

Fate turns its eyes to worlds in darkness. Fate does odd things to the worlds it touches upon. It brings the smallest spark and forms it into a massive beacon for the oppressed and a wild fire for its enemies. What happens in the future is anyones guess with the whims of fate. I do this for enjoyment and practice. I own nothing. Please support the authors and creators by following and supporting the releases. World crossover in the future. 5 laid out as of this moment. More to be determined.

CultivatorDragon · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
100 Chs

Inadvertent Invasion

When two portals to a universe are opened at or near the same time they pull towards each other like magnets before switching places. This causes the destinations to end up opposite. As it happens this is what happens to Jaune and the rest of his companions.

Aizen who was coming back after visiting one of the other other worlds had his glasses on and ready to appear in Soul Society appears in the Human World. Looking around his eyebrows pinch in question. But due to the circumstances he must escape to Hueco Mundo before he is detected here. It will bring too many questions about his actions he has hidden for so long. A split in the air that opened into darkness.

From Hueco Mundo Aizen could reach Soul Society without trouble but from the Human World to Soul Society there is the Cleaner which he could not avoid without a Hell Butterfly.

For now Aizen had to figure out why this happened and if someone was behind it who it was.

If there was Aizen spoke his thoughts out loud, much to his future detriment, his voice low and serious, "When I find out who messed with me they will play their part in my plans, just like the rest of the shadow council."

Aizen had no idea he was a mouse in front of a dragon when he thought of playing with Zelretch. But Zelretch who was paying attention to this only smiled evilly.

Due to circumstances Zelretch could not interfere directly, such as fighting when he played in the multi-verse. But if he was to be directly affected by someone from the verse he could do as he pleased.

Zelretch would wait for the right opportunity to appear and begin the game with Aizen. For now Zelretch watched over the kids he just threw into the lions den. He would have to contact Yoruichi to come save them but for now they needed combat experience as well as integration into the environment. So now he sat and watched the situation unfold.

"I should have made some popcorn for this." Zelretch said with a smile. "This is payback for the butler comment."

Some would say this is a little overboard for such a little thing as that but Zelretch would explain that first impressions are important and retaliation for messing up such an impression is just as important.

So Jaune was now dealing with the problem he sowed. But after a few moments of thought Zelretch said, "Maybe I should have waited until Jaune was calm before sending him into the powder keg that is Seireitei....nah it will be that much more entertaining to watch." Zelretch had a smile as he watched.

Jaune came through the kaleidoscope without missing a step. As he appeared he looked around for familiar landmarks. After a few moments Jaune dropped his bags realizing where they were. "Oh no."

Pyrrha, Blake, Yang and Ren looked back to Jaune in question after hearing his voice. They had just been looking on in fascination at the expansive city that spread out before them in a circle. Behind them a tall castle like building that reached up into the sky with Mistral building style techniques. In front of them a massive city filled their view with an even larger city that encircled the circular city.

They were standing on a tall mesa that butted up against the massive castle. On the end of the cliff side of the mesa there was a massive halberd that reached up into the sky was held in place by large ropes nearly three feet wide.

"Why the hell did we end up in Seireitei? I mean we were supposed to meet at Urahara's place to train I know it. So why did we end up here?" Jaune asked himself as he looked around in worry. His body went on high alert as he knew the danger this place held. He had talked with Urahara a lot about Soul Society and the Gotei 13. Much of it wasn't normal, at least in a mortal's point of view. They were so steeped in their caste system and ancient traditions that new and better ways of doing things were cut down even before they really formed.

These traditions and laws were so one-sided that anyone who didn't follow them would be eliminated without question. So Jaune along with everyone else showing up on Sōkyoku Hill unannounced would be bad. What made it worse was the fact that all of them were living humans and not souls.

"We need to go now! Grab your stuff and follow me." Jaune whisper yelled at everyone.

Pyrrha, Blake, Yang and Ren all tensed when they heard that, but as they began to move the calming rune that Odin placed on them was beginning to fade making them feel the emotions they would have experienced before they all came to this world.

"What the heck is going on Jaune?! Why the heck are we in a different place after going through that flashing circle of lights?!" Yang yelled at Jaune.

"Jaune what is going on?" Pyrrha asked as she tried to keep her emotions and fears under control.

Blake and Ren just stared at Jaune with serious expressions as they tried to hold back their shivers of fear.

