

During the final battle between the Quincy and the Soul Society, Friedrich Braun, a simple soldat of the Wandenreich, is teleported into the void before succumbing to Yhwach's Auswählen and ends up by chance in the first singularity of Fate/Grand Order. What will result from this encounter between two different universes?

QuincyEcht · Cómic
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29 Chs

A Miracle In Chaldea

Friedrich POV:

"You're not being entirely truthful," I asserted, skepticism coloring my tone as I fixed my gaze on the man. Something didn't quite add up. If I could unconsciously recreate Stern Ritter like BG9 and Cang Du, why was it suddenly impossible for him to consciously recreate the body of a Stern Ritter?

The man let out a sigh, his smile growing more evident.

"Alright, you caught me," he admitted.

"I wanted you to get a taste of the power that the strongest members of our Order possess. Just imagine being in the shoes of Jugram or any other royal guard. Wouldn't that be a fascinating experience?" he mused.

"I have to decline," I firmly stated once more. "My desire for strength is not to possess someone else's power but to cultivate and harness my own. I want the strength that is uniquely mine."

The man's smirk remained, and he chuckled softly. "How ironic it is, isn't it? For Quincy, a race entirely dependent on the existence of Yhwach, to desire independence and individuality in their strength," he mused, his words carrying a tinge of irony. 

I continued to regard him, my brows furrowed and annoyance building within me. His words struck a chord of truth, yet I was unwilling to fully acknowledge the implications of what he had said.

"Well," he began, his tone shifting to a more focused one, "Let's put that topic aside for now. Friedrich, I'm curious, which Stern Ritter do you believe should be sent to Chaldea?"

"Do we have access to all the Stern Ritter's souls?" I inquired, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, indeed," he replied, his tone confident. "With the last Grail's power, I should be able to create a physical body and use the trapped souls in the cocoons to animate them."

I nodded then started to think about which Stern Ritter would be an asset to our mission but I still had a question

"But the Stern Ritter won't necessarily be bound to follow our commands, will they?" I pressed further, a hint of skepticism in my voice.

To my astonishment, the man's form began to change, taking on the appearance of Yhwach. His voice then adopted His Majesty's tone. "You were saying?" he retorted with a smugness that sent shivers down my spine.

I managed a faint smile, though his display of power and manipulation was gradually wearing away at my sanity. "No that's good"

My attention shifted to the larger cocoons in the distance, each one marked with the letters "B," "C," "D," "M," and "X."

"The Royal Guard or the Grand Master would indeed be invaluable assets," I proposed, keeping my gaze on the man who had momentarily taken on the appearance of Bazz-B. His quick transformation didn't faze me, and I maintained a deadpan expression. He reverted to his own appearance before speaking 

"Each Royal Guard member possesses the strength to handle numerous Heroic Spirits without any trouble, and their unwavering loyalty to Yhwach can work to our advantage," the man added. My gaze remained fixed on the man, who had assumed his own appearance once more. "They won't question anything that appears to come from me, parading as Him, except perhaps Askin. He's far too dangerous to be left unchecked, too cunning and intelligent," the man remarked with a sense of caution.

I surveyed all the cocoons before making my selection.

"We'll go with this one," I announced, indicating the cocoon with the letter "M."

"Gerard Valkyrie, huh?" the man remarked as he gazed at the chosen cocoon, a smile playing on his lips. "An excellent choice, the unkillable monster, well, except for Yhwach's foolishness, I suppose."

As soon as he finished his sentence, a flawless replica of Gerard's body materialized beside us, and the cocoon began to crack.

"Well," the man chimed in, his voice filled with anticipation. "I'll handle the conversation while assuming Yhwach's form, and then we'll introduce him to Chaldea!" His excitement was palpable. "I can't wait to see their reactions."

I regarded him with undisguised disgust in my eyes. I sensed so much malice coming from him it was terrifying

'This man just wants to see the world burn,' I thought, maintaining my position in the room he had conjured. He had assumed the throne, mimicking His Majesty's appearance. I was willing to deceive one of the Royal Guard if it served the greater good of our people.

"So, what you're asking is for me to befriend these Chaldeans?" Gerard inquired, a perplexed expression on his face. Never before had His Majesty tasked him with befriending a group of youngsters.

"Indeed," 'Yhwach' confirmed. "You will now be sent into the Throne of Heroes, where you will take the place of the Heroic Spirit that Chaldea was meant to summon."

