
Fate series: My Alternate Saber

Shiro Tenma is an 18 year old undergraduate who struggles to enjoy his everyday life. One day while he was working on the road he found a green amulet accidentally took it with him, unfortunately for him he got into an accident that very same day. he was transported to a world and told to participate in the holy Grail war by the goddess of the underworld. Note: I'm still learning to understand how fanfic works so please do tell if something isn't right. . . . . . This is an alternate reality of the fate series world, so don't expect to see the same thing. Show your support by voting for the book and interacting so I can keep on giving chapter everyday. Join the discord channel https://discord.gg/s8v2zEVR2e

Kirito_K5 · Cómic
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64 Chs

The new girl called the treat, the Black scouts!

"Who are you?" Shiro asked.

"Oh, I should probably introduce myself, the name is Minami Reitrex, a fighter class" She replied, placing her hands on her chest before giving a bright smile.

"Shiro Tenma, also a fighter class" Shiro uttered, before holding both Rider's and Saber's hands.

"Oh well, nice to meet you but we gotta run,'' Shiro said, dragging both his servants as he walked past Minami.

She held his collar, stopping his advance, "Hold on just a minute" Minami uttered.

"What is it?" Shiro said, he didn't bother turning his face to look at her but he still had his unsurprised look on.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" She asked.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just a little tired," Shiro responded.

"Come now, that's no good, let me invite you to coffee " Minami uttered.

'Damn it, what is with this girl?' He thought to himself, "I would love to, but I don't like coffee."

"Not to worry, we can settle for tea"

"I can't process sugar, doctor's orders"

"Karaoke then?" She uttered, this time adding a little aggressiveness to her tone.

"I'm a really bad singer"

"A stroll to the park then?" Her eyes bubbled up, as she desperately tried to get him to come with her.

Shiro sighed before looking at her, "Alright fine, Park then" He let go of his servant's hands.

"Yeyy!" Minami jumped, before placing another lollipop in her mouth.

"I sincerely apologize, Minami can be a little overwhelming at times," Muramasa, the girl's servant, said.

"Hey! I am not overwhelming, take that back" Minami squirmed, punching Muramasa with her fragile hands.

"Okay, okay I take it back" Muramasa uttered, giving out a gentle smile.

'Well, this has been unnecessarily uncomfortable' Shiro sighed, "Can we go?" He asked.

"Oh sure, let's go!" The girl uttered.

Saber crossed eyes with Muramasa and suddenly saw a small flashback where she stood in a field that was filled with different kinds of blades and she was standing opposite a boy in a red top.

"Are you perhaps a Saber class?" Muramasa asked, his words snapped her back to reality.

"Yes I am, I'm guessing you are too?" She asked.

"You've got a good eye" He uttered with a smile.

"Don't you dare get cozy with another servant, Saber!" Shiro yelled, he was already outside the info room and could see Saber speaking with Muramasa from the glass window.

Saber shrieked, "Master get your mind out of the gutter" She grumbled, before turning and exiting the door.

Muramasa gave a comforting smile, "I guess fate has a way of being an asshole too" he uttered with a relieved expression on his face.

"Hurry up, Mura!" Minami yelled.

"On my way".

They walked around the city, and even though Shiro had spent one and a half weeks in this new world there is so little he knows.

Like how the city he resides in is known as Rizaha, and how people who are transported there don't let the battle of the holy Grail stop them from living their lives.

Some masters got a job, even though the pay is certainly less than actually earning in an Ft Zone, they still found it peaceful, as a way they could connect with their humanity.

Some go to schools, it was said that the winner of the previous holy Grail war which was the 17th, made a grand wish.

He wished for the world of Rizaha to be just like earth in some sense, and it all started with two beings that appeared after the wish.

They gave birth to children, and their kids did the same, and so on and so forth, and now they created a whole world, where the Masters are just visitors participating in the holy grail.

He also learned that after the selection stage and the first 50 have been chosen, it becomes a battle royal, but before it is done individually, there would be a team of 4 masters and only 4 teams would advance to the next level.

"Do you understand, I really don't know how you don't know this stuff" Minami uttered, "Did you never research?" She asked.

"Well…" Shiro looked away with an awkward look, "I wouldn't say I didn't, more like I had no time".

"You are such a bad liar" Minami uttered, they got to a street where they stopped for a while.

"I really have to head back now, we've been walking for hours" Shiro said.

"I guess I can't keep you here forever" She sighed, "Thanks for listening to me rant, I'm just nervous is all".

"No, I should be thanking you," Shiro adjusted his top, "Why would you be nervous?"

"I have a match tomorrow and I really don't-"

All the servants suddenly felt something charging towards them, Muramasa grabbed Minami and drew out his sword that immediately brought out a red barrier.

"Hey… Mura put me down," Minami yelled.

Rider held Shiro close using her chains as a shield while Saber brought out her blade.

The missile charged in and made impact on their location causing a huge explosion.

The people around there got caught in a crossfire while some were able to avoid it.

Not long after, people wearing black outfits and black face masks showed up, swarming the area in less than a minute.

They walked into the flames which showed no effect on them, when they got to the other side of the fire they couldn't find Shiro and Minami there.

"Well well, looks like they managed to escape, keep track of them," One of the black outfit men said, his outfit was built differently which indicated that he was the leader.

Meanwhile, Rider and Saber took Shiro to the back of a building and Mumramasa followed behind with Minami in his hands.

"What the hell? We just got attacked in public, isn't there a rule against attacking masters in public?" Shiro yelled.

"Calm down master, something doesn't add up" Rider uttered, "I find it unnecessary for Servants to carry munitions".

"Well she's right, those weren't your typical masters, they are known as Black scouts."Minami said, rolling the lollipop in her mouth.

. . . . .... . .


Please don't forget to send in powerstones and comments, they would really help in motivating me to write more.