
Fate/The Prince And The Assassin

The Crown Prince. A title meant to be for Hiro, but was stripped from him by the Prime Minister of the country of his Father and Mother. Hiro valued the title, but never over valued it. So when he was stripped of the title he didn't try to take it back, but when the crown was given to his younger brother, Hiro finally understood why. He understood that the Empire was corrupt, yet he did nothing. He watched it turn to what it was now. He watched the Empire of his Father and Mother turn corrupt without batting an eye. He watched it with an uninterested look. Learning of the Rebel Army and it's assassin group, Night Raid, he joins them not to save people or free the Empire from corruption. He joined them looking for a purpose. The spark that had died all those years ago.

KingGilHaku · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

1•Murasame Vs. Enki


As Tatsumi was about to take a big step and usheathe his sword, an arrow flew past the two assassins of Night Raid and passed his head as it pierced through Aria's head. The three looked back towards the source of the arrow and saw a blonde teen, having his left eye closed, while holding a golden bow in his left hand with one of his right hand in the air.

Hiro: (Smirking) "Bullseye"

The blonde wore a Mesopotamian themed outfit, having golden blonde hair standing up like a blazing flame, having similar blood red eyes as Akame but, his red eyes is much more fiercer than the raven-haired assassin, he was holding a golden bow smirking as his blood red gaze landed on Akame who was standing still readying her katana making him smirk even more.

Hiro: 'We finally meet again, my Red-eyed Raven.'

Akame being the first one to recover from the shock, started rushing towards Hiro. The raven-haired assassin ran towards the blonde and swung her katana from above at him, who used the bow to redirect Akame's katana to the ground.

Hiro: "You've improved, but..."

Akame titling her head slightly at what the blonde meant, who had jumped back, holding the bow in two hand as he separated the two turning into two identical golden blades. The blonde then changed his grip on one of the two swords into a reverse grip, and the moment he reversed his grip the hilt of the sword turned ninety degree making the golden sword turn into a tonfa knife. Hiro took his stance as his gaze landed on the raven haired girl in front of him who held her own katana in two hands taking her own stance against Hiro

Hiro: (Smirking) "But... So did I. Can you still keep up?"

As those words came out of the blonde's mouth, the two charged at one another, the raven-haired assassin swung her blade from above diagonally at Hiro who countered by swinging his tonfa knives upwards diagonally, blocking Akame's attack. Hiro's gaze then fell towards the katana in the hands of Akame and with a single look he knew what Teigu the raven-haired assassin was wielding.

Hiro: "So you did obtain Murasame from Gozuki, I couldn't get a good enough look before but now I'm certain."

Again hearing the name Gozuki made Akame question who the blonde was, as she tried to remember, Hiro raised the other sword of Enki and swung it sideways at Akame, who had ducked down and went for a sweep kick, Hiro expected this to happen and jumped back a couple meters from Akame and smirked.

The sword of Enki turned tonfa knife went back to it's original state as the blonde turned it back to a normal grip. Hiro raised one of the sword and pointed it at Akame who also went to her stance.

Hiro: "Let's continue our fun... Shall we?"

The two again ran up to each other and started to exchange blows, the blonde who was using dual wielding two swords would've gain the advantage of the fight, but he was up against Akame who was trained since she was young, so it was harder to gain the advantage. Of course the same could be said for the raven-haired assassin, she also had a hard time against the dual wielding Hiro as they equally fought, Akame suddenly remembered a similar battle she had with another blonde with blood red eyes.

Akame sent a swift yet powerful kick towards Hiro, who blocked the kick with the two swords, but was sent back towards the tree.

Akame shook her head, shaking off the memory she suddenly remembered and went back to the fight, the raven-haired girl ran towards Hiro and plunged her katana towards the blonde's head who moves his head to the side dodging the attack making her katana pierce the tree. Hiro stared the raven-haired girl in the eyes.

Hiro: "Don't tell me you already forgot about me. Aww... I'm hurt, I can't believe you forgot our faithful night."

Hearing Hiro's statement shocked the red-eyed assassin and blonde assassin of Night Raid, taking this opening the blonde sent his own swift kick to Akame's side, sending her rolling back and letting go of Murasame still plunged on the tree.

