

During the final battle between the Quincy and the Soul Society, Friedrich Braun, a simple soldat of the Wandenreich, is teleported into the void before succumbing to Yhwach's Auswählen and ends up by chance in the first singularity of Fate/Grand Order. What will result from this encounter between two different universes?

QuincyEcht · Cómic
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29 Chs

Discussions and Another One

Friedrich POV:

'I'm beat,' I thought before dropping to the ground like an stringless puppet 'Three hours of continued absorption and release of important quantity of reishi is tiring' I added before trying to close my eyes before a voice forced them open

"You're finished ?" asked with a bored voice my "mentor", before yawning, under a tree with her cap hiding her eyes,"you have a good stamina, for doing this for 3 hours straights without pauses" she added before standing up and stretching

I sensed a vein pop on my head, she was appointed to help me, but the only help that I received was being zapped when I tried to recover and some commentary like "More ! " or "Less !'" or even 'hold it !', this comment practically killed me one time because holding an enormous amount of reishi in the body is extremely dangerous, it was like all of my veins were on fire.

"It was actually quite good, rookie !" she said arriving near, before crouching and poking me with her forefinger, "When I first started training this technique,I was out after thirty minutes, you're impressive " she complimented with a jovial tone

I squinted my eyes behind what remained of my helmet

'What is she playing at ?' I was quite scared of the girl.'Why is she praising me ? Is she going to zap me again ?'

"Thank you" I said, faking my grateful attitude,she was nothing short of a slavedriver during these three hours. How can I be grateful ? I'm not that fucked up

"You're welcome, rookie ! " She beamed with a toothy smile, before looking around with a frown "Well, it seems that's enough training for today" she informed me before standing up from her crouching position.

Then I saw the darkness that was eating the entire room,

"bye bye rookie !" She giggled, waving at me before being engulfed by the darkness "We're doing that again tomorrow ! " I heard from the darkness

'Oh, ' I realized grimly 'I'm fucked aren't I ?' I thought defeatedly before being engulfed by the darkness

I opened my eyes to see the light of the sun, shining on me through the window of the room

'What a night,' I grunted in pain before leaving the bed, 'it's a strange sensation to be in pain from the soul and being fine in the body' I noted before stretching for a bit,

'Let's wash first' I decided, I saw where the bathroom were yesterday before going to sleep

I exited my bedroom before turning right and going for the bathroom, I knock on the door, hearing no response, for assurance, I scanned the bathroom with my senses and detected nothing,so I went in and closed the door behind me

The bathroom was equipped with a mirror and a washbasin.

It reminds me of my childhood, a washbasin," I chuckled, remembering the moments of my life when I wasn't in the Army.

I looked in the mirror and saw my face 'the same face that this traitor' I raged looking at the mirror. The Braun family that I was part of was one of the families with close ties with the traitorous Ishida family, the sister of Soken Ishida was my mother, so I was the cousin of Ryuken Ishida, a Quincy that didn't recognize the glory of His Majesty.

I knew that I looked exactly like Ryuken but with red hair, I was looking a bit younger though the sealing of his quincy power stopped his rejuvenation.

'Let's not dwell on that,' I thought before shaking my head and looking at the washbasin

Ten minutes later, I opened the bathroom door after washing.

I decided to go downstairs to see if anybody was awake

'Do I take my helmet ?'I pondered for a second before shaking my head,'No, let's try to build trust between us first, it'll help for the group'

When arriving downstair I saw only Jeanne 'trying' to cook something, presumably the breakfast

"Good morning Jeanne" I said looking around the living room, searching for the duo, not seeing them I asked "Are Ritsuka and Mash around ?"

"Good morning, Friedrich," said the French saint while still cooking. "Ritsuka and Mash are still sleeping, Napoleon and Siegfried are helping around the village" she added before looking at me "No helmet today ?" she asked, smiling at me

"No, not today," I replied, chuckling, "Do you need help for breakfast ?" I asked

"No, that's good," she declined, shaking her head , "but could you go and wake up Master and Mash, please ? Their bedroom is just here " she asked while pointing to one of the door behind me "The breakfast will be ready soon " she added while smiling before resuming her cooking.

I nodded at the saint before arriving in front of the bedroom

"Mister Ritsuka, Miss Mash !" I said, knocking at the door "breakfast will be served shortly, Jeanne and me we'll be waiting for you " I extended the invitation

I heard movement inside the bedroom and knew that they were now awake.I came back to the table and took a seat in one of the chairs that were around it.

"So, Jeanne, what do you think should we do for the situation in France" I asked quite curious about the thought of the saint

She stopped cooking for a second, turning her gaze to the ceiling before letting out a sigh

"I would like to know what motivated the other me to commit all these atrocities" She replied "I burned too you know, but I would never, even in my most horrible state, commit all of this "she added while turning her head to me, looking for something.

"I agree, I've not known you for long, miss Jeanne, but I think that this Dragon Witch as they call her, must be a fake or something that didn't happen to you happened to her and that sent her mad" I said while meeting Jeanne's stare, after a brief moment, she detourned her stare and resumed cooking

"Thank you Friedrich," she said softly "Since my summon in this Singularity, i've been thinking about my double's action and it haunts me, all my life I've been fighting for my people and for God and in the span of two or three months, all that I fought for was destroyed" she lamented while finishing the breakfast.

I was at a loss for words for a while. I never had that many interactions with other people even in the army, the army was not a place where talks were exchanged, we were automatons made for war and ending the Shinigami,nothing more.

