
Fate Remastered: The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Born during the moment the sun set. The world itself awoke, to greet your entrance. The Sun rose, great, golden, flaming, and did not set until the darkest hours of the night. In its wake, the moon rose, opalescent, glowing white, as you cried out for the first time. The heavens watched with bated breath. All of Earth watched with bated breath. Doom hung by a thread, and at last a goddess bought a crying, screaming, babe into the world: You. Son of Lugalbanda and Rimat-Ninsun. Gilgamesh of Uruk. A man with more blood of the divine than mortal in him. Keystone of the gods. King of Uruk one day. And the First Hero. The King of Heroes.

AmpJ789 · Cómic
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14 Chs

Story Timeline

Author's Note:

I should clarify on the timelines in this story and some snippets of Fate lore and historical fact. Should've done this a long time ago.


It's in the Early-Mid Age of the Gods. In Mesopotamia.

That's all there is to it.

""Historically"", Gilgamesh lived in 2800 BC.

( In Fate, it is 2600 BC.)

Nimras (allegedly) built his Tower of Babel around 2500 BC.

Narmer unified Egypt at around 3000 BC.

Kali Yuga began at 3000 BC.

Mesopotamian and certain other Civilizations predate Uruk as much as Uruk predates classical Greece, clocking in at around 4000 BC or older.

Catalhoyuk artefacts have been found dating back to 7000 BC.

The dates are muddled around, but one thing you can be sure of, is that there're only a handful heroic legends that predates Gilgamesh's, including Utnapishtim and Lugalbanda.

Gilgamesh, of course, overshines both of them.

Other heroic legends have not yet come to pass: the Mahabharata and Ramayana will take place later.

The Tuatha de Danaan have yet to land on Ireland's shores.

Greece's human civilization is still in its infancy, rebuilding from the collapse of Atlantis, what I personally headcanon/interpreted as what the modern world would believe is the Minoan civilisation.

The Chinese civilization is more gods and demons than humans.

Some of the oldest kingdoms in the world have yet to be founded.


One explanation I've seen someone use, and which I rather like, is that Gilgamesh originated the concept of "hero" , for humanity personally, and thus was the first to ascend to the Throne of Heroes, but then having the concept be created retroactively added a few older people in immediately after Gilgamesh.