukuna grin.

"Ridiculous. Truly ridiculous. I guess this wasn't much of a liability." Sukuna mused to himself, why?

Because he just found out that whichever energy he doesn't use can be used by the soul on the back seat.

In other words?

He can simultaneously use them and break past the unable to cross pass dilemma.

But, is it worth it teaching the stupid brat? CE, no... but mana? It wouldn't be out of place for a Master like him, a mage, to learn no? It might make his plan a little harder to pull off, but anyone can die at any given moment.

After that, he just has to split his soul, bind it to the brain of the brat, and have 2 of himself in him, using 2 different energy, if he finds some cool magic tricks, maybe he use it while fighting.

Sukuna laughed.


New world or not, Sukuna will rewrite what's already written on him. He wasn't going to be the him that was already written.

He was going to surpass the him that was written, the him that was now, and lay his legacy as the strongest IN ALL OF HISTORY, even in another brand new world.

This truly was his... FATE, TRUE JUJUTSU.

(AN: New writer here, and I can only say that I'm kinda liking this writing thing, I know more about JJK than I do about fate, so if I get somethings wrong, just call out, and as long as its not a major change, I'll probably get to it, if unable then consider it an AU or something.

I jumped between making Sukuna a nerfed version or just Ritsuka being strong with Sukuna powers, but I hated those both. Sukuna without a jail would ruin FGO and Ritsuka just having Sukuna powers was just an OC with Cleave or something.

I didn't want something like those reincarnated as Fraudjo stuff or whatnot, I wanted Sukuna the evil bastard acting the neutral bastard that he was at the start of the series because of Yuji.

Sukuna is a really competitive person who is both arrogant and oddly humble, respectful and flexible, he has an ego but it doesn't get in the way of anything he does. Mostly, he doesn't have any grand evil plan.

I like that. Just pure selfishness that on the outside looks evil, but despite being evil, it's not rooted in it, he's just TRULY SELFISH. He doesn't care about anything besides his satisfaction, so I wanted to put a character like that in a story like FGO, where teamwork and underdogs winning due to help in the winning con most of the time.

A cog that has spikes and spins whichever way it wants in a story where working together as cogs is the point.

A topdog in an underdog story and he's part of the main crew.

A Monster being held back by a Human because the monster has his own agenda and simply doesn't care about it regardless.

There's so much to explain what I thought of when writing this, but the cog one should be most accurate.

Now, let me predict the main troubles of you all, powerscaling. Simply put, Sukuna has 10S and upupup don't think about it, he just does and really any explanation works at this point because Sukuna has 2 CT and somehow 3 with 10S.

So, it just makes sense he has it now, especially after fully incarnating into Megumi. I mean, Geto can have multiple techniques, why can't Sukuna?

That said, Sukuna is unbeatable by really anyone at the first 7 singularities. Cleave is just that op, but I'm not going to make him use that at battle start, as much as I want him to.

Why? Because I'm making him learn mana, and also to make Ritsuka have more presence rather just talking after fights, yes Ritsuka is going to fight with tutelage from Sukuna.

I'm done with Ritsuka being a fodder in most fanfics, with the unexpected mana buffs from pseudo servanting with Sukuna, he's going to be a monster of a mage this time around.

He basically has a mana core, or divine core, or whatever Divine Spirits have that make them generate shitloads of mana, but only when Sukuna is on top of him.

Basically, they haven't really merged, just a symbiosis where one's saint graph or soul takes over another after the command GIVE or RETURN, the unexpected buffs comes from the fact that Sukuna can partially manifest without warning, he can't control, but he can sprout stuff like organs and mouth.

You know what else functions like an organ? That's right, mana core. So, yeah spoilers on my own story, but they'll talk about it next chapter anyways.

After the 7 singularities, assuming I reach that point, is where Sukuna might face some really hard fights. I'm looking at Junaoh or heck ORT, Camazotz my g, basically any divine spirit worth their salt, there's also the beasts.

Sukuna is on the threshold of becoming a beast because he's inserted into the nasuverse, which runs in its own rules, but is stopped permanently because he really doesn't care about humans, and two he's currently stuck inside Ritsuka. He functions to the benefit of Gaia, so her enforcement on him is really lax making cleave virtually impossible to block without crazy hax, and Alaya can't make heads or tails of him because of his current state so no counter guardian has him on a kill on sight command ala daishouri kamikaze.

So, expect less tragedy, more badassery and a severe lack of the underdog feel.

Because this is Sukuna, the king of offscreen and istg I'm going to pull it off once somehow!

Criticisms are welcome, just don't get too angry because of power scaling okay? I'm not going to change my mind in how powerful Sukuna IN nasuverse would be, he just is, mostly Cleave but Cleave is his attack so its him.

Again. Cleave is just that busted. Gege is on crack with what that thing can do. Win con for every Sukuna fight is Cleave and how Cleave is Cleave?

Can Cleave Cleave Infinity? Sukuna wins.

Can Cleave Cleave Kashimo? Sukuna wins.

Can Cleave Cleave God Hand constantly? Sukuna wins.

Can Cleave Cleave Avalon Defense? Sukuna wins.

Can Cleave Cleave Horniness? Sukuna wins.

Can Cleave Cleave ORT? No. Sukuna cries fucking bitch.

But, don't worry, those kind of fights won't happen a lot, Sukuna is going to play a lot in the future singularities, and at most use 10S or whatever magic he learns along the way.

See you guys in the next chapter if you're still interested anyways. I'm gonna post either in bulk per week or one chapter per week depends on my college shenanigans.