"Miss Jeanne," I started hesitantly, my voice trying to be reassuring, "The actions of the Witch are not yours. Do not attribute to yourself the sins committed by her. If you defeat her, all the people will remember is you defeating the false Jeanne. The sins will be attributed to her, not you. So please do not burden yourself with her actions; only yours matter," I added, trying to encourage her.

She looked at me and smiled, but I could see that my encouragement accomplished nothing. She will still think that it's her fault and try to resonate with the Witch, but I knew that there was no negotiation with her.

'What a kind girl, totally the opposite of this sadistic zapping gorilla of a "mentor"' I chuckled in my head

The door of the bedroom of the Chaldeans swung open to reveal Mash and Ritsuka

"Good morning you two" I said to them while they took place at the table with me

"Good morning/Good morning Mr.Friedrich and miss Jeanne" said both of them

"I told you the Mr part was not important miss Mash" I reminded her smiling,

"Sorry, I forgot" she apologized, her ears slightly redder.

'Did you have a good night Friedrich ? " asked Ritsuka while starting to eat the bread that Jeanne put on the table

"Yes, an excellent night I might say ! " I lied with zest, this night was one of my most horrible in my whole life

I took one of the piece of bread and put jam on it before eating

"And you two, did you have a good night ?" I asked back to them

Mash and Ritsuka nodded in sync.

We were enjoying our breakfast while talking when suddenly,I sensed four enormous spiritual pressures and a lot of smaller ones coming fast toward the village.

I stood up rapidly, surprising everyone at the table

"They're coming! " I exclaimed before rushing upstairs to take my gear, I heard Ritsuka calling the doctor Romani.

After taking all of my gear, I noticed the gloves of the Volständig behind present in my gear, I didn't ask any questions and put it on before starting to absorb the surrounding reishi.

I opened the window, climbed out of it and teleported on the roof of the house before starting to create my bow, aiming for the wyverns that were clouding the sky

'It will take a long time to kill them all' I sighed before starting to blast them with reishi arrow

I saw Ritsuka, Mash and Jeanne, running out of the house to meet the skeleton that started to flood the village from the destroyed gate

I continued to slaughter the wyvern when an arrow landed near me with an explosion, deflected by my Shrift

'Well, some people don't learn their lessons it seems' I thought, seeing Martha on her turtle dragon thing and the animal eared woman that I impaled on a house, rushing for me

Three more arrows were fired for me, all three deflected of course, I aimed my bow at them and fired too, all the shots parried either by the staff of Martha or the turtle.

'Let's see a bigger arrow then' I chuckled before charging my arrow with a significant amount of reishi before firing it like a pure beam of energy, the shockwave was so strong, the roof of the house was blasted apart.

The green haired woman tried to destroy my arrow by firing her arrow into hit, but soon she noticed that her arrows disintegrated on contact with mine.

"Dodge !" she said, urging the turtle riding saint

"Tarrasque, dodge" Martha urged her mount, looking worriedly at the arrow

The arrow missed by an inch the turtle before hitting the flock of wyvern behind it, resulting in an deafening explosion of blue reishi generating a shockwave that swept the houses at the entrance of the village.

'This turtle is quite agile for its size' I commented

"Tarrasque ! Go for him!" I heard the woman say, pointing at me, her mount going ballistic towards me.

'Let's take the fight outside the city or the civilians will die,' I decided.But before' I thought before gathering a big amount of reishi into another arrow and firing it into another flock of wyvern, disintegrating them in one go.

'It'll help the civilian evacuate' I thought before looking rapidly at the state of the battle,

Ritsuka and Mash were helping civilians to evacuate while defeating the skeletons, Jeanne was cleaving her way through the see of strange skeleton to attack the dragon witch, her eyes were blazing with fury, Siegfried and Napoleon were fighting an old man, a strange lady and Fafnir, the dragon looked a bit scared of the slayer's sword though.

I fired a quick succession of arrows toward the rider and the archer, hitting the turtle relentlessly.

"Tarrasque, don't stop, we're catching up with him ! " exclaimed the saint "Atalanta, rain arrows on him to slow him down ! " demanded the rider

"I'm trying" growled the green haired woman "But this strange ability of his is deflected all my arrows " she added while firing more arrows

We soon arrived in a clearing, I stopped running and turned to face my three opponents, retracting my bow

"You've finally stopped ! " declared the saint happy about my stop "Now ! I can take my revenge, Atalanta, Tarrasque stay out of this, this is personal ! " she declared before jumping down to meet me.

"You're going to pay ! " she declared while falling to the ground

"I don't remember doing something that needed this much hate, miss Martha" I replied while looking at her, what an idea to jump for the turtle while wearing that type of clothing, all of these Heroic Spirits are their own kind of insane it seems.

"You.Don't.Remember. !? " she demanded aggressively,, emphasizing each word, her eyes looked like two blazing infernos "You first attacked me while I was speaking and the most horrible of all, you punched my FACE !! You could've punched everywhere else, but you never punch a woman's face" She declared with vehemence while getting closer to me.

"Sorry," I apologized "You're right" I continued, at this, she stopped while looking at me with widened eyes and a little smile gracing her face

"See ? It wasn't that hard to apolo…" She started before I used Hirenkyaku to appear in front of her, fist launched for her face and yet again, she took the punch right in.

Martha, her body launched like a rocket, before hitting the ground, creating a dust cloud, hiding her figure, I heard a little laugh from the turtle, I turned and saw Atalanta covering her mouth with her hand and the turtle had a strange expression on his face.

"I don't see why I should change my strategies" I declared to the rider, not knowing if I could be heard from her spot or "It seems to work every time" I added with a little smile


Well i am going for the ryuken look for the mc

This was an incredibly fun chapter to write

You can possibly expect another chapter after I go back from the gym

See you sson :)