"Zelretch was a true mage. The kind of ancient legend and fantasy. He created a portal to another world for us to go and train with a friend of his. But for some reason we were sent to a different location than we originally planned. And this place is dangerous so we need to leave immediately." Jaune said as he turned around to make sure nothing was missing.

And in fact two things were missing or more like two people.

The only two to be unaffected by this situation were Nora and Ruby. These two were rushing toward the massive halberd that pointed into the sky.

Pyrrha, Blake, Yang and Ren picked up their stuff and followed after Jaune who was chasing Ruby and Nora.

"You mean to say we stepped through a rainbow circle and we ended up on another world?" Yang asked with condescension on her voice as well as fear.

"To put it simply? Yes. But it is far more complicated than that. For now we need to leave now!" Jaune said. His words and actions pushed the others to stay silent and wait for a more detailed explanation later.

"You two stop we need to leave here! It is dangerous for us to stay here. This isn't the place we were supposed to go. We need to find a way out of here before we are caught!" Jaune hissed at Ruby and Nora as they climbed all over the rope and halberd.

"Aww, I wanted to look over this halberd! It is so finely crafted! It is a work of art! Yang come look! It is the most beautiful halberd I have ever seen! But why does it seem so lonely?" Ruby asked as she slid down the Sōkyuko she had climbed up.

Yang went to stand with her sister as if drawn by some kind of power. Yang felt a tingle of fire similar to her semblance surround her. She looked up at the massive halberd. "You're right Ruby. It really does seem lonely."

The two ignored Jaune's increasingly frantic calls.

Something seemed to come to Ruby as a light bulb appeared above her head as she pulled out Crescent Rose and extended it into it's Scythe form almost cutting one of the ropes. Yang looked over and did the same with her weapons Ember Celica. "Whoops. Well anyway Halberd this is my weapon Crescent Rose. I made her with my uncle. She is my weapon and will be with me forever."

Yang followed suit and introduced her weapons. "These are Ember Celica. My weapons I made with my father. They are my companions and represent myself."

With a hand still on the halberd the two looked upon the beautiful massive weapon. "I hope you find a companion in the future." Ruby touched her forehead to the halberd mirrored by Yang beside her. They stepped back and bowed to the weapon before they turned to leave following Jaune.

Ruby who had grown up on the idea of huntsman and huntresses knew how important a weapon was to them. And Ruby was of the opinion that a weapon was an extension of a huntsman and huntress. A part of who they are. Yang had come to realize that Ruby's idea was far too true after making her own with her father. And in this different world Ruby and Yang had no idea how right their belief was.

Unbeknownst to the group the Phoenix within the weapon, the true form of Sōkyuko, heard Ruby's words as she was holding onto it. The Phoenix within felt happy to hear someone found her beautiful. Very few had ever called her as such for the reason she is a weapon used to execute the criminals of Seireitei. From the first time she was used by the Gotei 13 she was looked upon with fear by all within Soul Society. To hear someone, no two someones, saw her as beautiful not just her creator. She was happy and to be wished for, by two unknown people that she would find her own companion she felt something change in her soul.

The pure emotion that Ruby and Yang spoke her words and the meaning behind them were so pure Sōkyuko felt her soul connect with the tiny red hooded girl and the yellow maned girl. Pureness and hope. Power and strength. The four things Sōkyuko had been created for.

Since the founding of Seireitei eons ago Sōkyuko had watched over met out the punishment of the Gotei 13. She had been longing for a Shinigami to wield her. What everyone had forgotten was that Sōkyuko was a zanpakuto, a weapon to be wielded by Shinigami to fight hollows. But due to her power she was never allowed to find a companion. The head captain Yamamoto had ordered the Kidō Corps to seal her and only used to her to meet out justice by burning away the shinigami who broke the law of Seireitei.

After these thousands of years of waiting Sōkyuko had found her companion. Her wielder. Her shinigami. And now there were two of them.

Now she would be free of her prison.

Nora had just jumped off the rope and was whining, "Why do we have to leave? There is so much to explore!"

"We can't be here. This is a sacred place to the people of Soul Society. We cannot stay here or we will end up in trouble." Jaune explained as he began to turn around.

"Well I would say you are in trouble already young man." An aged rough voice came to Jaune's ears. Slowly Jaune turned to look where the rest of his friends were looking.

