
14 Shiro first misson

Shiro will wake up in a cold sweat As his body feels cold Shiro can feel it he starts to wonder why after so many years why did he get the dream of all the memory to be back to him why that

Shiro: I need water

As Shiro then gets up as he will then go grabbing himself a glass of water as he will then drinks then gets himself another one and then another one

Shiro: that dream sucking and I know I can't just ignore that

As he says that Archer shows up out of nowhere as Shiro will then turns his head and sees Archer

Archer: know what was that about it looks like you had a Nightmare

Shiro: So what why do you care so much about my dream

Archer: because the way you had that dream it was more than a dream wasn't it because I had one myself

Shiro will be shocked at what archer said he knew from seeing the archer for the first time he saw that his eyes were the eyes of someone who killed a lot of people to save more

Shiro: Just because you I and you have the same dream almost I think right

Archer: Alright both tell me something what is you life gole

Shiro: what do mean

Archer: Like what do you want why are doing this war

Shiro: I already told you what my wishes was after all why do I need to tell you more

Archer: Well tell me Shiro what are trying to be so let me give you problem

Shiro: alright tell me

Archer: let's say there is a trolley both other is two tracks in one then there is 1 person both in the other there is 4 people and you have made next to laborer which one will you choose

Archer knows what he will say he say that he will use his power to stop the train and if that doesn't work he will use his body to block it both what shirl says it will shock Archer

Shiro: I will sacrifice the one for the many both this will not stop the person so I will find the person who does this and kill him to stop the place

Archer: wow that is something else than what I thought

Shiro: when you have to kill a lot of people to save more people you realise that it is better to kill the less for the many

Archer will be shocked on what he says the more he learns about this version if himself the more different he sees this version is

Archer: Alright I will be leaving then

As he then leaves shiro will get dress for school and make food for alter saber Shiro thinks to wake up alter saber as he then goes to Alter sabres room he sees that the room has a lot of plushies on her Floors they where topped on top of each other her room had some Burger rappers that was formed as balls on the floor with game that was still playing on the tv she stole yeah stole shiro knows that that tv was stolen

shiro: Saber wake up we will be late for school

Alter Saber: fucking fine give me 5 minutes

After 5 minutes Alter saber will then get up she then eats and gets dressed and go to school after the school will be over then they will return home

Shiro: weird I thought that servants will attack

Alter Saber: Yeah

Sakura: Oh you guys are home already

Alter Saber: yeah also here is the class works for today

Sakura: Oh thanks Saber

Alter sabre: No problem

As they will then start to eat after that Shiro will then go to the shower after showering he will then go to his room as he start to wear his clothes as he start to wear then his door opens Alter Saber will then enters

Alter Saber: hey I am taking your money to buy some more games and plushies

As Alter Saber says that she will then see shot was going to dress Saber will be blushing her face will look like red Tomato

Alter Saber: I am sorry

As she then notices shiro will be will tone both he seem to Scares on his back Shiro.will then turn back has even in the front there will be more both the there is a huge one in the middle of his chest Saber will be shocked at how many scars he has as Saber will then go in front of him and touch him as she then speaks

Alter Saber: how did you get those scars after all some of them looks so old how did you get them, especially the big one in the middle

Shiro: well the ones you are seeing is from my mission I always went to mission with him and I gif hurt sometimes and these are from those battle that I had

Alter Saber: what about the big one

Shiro: it is a big story do you wanna know

Alter saber: I do wanna know what happened to you in the past so tell me

Shiro: Alright then I will it all start

12 years ago

The sky will be blue as it would the summer the snow from the winter had passed a long time ago as there was two people trained they where Shiro and his little sister illya as illus seem to be using what seem to be familiar magic both her birds where smaller then the ones she from know a days shiro will Dodge it and then swip illyas legs having her fall down

Illya: that is not fair brother

Shiro: what every Illya at least you're still getting stronger right

Illya: I guess so your right

As both her and shiro will then lap as then illus gets up and they both start to go to there house as they then arrive in there house Shiro saw his dad talking to miss Miya as Shiro then gets close to them

Kiritsugu: Got the plan Miya

Miya: Yes mister kiritsugu I have

Shiro: Dad what are you doing

Kiritsugu: Nothing much just playing out next moves for our mission

Shiro after hearing this will be excited mostly beaches he was never invited to any of his dads mission so this time he wanted to join his father no matter what will happen shiro will not take no as an answer

Shiro: Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad Can I join

Kiritsugu: no it is too dangerous for youShiroo you must understand

Shiro: Both Dad you thought me so much I can do can I not please let me join

Miya: Shiro listen to your father he is right you know

Shiro: Not you too miss Miya

Kiritsugu: what we are doing is for your own safety

Shiro: Come one please

And it went like that for 1 hours strength after that he finally accepted me to.join the mission if only I knew what was going to happen I would have just stayed home that they

Irisviel: you will keep him safe won't you kiritsugu

Kiritsugu: Don't worry Iri he will be safe he will just be the Sniper so he will not be in. Any emitted danger if that is what your worried about

Irisviel: still I think it is a little too dangerous for him

Miya: trust me we had this back and forth for an whole hour

Shiro: what are waiting for let's go

As they seem the shiro was already in the car

Kiritsugu: looks like he was already ready to kill some people

Miya: well is looks like it

As all of then then enter the car with illy and Irisviel sayings goodbye to both of them after a while all three of them will arrive at the airport shiro will see how many people they are here kiritsugu will give his passport card to the people in the airport as they wane to the plain and sat at there sit as the plain filed oof this was shiro first time out the mansion of the Einzbern after a fee horse of flying all three of them will arrive at the place before they get oof the the place as they then go to hotel as they then decide to rest there for 2 days during those two days shiro and Miya where blast eating the new food of the place while kintsugi was planning the attack as then the night of the attack happend

