

Fate turns its eyes to worlds in darkness. Fate does odd things to the worlds it touches upon. It brings the smallest spark and forms it into a massive beacon for the oppressed and a wild fire for its enemies. What happens in the future is anyones guess with the whims of fate. I do this for enjoyment and practice. I own nothing. Please support the authors and creators by following and supporting the releases. World crossover in the future. 5 laid out as of this moment. More to be determined.

CultivatorDragon · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
100 Chs

Declaration of Independence, Sort of

When Jaune got home he found his uncle Jesse and his aunt Dian. He took them to the study room where he tried to come up with a plausible way to explain what was about to happen. Seeing Jaune's distress and serious expression the two just waited as Jaune ordered his thoughts. "Uncle Jesse how far back do our family records go?"

Hearing this question Jesse was bewildered as he had not expected Jaune to ask this, "Our family records go all the way back to the dark ages. Why are you asking about this?" The dark ages that Jesse spoke of were actually the years after the gods of the world left leaving humanity on extinction's doorstep.

"I ask due to an ancient legend I heard from a Faunus." Jaune explained.

Jesse and Dian's eyes widened as they heard this. They had kept their ancient lineage a secret for a long time, only two of each generation knew the full story of what happened during the dark ages. Jesse was one and his sister who was on another continent also knew. Dian had learned of this as she had become Jesse's confidant and his stop gap measure should he pass on before he was able to hand down this information to his children.

"For you to understand why I was told this I need to show you both something. After I do I think everything will make more sense." Jaune said as he focused and began his transformation magic.

Jesse watched on in silence as Jaune's aura glowed before two pointed ears appeared on his head followed by two waving foxtails from his tailbone. Jaune opened his eyes showing the orange circle around his azure blue eyes. "I have met a unique Faunus in my dreams, who has shown me how to do this and other things. I just want to know if you know about our ancestor and his wife."

Dian watched on in shock as the transformation Jaune had gone through. She looked over to her husband who had a stony expression on his face. "I do know of our ancestors. They were both great heroes in their time. They led the humans and the Faunus to fight back against the grimm. They are the reason why we have been able to spread all over the world. I had been told of the chance this would happen in the future, but since it had not happened since it was spoken, I disregarded it. To think I would be around to see it. It seems we are in for a very dangerous future."

Jaune just nodded his head. "I went to a White Fang meeting while in the city. It was there where Ghira Belladonna told me of the ancient nine tailed Faunus. When he heard my name, he put together the disappearance of the nine tailed Faunus. She is still here, she is the one who has shown me my abilities through my dreams."

"Ghira Belladonna the head of the White Fang? How did you manage to meet him?" Jesse asked.

"I met his daughter and met him through her. While I was there, our ancestor spoke through me to the Belladonna's. She spoke of the future of the Faunus and what needs to be done. Since she was the ruler of the Faunus in her time, she has just put a claim on that position again and she is pushing that position to me since I have manifested." Jaune explained.

"Just as it was told to us." Jesse said as he put his hand on his face. "So what is it that she decided?"

"She told them to bring their trusted companions and those who still remember the ancient legend to our home. Tonight." Jaune said.

"Of course she did." Jesse said as he sat in the desk chair and leaned back to stare at the ceiling for a minute. Jesse started laughing as sat in the chair. "I had been told in the stories that our, great-in excess grandmother was very forward and was the one who had the pants in the family. Seems those stories were right. Alright I will prepare the barn for our visitors as our house is not likely to have enough space for the talk we are going to have. As well as to keep the children from gossiping about our visitors. Dian please talk to the rest of the family. Ask them to take the kids out for a camping trip for tonight. Tell them Jaune will have special training with us tonight. Jaune you stay and explain everything you talked with Ghira about earlier."

Dian nodded and left to get the kids and parents moving. Tonight was going to be very busy. As well as very tense.

Later that night a procession of twenty Faunus appeared as they walked toward the Arc farm. Jaune who had just finished all the preparations waved his hand at Ghira, Kali and Blake. The trio waved back as tension made itself known from the group as their words came out, "Why is there a human child here? I thought we were going to speak to another Faunus not a human."

"This family of humans is related to the Faunus in question. If you doubt my words then you can leave, but you will not learn of our past if you do so. You will also not be connected to this group and our future plans. If you do not swear to not speak of what you hear tonight under any circumstances then you will go no further. What will be said tonight will affect the future of all Faunus." Ghira said as he turned to the group. Everyone present heard these words and saw the expression Ghira gave them. It was one that would not give ground on this no matter what.

