
Fate/Tower of God - Climbing the Tower as/with Mordred (fanfic)

A self-taught Magus and an avid fantasy reader ends up inside the Tower of God with Mordred's power and with Mordred's soul inside his Ignition Weapon as a result of his wish to the Holy Grail. ... Summary: The Main Character participated in a Holy Grail War and ended up being the final winner thanks to wit and luck, but at the cost of his Servant Mordred. As a result of his wish to the Holy Grail, he gained various powers similar to those of his Servant, his dead Servant Mordred was restored and took refuge inside his sword, and the two ended up inside the world of the Tower of God. Over time, the MC discovers that the Tower is exactly a place where he can fulfill his various desires and wishes as promised, growing more powerful and achieving more than just a single wish could grant him. ... It is mainly a Tower of God story. The only aspect from Fate verse is the MC and his abilities. The goal for the Main Character, initially, is to grow his powers and live an interesting life in the new world. PS: Bam plays a small role in this story, even though he's initially introduced. PS2: Mordred is not a romantic interest. This is not her character. She is MC's platonic female friend and partner/Ignition Weapon for the majority of the story, since the base of her character design is a child seeking attention. The other girls from TOG are the heroines, and mainly Endorsi. Hwa Ryun also gets a lot of attention, but because of the nature of her relationship with the MC, she keeps her distance.

Jaed21 · Anime y Cómics
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15 Chs

Chapter 11. The Door test 2

Isaac already knew the answer from the manhwa. But he still had to pretend to be thinking about it, and he was also looking for clues purely for peace of mind.

After all, how could he rely on an answer from a comic when his life was on the line, and the test was flawed in his eyes in the first place.

At that time, Khun looked at Isaac. As the two exchanged meaningful glances, Khun said, "It seems that we need to open a door within five minutes, but let's look for other clues."

"Mhm." Isaac nodded, tacitly agreeing.

After briefly glancing at the twelve look-alike doors, his eyes landed on a large digital clock with red numbers that started moving the moment Han Sung announced the beginning of the test.

He immediately noted that this clok's dials were moving at an abnormally fast rate.

Hang Sun secretly looked at Isaac. 'It seems he's a smart one. But I'm sorry to say this. This isn't a test that can be solved with smarts alone.'

At that time, Khun followed the direction of Isaac's gaze and his expression flashed with surprise.

'Weird. Why is there a clock here when we have Pockets?'

The moment the test began, their Pockets also automatically launched a timer just like during the first test. In that case, why would there also be a digital clock inside the room? That clock was obviously suspicious.

Wearing a focused mask, Isaac observed the clock at the well, sometimes turning to the Pocket's timer and at the twelve doors.

After watching the clock for a while, he then examined the doors.

Khun followed him and did the same.

However, in Isaac's eyes all of the doors looked somewhat the same; there seemed to be no point in examining them.

Taking a step back, Isaac looked around the dark room in search of any other clues.

Apart from the digital clock and the 12 doors, there was only the administrator himself there sitting down and leisurely drinking coffee, and an ornate paper wall behind him.

Isaac looked at the paper wall, but saw that it only consisted of abstract paint marks with no order to them at all. If he kept searching for anything in it, he would probably only waste his time.

Soon enough, three minutes passed on the Pocket.

At that time, both Isaac and Khun thought of the same thing - it was obvious that no matter what, if they cannot figure out any more clues, they must choose any door within five minutes.

Khun thought, 'The clock seems to have a five minute cycle. Within five minutes, a full resolution happens. The teams that didn't scream finished the test within five minutes as well, so does it matter which door we choose? But why? Why is it fine to choose any door when we're supposed to pick the correct one? What is the point of this test? Just what is it testing?'

He hesitated.

Just because the teams that didn't scream finished early, didn't mean that they passed - they could have been killed silently. It could have been another trap.

In addition, it was a very weird test.

How's that clock a proper clue toward the true time limit?

And why would they have to rely on what they could have noticed before the test, when the test's rules was to open a door within TEN MINUTES, not five.

Those teams which have entered first, would have no chance of figuring the clues that they did.

It simply didn't feel right.

There are no more hints.

We can't make any mistakes. If we do, we die.

Don't trust anyone.

There are no more hints.

Why would it be possible to choose any door?

The answer… Is it so simple? Or is it a trap?

What's the point of this test?

Are there any more hints? What are the hints? Did I miss something?

[Aaah! This is so annoying! If there are no hints, let's just open any door!] Mordred whined.

Isaac smiled as he felt that Mordred might be up to something, but he had a certain suspicion. He turned to Khun and asked, "Khun, it was said that we have to find the correct door, was it?"

Khun looked at Isaac for a moment, being pulled out from his thoughts, and wrinkled his eyebrows. "Yes, why?"

"No, I mean - what was the wording used? Was it to find the 'correct' door or the 'real' door?" Isaac rephrased his question.

"Uh, I think it was the 'real door'…" Bam softly answered.

"Yeah, I'm also sure it was the 'real door'." Khun nodded with a thoughtful expression as he corrected himself.

[Yep, 'real door' for sure. But I'm sure why it matters.]

And Isaac smirked at this.

"Did you notice something?" Khun asked him.

Isaac smiled. "I think so… Well, aren't all of these doors… real?"

Khun stared at Isaac for a moment and then his eyes suddenly flashed with realization.

Real - meaning non-virtual, existing in reality.

This was another clue hidden within Han Sung's words!