Kiritsugu: Is everyone in there positions

Miya and shiro: yes

Miya was to east of Kiritsugu ready to shoot anyone that got to close to him and she was also the backup jumping in when it was need meanwhile Shiro was to the north of Miya he was hiding behind a bush with his sniper ripple ready to strike there target was clutch who worship vampires it maybe hard to believe both vampires are a real thing in this world both what makes things easier for then is that there was no vampire in this one Shiro will be seeing with his sniper that there some those of summoning circular in the middle was small blomd hair girl that seem to have small town tail she had bohr she was not the only one a few more kids were also there in the edges of the summoning circle shiro saw that there was multiple people who whore black clock both one of them seem to be wearing a red cloth with a silver strips it was no dout that he was lider shiro then told kiritsugu about everything he saw from snippet ripple

Kiritsugu: Alright then Miya lets move

Normally they don't attack first both this time they have to as kiritsugu didn't want then to summon a power full vampire and summoning circular they were using was the same type used by mages to summon servant for the grail war was not starting soon they were using blood sacrifices to summon a servant probably Dracula or as he is know in history as vlad the impeller as Kiritsugu will jumped in all the people will see him Kiritsugu wasting no time start to fire his gun kill many of the clothes as most of then drop dead some turn there head block the attack using some from of mage craft the same mage craft used by the church to block bullets Kiritsugu will then use protection magic to wrong two short sword and started to fight then miya came in as well as she started I use her skills to kill then both as they did more and more of the. Stared to come out of know where

Kiritsugu: How many if then are out there

Miya: I don't know

As she says she hears a gun shot turning her head seeing one of the coltest dead in the ground with a bullet woon on his head

Shiro: Keep on fighting I will be taking care of the ones that attack from the back

As they start to.do after a while the ground will be fill with dead bodies if many people as then the man in the red robes then spoke

Leader: you are all full I have finished the spell and know I will bring our lord back lord Dracula

Kiritsugu: shit we forgot about that

Shiro will then see this as he will the. Scream out golden king as Golden king comes out of the three observe into his body has shiro can fell his everything just got stronger as shiro the. Jumps to the battle filled both he will see children screaming and red lightning cracking as the man was playing evil

Leader: you All are way too late I have won

Kiritsugu: I don't think so here take this

As kiritsugu will the shoot his gun at him the man will jump back shiro seeing his will the. Go the circle as a gold liquid covers his arms as he uproots the ground destroying a part to the summoning circle stopping the process from being completed the leader iell get angry as then tries to attack shiro both kiritsugu will then push him to the ground and him and miya will start to fight him as shiro will then go freaying all the kids

Shiro: Go up head some one will be there to take care of you

As all the kids then run both the blond hair girl will stay

Blond hair girl: I would lie to thank for saving me what is your name

Shiro: my name is Orihs

The blond hair girl: My name is Angelica thanks for saving me

Hold the fuck up what as alter saber will have a face if disbelief

Alter Saber: that girl was Angelica both this story is 12 years ago shiro what

Shiro: Listen it is just they have the same name it is not like they both are the same person know.let me me continued

Alter saber: Ok

As the girl tanked shiro she will then go away saying to shiro that she hope that they meet again as she left Shiro joined the fight with his dad with gk he was able to deal more damage before the leader was angry and form his arms cane out ligrhing it went flying and it hit shiro miya tried to jump in both failed it hit him.in the middle of his chest blood came out if shiro mouth as his life flash before his eyes after that is was knocked out

Alter saber: so what happens after that

Shiro: Will I learn the dad killed that man and Miya rushes me to the hospital for be to be recovered

Alter Saber: know that was a story both please poot your shirt on right know

Shiro: Oh right and so after that I didn't go to more missions with my dad for 2 weeks and after that, I went to missions with my dad a lot will some of there scars are from regret both than big one is a reminder if what happened that day

Alter Saber: know if you don't mind I will be going know

Shiro: ok

As alter saber then leaves as she does voice will then speak

Voice: you have to admit that he was hot with his shirt of right

Alter saber: Shut the fuck off

As they then leaves shiro will be in his room as Archer will appears

Shiro: what are you doing here

Archer: I hurd the full story and you lied about it didn't you

Shiro: so I gess I did

Archer: what really happend

Shiro: will this is what really happend I failed to stop the circle in time it milled 3 out of.the 5 kids that where there I still freed them both then in blind anger I attacked the leader and will let's just say I took his right eyes and left arm before I finished him both he shoot a lighting blot at my chest giving me this scare and I was still not cowm something about Gk is that is increase the emotion you are feeling and well it did for me it was rage and anger I attacked by dad before being stopped by them both everyone this ease I told was right from me reversing my name to the part about the girl also what ate you doing here

Arched: Rin tooled me to.look after sakura also I am going to gess that the nightmare you had in the morning was about that

Shiro: yes know leave

Archer: alright the

As archer the leaves shiro.will the go to his dreasse in there he will open a drawer when he will find a small case he will open it seeing that it had bullets in it

Shiro: it looks like sooner or late I will be using your oragen bullets dad

To be continue