Everyone where was Ghira's longest known companions most trusted confidants and those he saw as family. Even so, from his expression, they all knew if they did not swear they would lose all of these connections to him and be treated as an enemy. Half the group gulped before everyone nodded and proceeded to swear they would not divulge any information in this meeting.

Seeing this Ghira nodded his head and returned to following Jaune as he led the group to the barn that was lit up and prepared for the group. Inside the barn two older humans stood each had their weapons with them. One held a staff as well as a shield, the other held chains with handguns at their ends. Jaune led the beginning of the introductions, "Ghira, Kali, Blake and fellow Faunus, this is my uncle Jesse and my aunt Dian. Uncle Jesse is the head of the Arc family at this time."

Hearing the name Arc a few of the elder Faunus in the group gasped. It seemed a few of the older ones came to some conclusion just from hearing the name Arc and Ghira's talk of the ancient legends. Ghira smiled as he spoke, "It is good to meet the Arc family. I am Ghira Belladonna ex-leader of the White Fang. With me is my wife Kali, my daughter Blake, my successor in the leadership of the White Fang Sienna Kahn, and my closest confidants and advisors. I have not explained the full reason for us to be here so I would ask that we start soon so that they will understand."

Jesse nodded his head, "It is good to meet you all. If you would take a seat, we will begin to explain the reason for you being here. Ghira, if you would stand with me and Jaune." as he said this Jesse looked over at Jaune and tilted his head towards the open area before the chairs set out for the Faunus.

"Of course." Ghira said as he walked to stand next to Jaune with Jesse on the opposite side.

"Ghira, why don't you start us off?" Jesse asked.

"Sounds like a good place to start. I wish to ask how many of you know of the ancient legends of the Faunus?" Ghira asked. From this point on Ghira went over the legends and their importance. After he reached the disappearance of the nine tailed Faunus Ghira looked over toward Jesse and asked him to explain the rest.

Jesse went on to explain how the ancient heroes worked together and formed a bond they developed into love by the end of the dark age wars. At this statement many of the present Faunus made an uproar as they could not believe how their ancestor would fall in love with a human. Jesse and Ghira looked at one another before they looked down toward Jaune.

Jaune had been waiting for this time as well as Tama who was invisible next him. Jaune bowed his head and started his magic simulating summoning Tama just for show. In a few short moments Jaune sported two pointed ears and two swishing tails.

The Faunus making noise, fell completely silent when they saw this spectacle. Once the transformation and 'summoning' was finished though Tama did as she had before. Tama spoke once again, "I am the nine tailed Faunus of legend. I have appeared to direct the Faunus of this age to a better future, one where equality can be achieved. Will you listen to my words?"

No one disagreed. So Tama went on to explain her ideas of how to achieve equality though economic, political, and martial prowess. There was a lot of detail to this plan and it was a drawn out to help the Faunus realize that it was possible, but not without help. This help would come from three locations.

"The first location that will support and help to grow the country at this time will be the White Fang. The White Fang will be as it has been or as it will be under new leadership. The White Fang will use its reach and connections to send the needed capital, supplies, and workers to make this possible, all while hiding its real objectives though its actions, as a force of social revolution. Sienna Kahn, you will do this yes?" Tama asked.

Sienna Kahn seeing that she was addressed stood and nodded her head, "As this is to help the Faunus in our fight for social equality I will support it in the shadows as the White Fang continues to push for equality. The other nations will be directing their focus on us. Leaving the rest to set up this government and its forces."

"Thank you. Your sacrifice will lead to a better future for your people. Never doubt your ideal." Tama said as she bowed her head toward Sienna.

Sienna seeing this bowed further, "No. Thank you ancestor for showing us a path to Faunus equality."

"The second area to help with the advancement of this plan will be the huntsman and huntresses as well as their Academy's. These groups will be your best option in helping to clear the land of the grimm and other creatures that would prevent you from claiming the whole of the island nation. There are multiple ways to do this, but I will leave it for you to decide on this, as I do not know enough of this time period. They can also teach your people how to fight if given enough of a reason.

"The third area will be Jaune here. He will do all he can to make everything you wish to come true a reality. He will learn from me to use his powers. He will also be learning from huntsman and other influential people to make things possible. He will learn and make connections that will aid the nation in its foundation building. The Arc family is a long line of warriors who you can call upon to aid you. They are my ancestors and will help to make this nation a reality. Work with them and the equality that everyone seeks will be possible. The Arc family will be the connection to all the moving parts in this monumental movement. Sienna, Ghira do you understand my words?" Tama asked.