Before Jaune and his friends were a group of people who stood in white and black kimonos. There were only three white robed people while the other seven wore black robes. Ten people looked upon Jaune and his friends with hard, confused and questioning gazes. Only the old man who's face was covered in wrinkles, with a cross shaped scar on the right side of his forehead, along with a full thick white beard that reached down to his waist in a point.

"Oh, crap." Jaune said.

"You really stepped in it kids. Now please tell me how you got here? Why are you here?" A man in a straw hat asked as he chewed on stalk of grass. He had a slow lazy draw as if he was tired all the time. He wore a pink petal patterned kimono over his white kimono.

"I wouldn't expect the others to know but the one up front seems to know of this place. We should question him." The woman said as she looked at Jaune without turning her gaze at all. Jaune felt a shiver from the gaze. It was similar to the ones Achilles, Beowulf, Mordred and Scathach got when they really started to fight. It was love of battle to the point it was all they obsessed over. Jaune had seen it in a few Valkyrie family members as well. It was hidden really well with a concerned expression and soft eyes but after spending so much time with battle hungry heroes and gods, Jaune could tell.

She was dangerous.

All of the others had hands on their weapons even as they stared hard at Jaune and his friends. They had not acted yet due to their confusion and not hearing an order from their captain-commander and the two other captains. For now they looked over the kids for anything that might cause trouble. Each of the kids had a set of weapons on their person.

One had a box like contraption behind her red hood. The yellow maned girl had yellow bracelets. The girl in black had what looked like a human gun with a ribbon attached to it. The red haired girl had a round shield and sword combo that was on her back. The orange haired girl had a far larger gun attached to her upper back. The black haired boy had two of the guns in holsters on his hips. And their seeming leader the blonde haired teen had a wide kite shield with a sword attached on his back.

They were young, well equipped, held themselves like well trained combatants and looked around while circling up as if used to combat. It left everyone of the Gotei 13 confused and worried for the children to have such a reaction.

Only Yamamoto was unimpressed with the children. He had seen a lot in his 2000 years of life. And hollows in the form of children was one such thing. He was not ready to be fooled. The spiritual pressure the seven gave off was of the lowest ranked number member of the squad members of the different divisions. Only the boy up front seemed to have more than the rest combined.

"Speak boy." Yamamoto said with a solid voice.

The boy took a breath before he spoke. "We are friends of Kisuke Urahara. We were meant to be sent to his location. But for some reason we were sent here instead."

Yamamoto squinted his eyes as he released some of his spiritual pressure. The ones behind the boy stumbled at the change. "You dare speak that traitor's name here? Shameless. All under captain rank leave this place."

"But Captain-Commander!" One of the black robed people called out.

"Silence!" Yamamoto released even more spiritual pressure, enough to force the black robed subordinates back all of them nearly falling to the ground at the intensity. "Follow my orders!"

"Y-yes sir." The man bowed before he and the rest vanished from their positions.

Yamamoto watched the others leave before he was brought back to the situation by Captian Kyōraku, "Oi. Old man better let up."

Yamamoto turned back and saw the situation. The children behind the teen were all still standing with great effort but they were breathing hard. The teen kept standing and was doing nothing. The boys eyes changed as he looked at Yamamoto with growing anger.

"Let off old man. I will answer your questions." The boy called.

"You are no position to dictate what is to happen here boy." Yamamoto said as he stopped himself from releasing his outpouring of spiritual pressure, he even increased the pressure.

Yamamoto watched on as the boy let out a breath and said softly, "Man I really didn't want to do this. But Urahara did say you were hard headed."

The three captains changed their stances at these words. Kyōraku snorted at the boys words knowing them to be true. Captain Unohana covered her mouth as she chuckled.

Jaune delved into his Reality Marble and mentally touched the top of the weapon stand underneath the dragon core. Pressing down there was a soft click.

In Soul Society there was a change in the air. A spiritual pressure like that of a captain appeared within Seireitei. But this pressure was not one most in Soul Society had come across. Only the most sensitive of shinigami had sensed such a power a year and a half ago in the human world. It had sent the Gotei 13 in a tizzy due to the danger of such a being walking amongst the humans. Even after such an extensive search nothing came up.

And now that spiritual pressure was back.

In front of the three captains a wind started swirl around the teen boy. As they watched his pure blue eyes began to change. A vertical slit replaced the pupil while the iris was gold within a circle of black surrounded by the normal white sclera. The boy was covered by a gold and black pillar of Reiatsu that shot into the sky.

