
Fate Remastered: The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Born during the moment the sun set. The world itself awoke, to greet your entrance. The Sun rose, great, golden, flaming, and did not set until the darkest hours of the night. In its wake, the moon rose, opalescent, glowing white, as you cried out for the first time. The heavens watched with bated breath. All of Earth watched with bated breath. Doom hung by a thread, and at last a goddess bought a crying, screaming, babe into the world: You. Son of Lugalbanda and Rimat-Ninsun. Gilgamesh of Uruk. A man with more blood of the divine than mortal in him. Keystone of the gods. King of Uruk one day. And the First Hero. The King of Heroes.

AmpJ789 · Cómic
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14 Chs

The Flood

Edit: 03/05/2022

Author's Note:

This is a little clean up of the chapters if you will. Some little threads here and there that I forgot to add , some corrections and expansions , that sort of thing.


In the time of creation. The primordial World's surface, covered by magma oceans and deadly hot gas, before it was moved, crushed, and stabilized.

Tiamat and Abzu begot what would be known as the Mesopotamian pantheon.

But like many pantheons, legends and kingdoms afterwards, Abzu was slain by his progeny in vying for supremacy and independence , and when the gods turned against Tiamat, The Primordial Mother , she spawned the Eleven Magical Beasts to aid her in battle.

Tiamat was defeated by her traitorous spawn , and banished to Imaginary Number Space in the Earth's inner sea, the Reverse Side of the World, to prevent a goddess with the ability to spawn offspring from overwriting the established world.

Tiamat slept , waiting for the chance to return to Earth.

That is not that story.

This is another story.

The Elemental personification of the natural phenomena that was the Primordial World's power forged kingdoms of life and prosperity with other personifications maintaining those.

This would be the song of creation. The Celebration of leaving the Void.

To Create to Destroy. And to Destroy to Create.

The Act of Genesis.

Enuma Elish.

For this, They would be what humanity coalesced it into as "Gods".

The first phase of the Earth.

The Age of Gods.

These beings of immense power and control roamed the Earth as the dominant species and the personification of concepts and nature, establishing civilizations with humanity as their subjects.

Then everything changed.


The world was burning.



And Burning.

Four-fifths of the world had burned.

And in the wake of that ever present burning, yet more death had spread, a black sickness growing to cover the Earth, poisoning anything it touched and filling the world with monsters that had been driven to a berserk rage. For months, the kingdoms of the world fought the beasts, combatting their hordes even as the sickness spread inside their walls, too.

It was clear to all that the world was ending.

And when they thought that was the worst of it, the White Titan came.

The alien being known as the Umbral Star, Velber, The interstellar devourer approached Earth and enacted its function of harvesting civilizations by deploying a piece of itself called the White Titan Sefar to slaughter the gods and breaking down everything into Spiritrons to be absorbed.

Sefar begun her attack and rampaged across the Earth, slaughtering many pantheons, scattering civilizations, razing the very land she walks on, and absorbing all she destroys to grow larger and more powerful.

She was eventually defeated... by a human.

It didn't matter what the circumstances or the conditions.

Mankind had watched their gods die and surrender.

The damage done is irreversible; 80% of the surface had been burnt to ash, many gods lay dead and humanity has lost faith in them for succeeding where their deities could not.

The deterioration of the Age of Gods begun, with the gods' influence and power waning while humanity's grows.

The Mesopotamian gods avoid destruction by bowing down and pleading Sefar for mercy, who agrees by making a contract with them; in exchange for sparing their lives, the gods will return the favor and save the White Titan in her hour of need.

They needed to return to primacy.

The second phase in the ending of the Age of Gods, parting, and the dawn of modern civilization. All of humanity unites for the first time in Mesopotamia, and they speak the Unified Language. The Mesopotamian gods sense their waning influence, and create a keystone, the "Wedge of the Heavens," to connect humanity and the gods.

This... did not go as planned.