

During the final battle between the Quincy and the Soul Society, Friedrich Braun, a simple soldat of the Wandenreich, is teleported into the void before succumbing to Yhwach's Auswählen and ends up by chance in the first singularity of Fate/Grand Order. What will result from this encounter between two different universes?

QuincyEcht · Cómic
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29 Chs


Friedrich's POV:

I caught the flying body of Jeanne that was launched at me by the Witch, placing her rapidly on the ground next to me. I resumed my sprint to reach the Witch, my reishi sword and her sword colliding.

'She's so strong,' I marveled at her for a second. 'I can't even make her sword move even a little. On the other hand, I would be her match at full capacity, I think.'

"Did you kill Archer and Rider?" she questioned with a puzzled expression on her face before it broke into a scowl. "With your little strength," she added before catching my sword with her armored hand and crushing it, delivering at the same time a kick directly to my stomach, the heel of her boot stabbing through me despite my Blut reinforcing me.

"Ughh!" I groaned in pain before trying to back away from the Witch.

"I told you at Lyon that you'd have a painful death!" she said, removing her heel from my body and delivering an uppercut, cracking the glass part of my helmet and sending me flying back to the ground.

"Friedrich!" exclaimed Jeanne worriedly before running to my battered body, placing herself in front of me to protect me from the Witch.

'She broke my ribs and I think that my jaw too with this punch,' I thought in pain, looking at the duo of saints facing each other.

"Look around, false me, take a last good look at your friends before they all burn in Hell!" declared the Witch, looking at me.

"Why?" questioned Jeanne. "Why do you want to do all of this, what do these carnage bring for you?"

"They betrayed me! All of them," replied the false saint with a shout. "They all let me burn at the stake, all of this for a truce with the English. I fought all my life for the Lord," she continued, getting more and more agitated as the discussion continued. "I don't hear the voice of the Lord anymore, so it means they all must burn!" she exclaimed before looking at her counterpart.

I tried to stand up; the world was shaking while I was standing up. I saw the ground coming near me, but a frail arm stopped my fall.

"Are you okay?" resonated in my head the voice of Jeanne. "The hit must have rung you; be careful."

"Why are you concerning yourself with such a weakling, Jeanne!" The voice of the Witch resonated at his turn, making me wince in pain.

"You're not me," said Jeanne resolutely. "You're just evil, trying to kill everyone for one betrayal," she continued while supporting me softly with her arm, making me stand despite my injuries. "All of these villagers, what have they done to you, Witch!?" questioned the saint. "Nothing, they're innocent, they never hurt you in any circumstances. You're just a mad beast trying to rationalize her awful actions behind a mask of hypocrisy!" exclaimed Jeanne.

"And for this, I'll stop you," she finished.

'What a woman,' I thought, absolutely amazed by her charisma. 'No surprises why the English were booted out of France when she was alive.'

"Am I mad, you said?" questioned the Witch, her body trembling. "Me? MAD!???" she exploded while looking at Jeanne with a blazing inferno erupting from her sword. "You say that I'm mad, but I've never been this conscious before! It's like I woke up from a dream. You and your little human pet, you're going to burn here!" she screamed before the flames on her sword grew stronger and brighter.

"Friedrich, I'll drop you for one second, okay," she said, smiling at me before gently putting me on the ground. "Don't move too much, or you'll lose too much blood."

I looked at Jeanne with gratitude in my eyes.

"You're going to try to stop that attack?" I asked. "It emits even more energy than Martha's own big attack."

"It's called a Noble Phantasm, not a 'big attack,'" she said while covering her mouth with her hand. "It's the crystallization of our own legend; it's our strongest capacity as a Heroic Spirit," she explained while taking her flag. "Stay behind me, Friedrich," she asked, smiling at me.

The energy of the Witch attained a height I've never seen before; even the release of Quilge's Volständig pales in comparison.

In comparison to the Witch, Jeanne emitted far less.

'No, she's not going to withstand it,' I thought worriedly while failing to stand up due to the punch. 'I can help her if I focus all my remaining reishi for a boost to my Schrift.'

"You'll burn both of you, and you, Friedrich, I'll feed your burned body to Fafnir after dismembering it," she said while waving her flag.

"Le Grondement De La Haine!" she exclaimed, the fire burning bright was sent towards us.

Jeanne, using her flag that was shining in a golden light, slammed the handle of it into the ground.

"Luminosité Éternelle!" screamed Jeanne, the light from the flag being converted into a shield protecting both of us.