Akame stood up coughing a little from Hiro's kick, she looked at her hand and saw that she coughed up a little blood, clenching her hand the raven-haired girl saw her katana flying in front of her, landing on the ground in front of her. This confused the red-eyed assassin, as most people wouldn't have let her get back her weapon, but the blonde he was fighting against now allowed so.

Akame: 'Why give me my katana back...? Wouldn't taking me on without it give you a bigger advantage...?'

The raven-haired girl asked herself while staring at the blonde against her, who was grinning in enjoyment of the fight.

Hiro: (grinning) "C'mon stand up, don't make wait~"

Hiro teasingly said wanting the battle to continue, Akame took her katana from the ground and took stance aiming her katana at Hiro, who grinned even more as she inhales a long breath and exhales, while the blonde did the same.


In a single breath both sword user disappeared from their position and appeared in the middle colliding


Due to the recoil of their collision, both fighters had their hands in the air, while they take a recoil, Hiro grinned as he looked down at Akame who was 5'4 or 162 cm, the raven-haired girl saw the grin on the blonde's face and glared at him, this just made him grin wider. Recovering from the recoil the two inhaled a long breath again and continued to exchange blades. Hiro was sending barrages of hits using his two swords while Akame continues to block each one. The blonde knew to made sure not to get too overconfident and become careless allowing Akame to get a quick slash on him, since in a single cut from Murasame can kill him instantly and not even his Bab-Ilu would've had the antidote for such a poison.

Leone who was in the sideline watching the two fight, was surprised, of course she would, this was the first time she truly saw Akame in a stalemate with anyone, she remembered that the raven-haired girl did mention to her that she did have a tie with someone but didn't know who they were, the boy who had a stalemate with Akame in the past had blonde hair and blood red eyes similar to her own, the buxom blonde just couldn't believe it, while Tatsumi was next to her, behind him was the dead body of Ieyasu, when he took him out of the cage earlier he was already dead. The brown-haired boy saw the fight and was in awe while also feeling relief at the fact that he was lucky enough to survive Akame earlier.

"Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Hiro: "You're getting slower on me, Akame. Don't tell me you're already getting tired?"

Hearing this Akame swung her katana harder at the blonde and fired her own retort.

Akame: "I can do this all day."

Hiro: "Good, wouldn't want this to end too early."

The two continued clashing swords as each swing collided, both the raven-haired and blonde teen were slowly getting slower. The two noticed themselves running out of breath, they both jumped back away from one another as they both started panting and catching their breaths.

"Haah...Ha... Ha..."

The two heavily breathed, it was already expected that they would both be exhausted from that.

Hiro:. "Ha.... Let's continue shall we-?!"

Before Hiro could finish his sentence someone chopped him in the back of his neck making him loss conscious, but before the blonde completely lost consciousness be looked back seeing Bulat in his armor, the blonde glared at the armoured man before losing total consciousness, before Hiro fell down to the ground Bulat had caught him before he could fell to the ground.

Bulat: "So this is what took you guys is long."

Leone: "Hey~ Bulacchi! Thanks for the help!"

Bulat: "No problem, let's go now, the other two already went ahead, also... What do I do about him?"

Bulat asked motioning at the unconscious Hiro in his hands.

Akame: "Bring him back to the base"

Leone: "Since we're bringing him, let's bring him as well! He has a knack for being a killer!"

Tatsumi: "I-Is that a compliment?"

Leone: " (pats Tatsumi's head) Of course it is! Now c'mon!" (Looks at Bulat) "Bulat! Take him for me!"

Bulat nodded, picking up Tatsumi by the back of his sweater.

Bulat: "Up we go!"

Tatsumi: "W-Wait! I still need to bury my friends! Unhand me!"

Leone: "Don't worry, I'll carry their bodies back to the base later!"

Tatsumi: "That isn't reassuring!"

Bulat: "Don't worry, Things will be better soon~"

Tatsumi: 'Again, that's not reassuring!'

Akame: (looks at Leone) "Carry me"

Leone: "Hai!"

Leone nodded, picking up Akame and carrying her in a bridal style.

Akame: "Mission complete! Return to base!"

With an unconscious Hiro in the hand of Bulat and a squirming Tatsumi. The three ran towards the forest getting away from the mansion, as Tatsumi screams in terror on what will happen to his life as Akame was being carried by Leone looked at the unconscious blonde boy with curiosity while also trying to remember who he was.