"It will be done, Your Majesty. You needn't worry. After all," he added with a pause, "I am the best."

I heard the man chuckle, and a hushed silence enveloped the throne room.

"Indeed, you are the best, 'my' Royal Guard," 'Yhwach' affirmed, his tone brimming with seriousness. Gerard's body began to disappear in a golden light. "Now, go and bring us glory," the man added.

Shortly after, Gerard was no longer in the throne room. The surroundings shifted and distorted, and eventually, all that remained was the familiar darkness with a screen materializing before us.

"Come!" the man exclaimed. "We'll watch how the start unfolds, and after that, I'll train you. Don't worry, the pain will be temporary."

I begrungedly sat beside him as chair had materialized here

'Good luck Gerard' I prayed for my teacher as I knew it wouldn't be easy to help the Chaldeans.

Ritsuka POV:

I groggily awoke to the sound of my alarm clock ringing, and I glanced at it to see that it was 8 AM. My body still ached from the recent battle with Altera in the last singularity. It had been a demanding fight that required a joint effort from all the Heroic Spirits in the singularity and from Chaldea to take her down.

"Senpai!" I heard Mash's voice as she knocked on my bedroom door. "We need to go summon the three new Servants!"

"Coming!" I responded, then I got up from my bed and began to dress, soon enough I opened my door

"Morning, Senpai!" Mash greeted me with a smile as I stepped out of my room. Mordred, on the other hand, wore a more serious expression. In the last singularity, Mordred had been furious about her Clarent being destroyed by an unknown force, manipulated by the man who had killed two Stern Ritter and kidnapped Friedrich. 

Friedrich was an enigmatic figure in my life. I wanted to consider him a friend, but his actions since the end of the Orleans battle had raised doubts. 

Mash looked thoughtful as she asked, "Senpai, who do you think we'll summon?" I took a moment to consider before responding, "I think a Caster or a Berserker would be appreciated. We already have two Sabers and two Archers."

Mordred nodded in agreement, and Mash smiled at me. "It seems like you're making great choices, Master!" Mordred exclaimed. "I hope that in the next Singularity, we'll find one of those White Masked bastards. I want answers about my sword."

I couldn't help but wonder, "Will they truly be here? If the two who died were the elite members of their order, their losses are significant. Losing two humans who can battle Servants and win is a devastating blow."

Hearing me Mash started to look at the immaculate ceiling as she pondered

Mash looked puzzled and turned her gaze from me to Mordred. "But why are they fighting amongst themselves?" she asked. "And who was the man that destroyed Clarent and killed two of his fellow knights? He was wearing the same uniform as them."

Mordred responded firmly, "Overthinking won't get us anywhere, Mash. We'll find one of them, ask the questions we need, locate their bases, Rayshift in, and end them. Their actions were against us, so now they must pay for it!"

"I believe they could be potential allies," a man's voice chimed in from behind us. We turned to see Napoleon approaching. "Even though we didn't stay with Friedrich for long, we all fought the same enemy, and he assisted us throughout the Singularity. Declaring him and his Order as enemies might be a bit hasty, I think."

Mordred shot a dagger-like stare at him for a moment before sighing and storming off towards the summoning chamber. We exchanged glances before following her inside the chamber. There, we found Jeanne, Artoria, Chiron, and Da Vinci.

Da Vinci spoke up, "Now that Ritsuka is here, we should begin the summoning." The chamber started to dim, and Mash placed her shield on the ground. "Romani, initiate the summon!" exclaimed Da Vinci.

A short while later, the shield began to emit a blinding blue light. As the radiance subsided, a figure in flowing robes emerged. The woman introduced herself in a soft voice, "Servant Medea, Caster, at your service." Her eyes fell upon Artoria, and she offered a faint smile, saying, "Well, if it isn't the king of Britain himself.'"

"Glad to see you, Witch " spat Artoria as she responded to her taunt 

"Again two servants that can't be together " I heard Da Vinci say sadness coming from her voice "When will we have servants that doesn't conflict with the others ? "

"Hello, Miss Medea," Chiron greeted, "I am terribly sorry for what my pupils did to you." She stared at Chiron for a moment before sighing, "Jason's sins don't stem from you, Centaur. You don't have to bear the burden for him. If he is summoned anywhere, I'll gut him very slowly, don't worry." Her sweet tone as she mentioned Jason sent shivers down everyone's spines in the room. She stepped down from the summoning circle, and Mordred continued to glare at her, likely due to the mention of her father, Jason.