It was obvious that the ten minutes time limit was some kind of trap, but in regards to the doors - aren't all of these doors 'real' as well?

"So… We really just have to open any of the doors before the real time limit is up?... Because they are all real doors?" Khun concluded, wearing an expression of wonder.

Isaac slowly nodded. "It seems so. But let's think about it a bit more, just in case."

"Right." Khun nodded.

Meanwhile Yu Han Sung's eyes secretly glinted, as he looked at Isaac. 'Amazing. He noticed all the clues.'

So far, most teams simply open a random door soon after entry upon hearing that there are no clues. They thought that since there are no clues, it doesn't matter which door they open. They might have also been influenced by the tips from his subordinates.

They passed, but they didn't solve this test at all.

Even the Regular Shibisu Leesoo, who had performed the best so far, did not pick up on that one clue!

Isaac was the first so far.

At that time, Khun and Isaac both looked at the Test Administrator, but Yu Han Sung maintained his poker face without a slightest change in expression and didn't give them any hints.

Following that, although Khun and Isaac already felt that they had the answer, they still kept looking for any other clues just in case. It was for the chance that perhaps there was something that they had missed and the other one would notice.

Once the Pocket reached 4 minutes and 30 seconds and the digital clock was close to completing a full revolution, Isaac decided to not delay things any longer.

After approaching one of the doors, he said, "I'm going to open a random door."

Watching this, Khun was silent and was only slightly frowning.

Bam looked on anxiously and also did not say anything.

Isaac looked at them, then looked back at the door. Hearing no complaints, he placed his hand at the handle and then gently opened it.

Behind him, Khun and Bam looked at that door with differing expressions.

Slowly, the door opened.

And what greeted them was the brightness of the outside world.

"The… outside?" Bam muttered.

"So did we pass?" Khun asked as he then looked toward the Tower Administrator.

As the three turned with anxious and hopeful expressions, they saw the administrator start clapping his hands. "Congratulations! You've passed."

At this, all three let out breaths of relief.


"We passed!" Bam gripped his fists.

[Phew. Well, I knew the answer from the start...]

"Amazing. How did you get the answer?" Hang Sun asked with a placid smile.

And Isaac rolled his eyes inwardly with a plain smile, secretly thinking, 'I knew it from reading a comic.'

Keeping this truth to himself, Isaac answered, "The answer is to choose any of the twelve doors within five minutes, because after five minutes all doors turn into wrong doors, right?"


"Then isn't this test extremely disadvantageous for those who enter first?"

"That's also correct. Those who blindly rush into the unknown head first are at a disadvantage"

"At a disadvantage? You basically sentenced the first few teams to certain death," Isaac said coldly and frowned at this kind of excuse.

Yu Han Sung smiled and replied, "In truth, those teams received a clue from my subordinates that were mixed in with the Regulars. But whether they trusted it or not, it was also their test."

Isaac was slightly enlightened when he heard this, but he still continued to stare at Han Sung because in his honest opinion this test still had little to do with fairness and was quite absurd.

One thing was that they were asked to choose a door within ten minutes, these were the rules of the test, so how could anything picked up from outside the test be used to overturn this truth?

In addition, the first few teams normally wouldn't even have a chance to pick up on this clue, making it feel even more wrong for someone in the position of Isaac's team who went in later.

He didn't like it, it felt wrong. This test had too many holes.

Isaac shook his head inwardly and continued explaining, "Anyway, I think the answer is obvious now. We simply kept track of the screams and the time the various teams took to finish, and noted that we have to finish the test within 5 minutes, no matter what it is."

"I see."

"The clock having a five minute cycle is a weird clue, but it's also there. Then we noticed that all of those doors are 'real', so it made things even simpler. However, I still didn't like this test."

After he finished speaking, Isaac turned away in a cool manner and began slowly leaving.

"Interesting, why did you not like this test? Did you not perform very well?" Han Sung asked.

Isaac looked back at him and wavered. There was a lot that he could say.

In fact, if he was in charge of this floor, he would fire whichever idiot administered this kind of test. In the manhwa nearly everyone passed just by stumbling about randomly and it ended up testing nothing while more than half of the Regulars died pointless deaths.

But, if as a Regular that's being tested he suddenly started insulting the test administrator who held absolute power around here, it would only be stupid.

"I just didn't like it," said Isaac.

Han Sung maintained a tranquil smile, as he replied, "Well, that's alright. You all did well, but I would like to give you one piece of advice, Mr. Isaac and Mr. Khun."

'Hm?' Isaac and Khun both raised their eyebrows as they turned back.

Han Sung faintly smiled. "Don't try to always solve everything by yourselves. Don't forget to rely on your teammates. And sometimes… It's better to not overthink things and simply open the door in front of you."

[Master, he's right, you know…]

Isaac was a little taken aback, smiled and then nodded. "I'll remember it."

He was aware that it was indeed one of his problems back in the first life.

Because he felt that everyone around him was an idiot, he would make all the decisions by himself, but it didn't mean that he always made the right ones.

Meanwhile, Khun frowned.

Han Sung gently smiled and continued, "You have good teammates to go up the Tower with. Congratulations. The test is over, so let's say goodbye for now."

As the administrator cupped his fists and bowed, Isaac and Bam returned the gesture and began to leave while Khun stood expressionlessly at the side for a moment, before finally beginning to catch up.

"And one more thing, Mr. Khun," Yu Han Sung spoke once again before they all left. "Your bag… looks heavy, huh?"