Slowly the pillar dissipated allowing the three captains to see the changes. The robes of a shinigami covered the boy replacing his armor. Only two shoulder pauldrons were left from the armor covering the black robes. The two shoulder pauldrons were in the shape of two dragon heads. Behind the teen the shield enlarged and multiple weapons materialized attached to the edge of the shield.

The three captains looked on in shock across their faces. Never in their long lives had they seen such a transformation. Nor had they ever seen someone with so many zanpakuto. The limit they had ever seen was two but this teen had seven. One sword, one axe-hammer, one spear, two short swords and his shield.

"I am a huntsman or what you would call a Substitute Shinigami. I am here to get help to get my friends training in their Fullbring abilities. Should they be strong enough I will make them Substitute Shinigami as well. And to explain it for you to understand Captain-Commander I am not from this world. I suppose that is why you reacted so fast looking for the spacial tear that just opened up? Well that was us. Now if you would allow us to leave and meet with Urahara we will get out of your hair-" Jaune paused as he looked at the polished skull of Yamamoto, "or lack there of."

A tick mark appeared on Yamamoto's forehead as he heard the two other captains snicker at the teens words. But even as he thought of proper punishments for his disrespectful subordinates Yamamoto looked at the boy and sensed a familiar feeling from him. One he could never forget. The feeling of a dragon.

But the boys words left Yamamoto with too many questions.

The children behind the teen had already straightened up now free of Yamamoto's spiritual pressure, they all had confused and worried expressions as they tightened their circle behind the teen. 'He was able to negate my spiritual pressure with his own, freeing his companions? That is not an easy technique to master.' Yamamoto did feel some regret about his actions but he needed to clear away the subordinates who were not in the know of Urahara's actual position. But his actions did bring a deluge of information that he was lacking.

"Boy release your spiritual pressure. If you don't others will be here shortly. And we don't want to spread the information about Urahara too far." Kyōraku said as he crossed his arms hiding them in the sleeves of his pink petal kimono. From there he grabbed both of his swords ready to fight, just in case.

"Not until the captain-commander releases his own." Jaune said with a serious expression.

Unohana looked at Yamamoto before the man crumpled under her gaze. "Yes, yes." The old man waved his hand as if waving away smoke as he did his spiritual pressure was retracted.

Jaune reeled in his own and turned to his friends, "Are you guys ok?"

He got a couple of "yes", "no", "what the hell" from Blake, Ren, Pyrrha and Yang. But the two original trouble children looked on with wonder.

"What...was...that?!" Ruby cried out in excitement. "That was amazing! Was it the old dude who did it? Wow I've only felt like that when Yang sat on me when I was younger!"

"Ruby!!!" Yang yelled in anger at her sister, cheeks blushing hard.

"What happened to you Jaune?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah you just suddenly changed. It was really cool." Blake said looking on with sparkling eyes.

"It seems we will be working to gain such a thing if what I heard was right." Ren said as he crossed his hands behind his back standing tall.

"Nah Ruby. I think it felt like being at the bottom of a stack of pancakes. Really....heavy....pancakes." Nora began to drool as she thought of a giant stack of pancakes.

The rest all stared at each other for a few moments before they all started laughing. They laughed so hard they began to have tears rolling down their faces.

The three captains looked on in stupefaction. This was exactly opposite of what they had expected. Most who felt such spiritual pressure were traumatized by such a thing. But these...children could deal with it no problem and even joke about it right after. Spiritual pressure is used to intimidate, threaten and if infused with the will to do harm it gains a killing intent. And this is a natural progression as a shinigami grows older.

With Yamamoto being the oldest shinigami alive his spiritual pressure had a strong killing intent attached to it. It gave even the strongest captains pause. And these children shrugged it off like it was no real problem. It made them all question the type of lives these children had led up to this point.

After the laughter had died out Jaune began to speak, "So will you take us to the human world? We need to meet with Urahara."

"No you will stay here until we get word from Urahara in the real world. Once we do I will send a captain to go along with you there." Yamamoto said as if it was set in stone already.