The collision of the two Noble Phantasms was cataclysmic; the shield stopped the progression of the fire, but I saw Jeanne struggling to keep this stalemate. Her feet were sliding backward due to the force of the impact.

Then, in just a moment, her shield started to crack due to the immensely powerful attack hitting it relentlessly.

"Ughh!" groaned Jeanne, putting more energy into her shield, but her efforts were in vain, the shield continued to shrink.

I finally stood up and started to walk toward Jeanne, putting my hand on her right shoulder. I passed by her.

"Friedrich, what are you doing?" asked the saint, worry in her voice.

"Saving the both of us, obviously," I replied, looking back at her with a smirk before looking back at the clash of the two Noble Phantasms.

'I could die doing that,' I thought before taking a good breath to calm my nerves. 'This is madness, but let's try it.' I closed my eyes, taking a last good breath before removing my gloves to reveal another glove, but this one was the one used for the Vollständig.

'Volständig,' I thought before an enormous amount of reishi was taken near me. I used Sklaverei to recharge my glove to perform a Vollständig, my body burning from the enormous amount that I was accumulating inside of it before releasing everything in a beautiful red pillar adorned with a Quincy cross.

'Vollständig, 'Hurrikan,' I thought, submerged by joy that I didn't explode on the spot trying it. In this new form, I was adorned in my Quincy uniform but with four additional wings made of red reishi, each with an open eye on it.

"Friedrich, you're an angel?" asked the saint, with an exaggerated open mouth. She was a bit shocked, I believe. "Oh God! You're bleeding from everywhere, Friedrich!" she exclaimed while still maintaining her Noble Phantasm.

'Must do it in one hit, or I'll die of overstrain; my body is rapidly imploding due to the reishi concentration,' I thought, while I sensed that blood was leaking from my nose, eyes, and my ears at a rapid rate.

"An angel?" questioned the Witch. "Why is an angel trying to help Humanity? They're all sinners; they all deserve to burn and disappear!" she exclaimed, clearly shaken by my new form.

I used the four eyes on my wings at the same time. One eye can create a zone of five meters where everything in it twists in all directions. A body caught in it will be pulverized in less than a second. Four eyes create a zone four times greater; the force is even stronger with four eyes. So I made my eyes blink in the direction of the Witch and her attack.

Her Noble Phantasm, caught in the attack, was dissipated immediately, same for Jeanne's one. Sadly, the Witch was too far for me to kill with this attack. I looked back at Jeanne.

"I," I started, trying to speak despite all the blood coming from my mouth. "Let you do the rest," I finished with barely a murmur before my Vollständig dissipated, and I fell on the ground, barely conscious, all my orifices still bleeding from the strain applied to my body during the transformation.

Before passing out, I sensed a warm light covering my body before succumbing to the darkness beckoning me to fall into it.

'Why did I do this?' I questioned myself. 'All of these fights were not even necessary for me to fight. I could have watched from the sideline, so why did I fight?' I asked myself, puzzled about this strange occurrence. 'In the army, I would've never done that, so why is this happening here?'

I opened my eyes to see the sun in the sky.

I'm moving alone, a cart perhaps given the timeline, though I wouldn't be surprised if I see a car given the strangeness of the past two days.

I tried to stand up, but my body refused to respond to any kind of message my brain was sending. In fact, I wasn't sensing anything, not even the warmth of the sun.

'Am I dead?' I asked myself before trying to use my reishi manipulation to scout the surroundings. 'I can't sense any reishi?!' I was baffled. A Quincy could always sense reishi whatever the circumstances were.

'Did the Vollständig injure me so much that I can't sense Reishi anymore?' I asked, but before I could find an answer, the world started to dim, and soon enough, I was in the throne room yet again.

I kneeled, but when I wanted to speak, I couldn't. My throat refused to generate even the tiniest of sound.

"Do not worry, Friedrich," I heard His Majesty say. "You'll just have to rest for a day before you can sense and manipulate your reishi to an optimal level. But for your body, it's in a dire state. Your throat was crushed by the pressure generated by your own Vollständig, your ears, and eyes are damaged beyond repair. But it's not hopeless for you. I'm still sure some saint can cure you of your ailments. Now go and continue your endeavor," He said before I sensed the shadows crawl over me before devouring me again.

I awoke again, in the supposed cart. Then, with my blurry line of vision, I could still recognize the person taking care of me; it was Jeanne. She looked at me, and I suppose it was surprise and a bit of pity in her eyes.