The Witch of Betrayal positioned herself next to me in the room and softly whispered in my ear, "Master, if you need anything, don't be shy to ask me." Her words sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but think, "What a dangerous woman."

As the shield emitted another blue light, a man holding a pure red spear with engravings on it, wearing a tight blue full bodysuit, was revealed. I recognized him instantly and exclaimed, "Cu!" In our first singularity, Cu was summoned as a Caster and had been a valuable ally.

"Hey, little Master!" Cu greeted, "It seems that your little mission of saving the world is going well. You've even gathered an impressive troop. Hey, Caster and Saber are here too, but I don't see the Faker. It looks like I was better than him again! Ahaha!"

However, as the summoning continued, Mordred and Saber quickly took their positions in front of me. I demanded to know what was happening, and Artoria explained, "My instincts tell me that the one we are summoning is extremely dangerous." Mordred agreed, saying, "Same as Father."

As the light disappeared, we all laid eyes on the newcomer, a man draped in a white robe adorned with the cross of Friedrich's order. However, the cape had red markings in contrast to Friedrich's immaculate white. He wore a winged helmet, his eyes were pupil-less, and he grinned in my direction. Under his gaze, I felt insignificant, like nothing more than a pebble on the road.

"Servant Berserk!" the man exclaimed, "Gerard Valkyrie, Royal Guard of His Majesty, at your service, Master of Chaldea!"

Everyone was stunned at his introduction, but soon I heard Mordred's voice. "You are a Stern Ritter, right?" she asked, her tone surprisingly calm. I felt a sense of dread; Mordred asking something calmly meant that she was restraining herself from attacking the newcomer.

"Indeed, young girl," he replied with a booming voice. "Like I said before, I am a Royal Guard. We are the best of the Stern Ritter!"

Mordred demanded to know who had destroyed her Clarent. She held her broken sword in her hand, glaring at the newcomer.

"Tell me how it happened, and I'll respond to you," he demanded her, smiling 

"I don't know," she replied. "One moment it was fine, and the next, my sword was destroyed."

"Ah!" he exclaimed before touching her weapon. "This is impossible to repair!" he added. As he exclaimed, he touched the broken sword, and Clarent began to rapidly repair itself. In less than a second, her sword was completely rebuilt.

Everyone in the room stopped talking, their eyes wide with shock. This was beyond anything they had seen before. As everyone was trying to process what had just happened, the man's voice rang out.

"Truly a miracle!" he exclaimed as he turned his gaze toward me.

"So you are my master huh ? " he said looking at me,"You need to do a bit of training but it's passing, something like you will die in any conflict where we the royal guard are deployed " 

Da Vinci was looking at the man since his little stunt with furrowed brows "Romani, give me us the Saint Graph of Berserk please" she asked the doctor 

"W-what are these stats and these skills ?!" exclaimed the doctor trough the microphone of the safe area, soon the screen where the Saint Graphs were displayed appeared, as I looked at Gerard's stats I couldn't help but widen my eyes in shock, even the king of knights didn't had these stats

Name: Gerard Valkyrie, The Miracle

Class : Berserker

Gender: Male

Height: 222 cm

Strength: A+

Endurance : EX

Luck: EX

Agility: C

Mana : B+


Class Skills : 

Divinity : A+(do you know why ?)

Mad Enhancement: C

Personnal Skills :

Valor :B

Battle Continuation :EX

Miracle's Invoker : EX

Quincy Blood: A+

Noble Phantasm

The Miracle, Anti-Unit(Self): The Miracle is a passive ability that allow the user to manifest 'Miracle', turning the impossible into possible by giving form to the thoughts, feelings, and desires of himself and those around him.

Aschetonig(Authority of God) Anti-unit(Self) : the Vollständig of Gerard, allow the Miracle performed to be even more powerful and augment all the statistics of the user of one tier.


Hoffnung(Sword of Hope): A sword that was imbued by the power of the Miracle, the sword then became the 'Hope' of people bundled together, damagin the sword causes 'despair' to the one that damaged it, this despair will manifest by reflecting the damage made to the sword to the attacker

'What a monster' were my tought after witnessing such statistics


Well that concludes for today's chapter, I will not have any chapter post for at least two days, as I am going in holidays

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you soon :)