Jaune's face pinched at this. He remembered what Urahara had said to him when he was in this world before. "Jaune if you ever find yourself in Soul Society or in Seireitei you need to escape at all costs. The enemy who framed me is still there. He is a very powerful enemy and you must not be caught. If you are it could mean the destruction of your soul along with the end of this world and your own. Should he realize what you have inside you he will do anything to obtain it. Never allow someone to keep you in Seireitei, he will find you and all will be lost."

Yamamoto seeing Jaune's expression got a sinking feeling.

"I am sorry captain-commander. I can not allow myself or my friends to be held here in Seireitei. There is a rogue element that would see me dissected and or manipulated to be used against your world and ours. For that reason I cannot allow myself to stay here. The only three I trust is Urahara, Tessei and Yoruichi, until my friends and I am with them I cannot allow myself to wait or we will be caught up in the rogues schemes. And for that reason I will fight with all of my ability until I am free along with my friends." Jaune explained. He hoped his sincerity got through because he would not be the cause of two worlds end. He would fight anyone if it could prevent that. And his words left enough information for Yamamoto's mind to pick it apart.

"That was not a request boy!" Yamamoto said as he stamped his cane into the ground.

"I know it wasn't. I just wanted to explain myself before I acted." Jaune said. With a wave of his hand a strong wind hit the mesa. The winds were so strong the three captains had to cover their eyes for a moment.

As the three dropped their arms they looked upon a barren mesa.

"Tch. Teenagers." Yamamoto said.

"I am sorry to inform you captain-commander all of those children are only around twelve save for the red hooded one, she is even younger about ten I would say. Even the older looking boy is twelve." Unohana said leaving the two men dumbfounded.

"They are so strong at that age?" Kyōraku asked with a sweat drop on his forehead.

"Indeed. And I believe the one who was speaking to us has as much if not more Reiatsu than Kenpachi had when he was that age, but it was contained by something." Unohana went on to explain. Due to her profession she was extremely sensitive to Reiatsu and her past allowed to understand that the boy was extremely well trained. At least at the level of a captain. Her heart was starting to beat faster but Yamamoto's next words nearly stopped it.

"I also felt something. Something I haven't since I was very young." Yamamoto paused questioning whether or not to share his thoughts. But thinking of the threat the boy could pose to Seireitei should someone else not know he allowed himself to let go of an ancient secret.

Kyōraku and Unohana looked at Yamamoto's expression. They knew this face. It was the one he had right before he dropped a bomb in your lap.

"I felt the power of a dragon from the boy. That heaviness that you felt inside his spiritual pressure. That was the aura of a dragon." Yamamoto said to the thunderstruck captains.

"B-but the dragons were defeated ages ago by you and the original Gotei 13! Right, old man?" Kyōraku asked his face showing shock, fear and immense worry.

Unohana who was looking off in another direction had a different expression. It was of immense hunger and lust for battle. Now Unohana's heart started beat five times as fast. He face became flushed as she thought of the battles she could have with the boy. After a few moments of collecting herself Unohana returned to her normal state but she seemed more lively and active than before.

"No. We let the people believe we defeated them. They fought each other and we dealt the finishing blow to the ones who fell close enough to threatened Seireitei. The dragons from the London branch are pale imitations compared to the ones we saw. The trued dragons left for places unknown after their battle at Seireitei's gates. And I felt the danger of those years from that boy. If I am right someone is after him for whatever gives him that power." Yamamoto said as he gazed off into the distant past.

"He couldn't be from the Dragon Clan could he?" Kyōraku asked in a hushed voice.

Yamamoto swung his cane hitting Kyōraku again and again making him drop down and cover his head. "You know never to bring them up!" Yamamoto yelled at his disciple.

"I'm sorry! It is worth asking though isn't it?" Kyōraku asked no one.

"Did you not hear his words? The boy and the rest are not from this world. He was right that we were following the traces of the spacial tear which brought us here." Unohana said. "What I want to know is the rogue element he spoke of is. It seemed he thinks it is part of Seireitei."

Yamamoto stopped swinging his cane before he said. "No. He was sure of it."

"How can you be sure gramps?" Kyōraku asked still holding his arms over his head.

"He skirted around it. But he implicitly said he could not stay within Seireitei and he trusted Yoruichi, Urahara and Tessai over anyone else. How would he know the names of people we have struck from our records unless he knew them. Even his comments about me, though infuriating, are exactly what I would expect from Yoruichi. All three who claimed to have been framed by someone. But since Central 46 won't allow me to see the records of the trial I have no way of knowing the person they called out." Yamamoto said as he held out his cane horizontal.