"You're finally awake, Friedrich!" she exclaimed. I hissed at her outburst; it made my ears painful. "Oh, I'm sorry, Friedrich," she murmured before trying to make me rise from the little bed. I didn't sense her hands touching me. My senses were so dulled apart from my ears that I sensed absolutely nothing.

"You slept for one whole day," the saint continued to murmur. "Mozart used his Noble Phantasm to stop the Witch and her servants. Then I loaded you into a cart before we departed from La Charité," she explained.

"You," she started, trying to find her words. "Your body was so damaged. My healing couldn't help you much, while it still stabilized your condition, it couldn't heal you completely," she continued looking at me. "Your veins and nerves are all so badly damaged; Dr. Archaman said you would never walk again for all your life," she said, greatly pained for me it seems. But for a Quincy, these wounds can be healed relatively easily, but for my voice, it will be a bit complicated. Even a Hollow with fast recovery cannot recover something like a voice.

I looked at her, trying to speak to make her comprehend that I can't speak anymore to answer her.

"You can't speak anymore?" she questioned with widened eyes. "I'm so sorry, your life is wasted because of me. I wasn't strong enough to kill myself. You sacrificed everything for me, but I couldn't help you back," she murmured with great difficulty, looking ashamed of herself.

I moved my hand toward hers and touched it. She looked at me, and I shook my head to signal my disagreement with what she said.

"It's not my fault," she questioned. "But everything is my fault, Friedrich. If I never existed, there wouldn't be this Witch. She is literally me."

'The conversation will go nowhere; she is too stubborn to recognize that it's not her fault for the deeds of the other Jeanne,' I thought grimly, a sigh escaping my lips.

We stayed in silence for some minutes before Jeanne couldn't endure it anymore.

"Why?" she asked me, her tone pleading. "Why, as a human, are you fighting for us Heroic Spirits? We're immortals, yet you're not. I can comprehend Ritsuka and Mash, but you, you don't have their mission. And don't start to talk to me about your knight order; you could've faked going to France and hide, waiting for the outcome."

'Why indeed,' I chuckled internally. 'I think I'm just fighting for myself. All my life, I've fought for others, but now I can fight who I want, whenever I want. I feel free,' I thought, smiling. at the saint 

"You're such an idiot " she muttered before turning away "I'll be going, take care for the remaining time".

'An idiot huh ?' I chuckled internally 'yeah it seems like it, but it's so strange, I don't feel like myself anymore, I can't control my emotion like before and I'm more prone to do reckless things' I noted internally before drifting to sleep.

Ritsuka POV:

The group was advancing toward a little village marginal of Lyon. I was speaking with Mash when I saw Jeanne go out of the cart that was housing Friedrich Braun.

I listened to what Director Archaman and Da Vinci said about Friedrich, that his magecraft was nothing like they've ever seen, magecraft of this order violate every law that was established by Gaia and as he said, he was part of a knight order, so they theorized that perhaps their entire order has access to this type of capacity.

But Mash commented something interesting, that never in any book that she read, it never had any mention of a Knight of the star cross or Stern Ritter, his knight order was not known in any book. Mash read a lot of books in her life, so I trust her absolutely in regards to legend or historical facts.

So,there are three possibilities, one, Friedrich lied about his origins and he is an enemy that just tried to blend with us to better backstab us and his order never existed, or he is an ally but doesn't want us to know his origins and the last one, his order remained hidden from the beginning of history to modern day, but that hypothesis is close to zero, his order seems to be powerful if Friedrich is just a knight, then how strong are the higher placed in the hierarchy or the leader of the order ?

I cannot start to fathom a force like that, Friedrich as a knight, killed two Heroic Spirits and had a technique that allowed him to nullify a Noble Phantasm strong enough to overpower another one. If an entire order of knights of this magnitude existed, wouldn't they be stronger than even the Round Tables Knights? We already fought King Arthur in the last singularity and she was extremely strong.

"Miss Jeanne, how is Friedrich ? "asked Mash with worry in her voice

"He was awake for a time, his body was still broken and he could barely move" I saw her eyes gaining a little touch of pain as she continued "He can't speak anymore, his throat was crushed by the strength of his transformation it seems".

I hear Mash gasp and I let out a sigh

We could already see the village that we were journeyed toward for almost a day already

"Let's go Mash! " I exclaimed, looking toward my friend 


Don't worry, the protagonist will be far stronger than before from this :)

See you soon!