

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
97 Chs

Lancer of the Red

(Author's Note: Congratulations to Erfan_kj_3664 for being the first person to give this book a power stone!!)


Poseidon Pov

I opened my eyes to see a White Haired Person, he had tanned skin and golden eyes, the man in front of me was none other than one who wanted the salvation of Humanity, he came forward and said," Lancer of Red, Nice to meet you, I am Shirou Kotomine who would be temporarily taking charge of in place of your Master".

I looked around to see two more servants, they were no other than Atalanta and Achilles, I glanced at them and then turned my eyes back to Shirou Kotomine and asked," Let me ask you, What makes him worthy of being my contractor?", he becomes surprised and stops for a bit before asking me a question of his won," Contractor?".

"I refuse to call anyone my Master just because they summoned me and the fact he isn't even present here speaks volumes about him", I replied, I have already thought of three scenarios which include a beneficial relationship with the person who has summoned me, firstly if the person is stronger than me in power or has an extremely charismatic character with ideal goals I will acknowledge him/her me as my Master temporarily.

In the second scenario, I will establish an equal relationship with my summoner and in the third scenario I will be taking charge, and I have an extra plan as well in which I simply don't acknowledge anyone as my master, partner, or underling and become a loner, "Sorry for that Lancer, but apparently, for some reasons your master isn't present here, it isn't just you but Archer's and Rider's masters aren't present as well", he said.

"Yup, you see Lancer our Masters aren't present here as well", Said Achilles, then Atalanta said," Like this fleet-footed boy said our Masters weren't present when we were summoned as well, only this extremely suspicious white-haired guy was present saying same words he said to you just now".

Shirou coughed and said," I didn't know I was suspicious Archer, but well anyway Lancer can you tell me your true name? To be honest you don't fit the image of the servant your Master was hoping to summon", I looked at him and simply said," If you are thinking that I am Karna then sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not him".

"Is that so?", he asked and then pondered for a bit and asked me," Then are you Arjun?", I shook my head," Anyone of the other four Pandavas?", I again shook my head," Interesting, then you must be Karna's friend! What was his name again? Durya-Duryoajana-eh? Durryaya- yes Duryaojana!", I rolled my eyes said," Duryodhana, It's Duryodhana", he smiled hearing that and excitedly said," Right! You are Duryodhana then!".

I simply said in my monotonous voice," Nope", he became depressed while Achilles started laughing," Haha, the first battle I see was the battle of words, anyway Lancer just tell us who you are, by the way, I am the famous Greek Hero Achilles and she is Atalanta!", he said, Atlanta glanced at him angrily and said," You idiot! Even if you wanted to reveal who you are! Why have you to reveal my identity as well?".

Achilles laughed nervously and said," Sorry Missy! But our Masters and this Shirou guy should have known our identity already", Atalanta just snorted at him while I looked at them as if looking at idiots, Shirou clapped his hands and said," It seems you both already know each other, wonderful! Teamwork will be quite important for the battle against Servants of Black, now Lancer if you don't want to tell me your true identity then fine, I will respect that but I have a job for you".

He turned to me and asked me," Before that What is the name of the person who summoned me?", he replied," His name is Freed Vor Sembren", I smirked and said," Thank you", he froze seeing my expression knowing something is wrong but not giving him any chance I silently chanted Camouflage making me blend in my surrounding than I quickly silent chanted spells Bunny Tail, Lesser Mind Protection, Odorless, Rabbit Ears, and Rabbit foot depleting 7.8% of my mana which quickly started refilling due to connection between me and my summoner.

Then moving quickly from their field of vision I chanted," Invisibility", it was a second-tier spell and superior to Camouflage and truly made me invisible to see, then I silently chanted Compass, and in a few seconds found out where was the body of my summoner, running towards there in the middle I lowly chanted, "Silence", which eliminated all the sounds of my movement in the area.

I reached the room where my summoner was held, I quickly summoned my E Rank sword in my hand and destroyed the door cutting it into several pieces then coming inside I saw four unconscious people, using the connection I had to the Command spells, I quickly found him and without a second thought, I cut his hand having Command Spells.

Having accomplished my goal I quickly made a run out of there, while summoning a few 3rd Tier Angels and Undead as cannon fodders while I escape.


3rd Pov

"He escaped", said Semiramis with an angry expression while revealing herself in presence of Shirou who sighed," He also took the command spells", he said as he looked at the unconscious Master of Lancer who had one of his hands missing, Semiramis grabbed his shoulder and said," He will pay, I have my doves over all the area finding him will be easy".

Shirou shook his head and said," Leave it, for now, we should focus on summoning Berserker and contacting the Master of the Saber now, he won't survive long without a Master and if he makes a contract with another Master we will think how to handle him later on", Suddenly a foppishly dressed man appeared and said loudly," Amazing! A servant going against his own master and escaping the Den of threats so proficiently as if he was an Assasin! I can already get some ideas from this!".

Semiramis's eyebrows twitched as she looked at the most useless servant she presumed to be in this Holy Grail War, she angrily questioned," Let me ask you, idiot! What were you doing when Lancer was escaping? Can't you be of some use?!", William Shakespeare laughed amusedly and said," I was writing an intro of every servant in my room! I was also wondering how this Holy Grail War might go and I was pondering over that!".