"Uh, gramps what are you doing?" Kyōraku asked.

"Clearing the area of evidence. No one can know the number of children that appeared here." A second later the wood of the cane evaporated to leave behind a sheathed sword. "They must think I killed them. One or both of you stand by the gate and allow them to pass through without anyone knowing. Or defend them so they can escape. Either one works I will protect you from the others. Do this for me." Flames began to appear around Yamamoto.

"Why are you going so far gramps?" Kyōraku asked greatly confused at Yamamoto's actions. He never went against the law unless it threatened all of Soul Society. Even then it had to be extreme circumstances.

Yamamoto looked into the past as he saw the gods of the sky rage. It was the most frightening thing he had ever seen. And his Zanpakutō did nothing to them. Even in it's Bankai state. He could not allow such beings to attack Soul Society or the whole of the world will be destroyed.

"I fear the reaction of the dragons should one of their own be injured or killed upon Seireitei soil." Yamamoto said. "Now back away or better yet attack with your own attack so that it is convincing."

Kyōraku was left speechless before he pulled out his weapons and attacked with his own abilities.

Not even the Zero Division could hold back an enraged dragon for long. So Yamamoto would take things into his own hands. He would clear the evidence and allow them to escape.

Because a true dragon's rage is not something one wants to see not even a shinigami.

With a flourish a pillar of scorching flame appeared on the mesa completely covering it. Any evidence of the children was wiped away and the nosy divisions all fell back upon seeing and feeling Yamamoto's attack before they even reached Sōkyuko Hill. A moment later the whole mesa was covered in pitch black, a moment later the black dissipated leaving only smoking partially melted stone.

A couple minutes later all of the Gotei 13 captains were present on Sōkyuko Hill. They began to question the situation clamoring over each other to be heard. Being fed up Yamamoto called out, "The matter is settled! The intruders have been eliminated! Now go--"

Before he could finish Yamamoto watched as the ropes holding the Sōkyuko in place began to fray. In a cascade of whip cracking sounds Sōkyuko was freed from its seal.

'First the dragon?! Now the Phoenix?!' Yamamoto screamed in his mind.

Flames began to emit from the halberd. Slowly the flames converged into the form of a massive Phoenix. The halberd was gone and the Phoenix was left. It glared at Yamamoto with all it's pent up hatred. Killing intent filled spiritual pressure crashed down upon all of Seireitei but the highest concentration was focused upon the mesa with all of the captains of the Gotei 13.

All of them were staggered by the pressure of a zanpakuto with the power of a million of it's kind. The fire bird screeched before it turned into a beam of light and flew off into Seireitei. In the direction the children had rushed off too. 'Damn it!' Yamamoto screamed in his mind. Now all of his cover up will be for nothing! 'I must now order the captains and divisions after them or it will look too suspicious.'

Knowing he had no other choice he looked at all of the captains of the Gotei 13. He looked at Unohana and Kyōraku passing the request from before to them again without saying a thing before he passed over to look into the eyes of the others.

"It seems the intruders escaped me. By my order all divisions; capture and subdue the enemy! Do not kill! We must find out what they have done with the Sōkyuko. Be careful, we do not know what they are capable of!" Yamamoto yelled out his order.

"Hai!" Every captain yelled before they vanished from their position.

"I hope you are able to back your words boy. Otherwise you are in more danger than before. This is all I can do for you." Yamamoto said to himself as he began heading in the direction everyone had went in a slow and steady manner. He really hoped no one killed the true dragon or all was lost.

"Ah! I didn't even get the boy's name!" Yamamoto called out to the air.

Unohana had to keep her heart steady as she rushed to the last location she had sensed the children. If she didn't keep her blood lust in check everything could be lost. Especially her next great battle.

Kyōraku rushed after the Phoenix and the children it raced after. Kyōraku had seen a lot of things but the last half hour has been the most exciting and confusing in all of his life. And now it was turned on it's head. For now he rushed to Ukitake's side and said under his breath, "Secret mission from Yamamoto." Receiving a nod from Ukitake, Kyōraku went on to say, "Protect and direct the children to the Senkaimon. Allow escape. If possible act in the background. If not, actively protect them Yamamoto will cover for us."

Receiving a confused but resolute nod Kyōraku rushed to the last known location of the Phoenix.

And the children from another world.