
2 Shiro Childe hood

The show and wind would be blowingas if it was the time of winter as the grasses and trees were covered over by It as it seems quite almost too quiet as in this place there was nothing both a mansion as from the Mansion a babies cry could be heard as it was. A man walked into the room the man was looking old he had long white hair wearing what seems to be a white robe as the man enter he saw the baby the baby was a boy with pail white skin what shocked the man was that the baby was a boy.

The man : Irisviel what is this how is your chile a boy and not a girl

The man said in an angry voice the woman who was the. The mother of the boy had white hair and red eyes and pale skin she was holding the baby boy and looked at the man.

Irisviel: I don't know Father how it had happened

The man: Whatever Kiritsugu come in here and look what you have done

As the man said the a another one will walk in. This man had Black hair tan skin and black eyes wearing a suit he looked at the baby and took it in his arm as he said.

Kiritsugu: I don't know how this happened both has happened has happened you can stop complaining it to me look like god wanted this to happen and so he is a boy so yeah you can just shut up or are you telling me to make another one old man

Irisvel hearing that last part she will then blushes as she faints kirtsugu will then go to his wife's side as he lays the baby down and the man and Kiritsugu then walk away


As Boy waited for white hair with black stripes and red and black eyes. Was waiting in another room playing with his toys and was enjoying himself playing with them when his door opened two maids walked both seemed to wear white dresses that converts their whole bodies and heads both had red eyes and pale skin like the Boy.

Maid 1: Young master Shiro your Father and Grandfather are waiting for you please follow us

Maid 2: you don't want them to wait know do you

As Shiro got up and followed them to where his Dad and Grandfather were as then. Shiro arrived there in a few minutes as he saw his father he went to him and hugged him Kiritsugu seeing this will. Then lifted him up and hold him with his right hand as Shrio saw his grandfather.

Kiritsugu: so do you know why we called you here Shrio

Shrio: no

Grandfather: well we are to tell you that you will be an older sibling. Your mother is pregnant and you will be a big brother.

Shiro hearing this will be excited and would wonder if it going to be a boy or girl.

Kiritsugu: it is not only that we will also be training you in mage craft some more you have basic speels master both we think it better for you to learn advancement mage craft

Grandfather: your father will be teaching you which you seem to not be good with our style of magic so your father will teach you got it

Shiro: yes grandfather

Kiritsugu: let's get started the son.

9 months later

Another baby crying could be heard but this time the baby looked like a smaller version of the mother as Shiro would be looking at the baby girl thinking of a name before it come to him.

Shiro: Mom I have a name for her why don't we call her Illya

Irisviel: yes I think it is a wonder full name what do you think kiritsugu

Kiritsugu: I think it is a good name as well

Irisviel: kiritsugu look she has your eyes

Meanwhile, this was happening Grandfather of Shiro was listing and smiling and thinking to himself.

Grandfather: good this time we have a proper grail vessel and nothing like he that boy that Eimya has

As he would then walk away

2 years later

Illya: Mom what is pappa and big brother doing

Irisviel: they are training Illya that reminds me we must start your training can let your father train one child and not the other

Shiro: Dad pant don't pant take pant this easy on me I am not weak

Kiritsugu: Shiro if I didn't go easy on you you would be dead and I don't want that to happen to my son so got why didn't you give it all you got don't you want to be the hero of justice and complete my dream that I can't

Shiro: alright then

As he stands back up and picks up his wooden sword as. Blue Liens start to go up it as Shiro then says

Shiro: traish on

As he then lunch at Kiritsugu before Kiritsugu black his attack with his sword and hits him back with less force having him hit the snow as Shiro get up as he thinks

Shiro: time alter 2x speed

As his body then moves fast trying I hit. Kiritsugu before he can hit him Kiritsugu hits him back again this time almost knocking him out.

Kiritsugu: don't forget who thought you time alter ok

Shiro: ok

As blue lines well them from on Shiro arm as another wooden sword will then form as he thinks.

Shiro: if dad is Faster then me I will go much faster then him by going 4x his speed time alter 4x

As shiro well then go 4 times his own speed both once again kintsugu will stop him and through him to the ground as Shiro goes up and touch Kititsugu with his wooden sword.

Shiro: I did it Dad see I can learn more tyeo of magic or even get your magic crest right

Kiritsugu: Not yet we still need to work on your projection magic and your reinforcement meant magic you may have. Master time later both you still need to patches on that

Shiro: alright then teach me how to use a gun the

Kiritugu: are sure about that don't you want to use something like a bow or sword than a gun

Shiro: Nope teach how to use a gun

Kiritsugu: Alright then lets get started then Shiro

4 year later

Shiro would be in the forest as another women would be with him as she seem to be guiding. Shiro to shoot a bear the woman was one of Kiritsugu's friends her name was Maiya

Maiya: and now shoot

As Shiro then shoots the bear in the head killing the bear

Maiya: good job your targeting skills are getting better Shiro

Shiro: tanks miss Maiya

Shiro would look like he was 5 years old. Even do he was already 11 years in age being half homunculus meant that he will gas slowly which to shiro didn't mind because if he ages slowly it just means that he has more time to learn more thing and master them as both him and Miya will then go to Shiro's home where he will see that his Dad is back Happy to see him him. Shiro will then hug him kintsugu will then lift him in his arm as he then looks at Miya.

Kiritsugu: I hope you have been training him correctly on how to use weapons while I have been gone right

Miya: yes sir Kiritsugu

Kiritsugu: alright then also Shiro I got you a present it is Christmas time right

Miya: not really it is tomorrow

Kiritsugu will be embarrass by that but still will not mine as he gives Shiro his gift.

Shiro: Thanks dad

As Shiro will then opens the gift box seeing it is some king gold ball Shiro will be then confused about what this thing is

Kiritsugu: It is a mistake code you wanted something like this right so I got you one it called golden king it can take the from of anything you want and what ever you want it can also fuse with your body giving you superhuman strongest and speed this can also change it shape and do what you want my advice is to keep the from as simple as possible the more complex than from the harden it is to keep it in control and you would need to use a lot of magic to keep the from as well

As he was saying that he saw that shrio has already change the from of it to a mini dragon that was flying.

Kiritsugu: did you not hear what I said

Kiritsugu says in slightly angry voice

Shiro: yes both I choose to not follow the from thing

Kiritsugu: what ever the war will start soon anyway let get things read

3 years later

Shiro will be in a hospital as he would look around trying to remember what happened last thing he remember was that he was with his mom,dad and miss Miya and Blond girl both he can't remember clearly as he hears a something someone that he knows it is his dad.

Kiritsugu: so I guess I have some explaining to do son

Shiro: yes

10 years later

Shiro would be sleeping on the floor wearing a blue jump shot he would look 15 for some reason he started to age like a normal person As a voice will then wake him up.

The voice: Good morning senpie

Shiro will then wake up

Shiro: Good morning Sakura

Sakura: let's go miss Fujinae is waiting for you

Shiro: yeah sure

To be continue

Hope you all lied this part I will try and uploading 1 chapter a day if you like this go read my other story Twilight garden that is my original work and hope you all like this