Sienna and Ghira nodded their heads. They both understood that Jaune would be the leader eventually. Since that was the case he should have some input on the actions and plans of the future government. Plus his aid, when he finds it, will be easier to access through a connection to the Arc family.

"My time is up. I will continue to watch over Jaune as this progress happens. I hope to see you realize what I had not been able to during my time. Please do your best." Tama said as she finished speaking to the group. The orange aura surrounding Jaune from the summoning circle flowed back into his center and disappeared. Jaune sank to his knees when Tama's aura left his body.

Blake called out as Jaune began to fall, "Jaune!"

"Jaune, are you ok?" Jesse asked as he caught his nephew as he tilted to the side.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just drained. That took a lot out of me and Tama." Jaune said as his consciousness faded. He didn't even notice when he spoke Tama's name. Jesse picked up Jaune and placed him on one of the hay piles on the side of the barn where he was met with Blake who watched over Jaune. Jesse smiled at Blake and asked her, "Can you watch over him for a while? I need to speak to your father.��� He watched Blake nod before he returned to the discussing Faunus.

Chiron appeared from the side and walked to Ghira. "I would like to offer my expertise in helping eliminating grim from your island nation if you would allow it."

"Chiron what are you doing here?" Jesse called worriedly.

"I saw that the barn was open and the house was empty so I decided to check it out." Chiron said.

"Ha. Alright well that being the case I can call in that favor right?" Jesse asked.

"Yes. It would be a worthy endeavor to take on. If you would allow me." Chiron said.

"What is going on?" Ghira asked.

"This is Chiron a Faunus who was saved by Jaune not too long ago. He is a self trained huntsman with elite or even headmaster level of skill. I suggest you take him with you to Menagerie and use him as a trainer and a huntsman. He says he has already trained Jaune in what he needs now he just has to practice." Jesse explained.

"I see. If you helped train that magnificent boy then I have no question you would be of immense help to our plans." Ghira said as he smiled and put out his hand for Chiron to shake.

Doing so Chiron nodded and walked away to watch over the crowd.

Ghira turned to look at Jaune and his daughter and remembered, "Tama?" Ghira asked before realization came to him. "Interesting."

"Indeed. Ghira, I have to tell you something that can help you in your future endeavor. This is an Arc family secret handed down from ancient times that if used properly will aid in our nations growth in the future. There are stipulations on the use of this technique. I will only give it to when you determine it is the right time to use it. Will you agree to this?" Jesse asked as he gestured for Ghira to follow him as he walked away from the conversing Faunus.

"I understand. If it is what your family has protected for all this time it must be an important treasure. Are you sure you wish to give it to us?" Ghira asked.

Jesse let out a breath, as he looked at the broken moon in the sky. "Yes I do as it will give strength that we will need in the future. I don't know anything else anymore though. Since Jaune was sent here to this farm, a year and half ago so much has changed. Our family has begun to breach the surface again. When the Arc family starts to move wars are not far off. This has been the case since our ancestor." Jesse said as he looked at Ghira. "The timing of this right after, can only mean one thing to me. It means that there will be a war in the future. Who against, I do not know. But the appearance of the ancestor at this time and her extremely detailed plans can only mean that this country will be the likely only place to be relatively safe during this war."

Ghira's face pinched. As it was explained like this, he also sensed something was on the horizon. He was not sure what, but it would be coming. Ghira placed his large hand on Jesse's shoulder as he stated, "I feel the same. Both our families have held onto this legend for the good of the future, and that future is now. The only things that we can do at this time is preparing for the future and get this nation off the ground. Once it is done the Faunus and the Arc family will be the bastion to weather the storm and push back the darkness whatever it may be."

Jesse could only laugh at these words. Ghira had a questioning look on his face as Jesse's laughter came back under control. "Sorry. It's just that our ancestor was known as Bastion and since his time we have used that word to describe our family's form of martial combat."

Ghira hearing this, joined Jesse in his laughter. "If this isn't the work of fate then I do not know what is." Ghira said as he held out his hand toward Jesse who reciprocated the gesture.

"Oh I have something to give you actually two things. These two books were given to me by Jaune earlier. He said to give them to you so you can get a strong foundation started on Menagerie." Jesse handed over the three books filled with herbs and tubers and all their uses, followed by a training manual made by Jaune from Chiron's instruction. The third book was a list of laws and forms of governance, accompanied by branches of the government and how to build them. Each had the process of how to go from the ground up. This was made by Saber and Shirou who were more versed in politics.

So began the Faunus and Arc cooperation that would lead to one of the strongest countries in known history.

Hello Fellow Readers!

He we go. Now we are on a track that will alter many things in the future. I hope you enjoy! See you next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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