" Master as I previously warned you, this guy Shakespeare is up to no good! You apprehend him and I will concoct a poison that will take his ability to think away!", Semiramis said, Shakespeare stopped knowing he f*cked up, and quickly hid behind me Shirou, "O! Great Queen of Assyria, please spare this humble writer from your wrath!", she angrily summoned some poisonous balls in her hand making him cower," Leave him Semiramis, for now just focus on completing the ritual", Shirou said causing her to stop.

"Fine, I will let this idiot go away because you told me, remember that Shakespeare if you don't prove to be of any use I will kill you myself", she said, William replied," Don't worry O Great Queen! Me and my stories- I mean my Noble Phantasm will definitely be of some use!", he changed his words in middle while Semiramis simply vanished not wanting to hear his stupid words anymore.


Poseidon Pov

I finally got quite far and escaped from there, firstly I had no desire on involving myself in the so-called foolish plan of Salvation of Humanity and getting the Holy Grail for myself meant going against him from the beginning, so I simply ran away from there and broke their control over me getting the command seals, now I am free to find a person who will act as my Mana Battery and I can do whatever I want.

But before that,' Show my Parameter Status ', I said to the System and a Holographic Screen appeared before me.



Name: Poseidon

Race: Semi-Divine Spirit Currently(God)

Age: 13.9 Billion years.

Strength: A(A+)

Endurance: A

Agility: A+(A++)

Magical Energy: B+

Luck: N/A(Since Master is a singularity and free from time, space, and fate due to being the owner of the system, luck is not applicable)

NP(Noble Phantasm): A

Personal Skills:

Divinity: B(A++)

Water Battle God Aura: A+

Amphitrite (Wrathful Wave): C+

Chione Tyro Demeter (Divine Lightning Falling into the Rough Sea): B+

Medusa Alope Demeter (40 Days and 40 Nights Big Flood): A+

Flow: C-

Absolute Counter: A

Deprivation Sword Kingdom: A+

Tier Magic:B+(Upto 4th Tier)

Silent Casting:E+(Upto 1st Tier)

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: B ]

I could see my Agility and Strength being weaker, other than my Divinity which was severely weaker up to the realm of Demi-Gods, and my resistance towards Magic as a God manifested as a Class Skill, how useless, anyway it's time I find a Mana Battery for me otherwise I have only a few days before I disappear, thankfully that much time is enough.

I quickly went into my Spirit form to weaken my consumption of Mana, while other servants will still be able to sense my presence they won't be able to do anything till I materialize, so with that, I began my search for a suitable Mana supply.


3rd pov

Jeanne D'Arc was on a truck when she felt the presence of a servant, she quickly stopped the truck driver, and after thanking him she quickly moved away from there," Who are you?", she asked while transforming herself, she saw a servant manifesting in front of her, he was an extremely handsome man with olden-blonde hair as well as light blue irises and black pupils.

Obviously, even Jeanne D'Arc got a slight bush seeing his exposed abdomen and muscles, she lowered her guard a bit and asked," What are you doing here La-ah!", she got surprised seeing his true name due to her skill True Name Discernment," Poseidon?! It should be impossible for a Divine Spirit to manifest in the Holy Grail War!", she said shocked while gripping her holy fag tightly.

"Why are you getting worked up Ruler? Can't you see I have manifested just as a Demi-Divine Spirit?", Poseidon said to the Ruler who after hearing that again looked at him and used her class skill and then bowed," I am sorry for the hostility, still I need to know why you are here", she said, Poseidon took out the hand having his Command Spells surprising Ruler, "That are Command Spells!".

She frowned and looked at him, she knew whose command spells they were and Poseidon said," Well you see the person who summoned me was just a pawn for another master, and as God even if I am currently only a Semi-Divine Spirit, I can't allow myself to get reduced to a pawn of someone else, so I cut his arm and escaped from other servants of Red, now I want you to become my contractor before I get reduced to fumes".

"Eh?!", she said and then continued," I am only here to ensure that Greater Holy Grail War is conducted properly, I cannot make a contract with you and why do even want to contract with me Po-Lord Poseidon!", she completed her words flustered, she knew who the being in front of her was, he was an actual God even not the one she is devoted to but she must respect him as he is a Deity.

Poseidon meanwhile frowned sensing other people's presence, he looked above to see some Doves and gritted his teeth something which Ruler didn't miss and turned her head where he is looking and saw Doves as well, then she heard him sighing and then his face turned serious as he looked at her," Ruler how we make a deal? You, to be more accurate your Laeticia part become my Contractor, and I will tell you the reasons behind your improper summoning and the person who you must have to encounter".

Hearing that she wavered a bit, but then again with firm eyes, she said," Sorry, Lord Poseidon but as the Ruler presiding over the Greater Holy Grail War I can't show favoritism to anyone!", Poseidon sighed looking at the Idiotic woman in front of him, currently she was his best bet and candidate for Mana Batte*ahem* Supply.

"Are you an Idiot?", he questioned with a serious face making Jeanne D'Arc flustered," Lord Poseidon that's so mean!", she said, he walked in front of her towering over her with his height, flustered Jeanne grabbed her Holy Flag tightly," Listen, Ruler, you aren't showing any favoritism by making a contract with me, not only you will get to know about the answer you are searching for but also get three command spells over me, even if I am currently a Semi-Divine Spirit my Parameters are highest of every servant, I can easily decimate anyone and being a God also mean I am an extremely unstable factor, thus by getting these command spells you will get more authority over me and can stop me from doing anything absurd, so how about it".

Ruler looked at him finally wavering a bit," Do you think your two Command spells will be enough to stop a God?", she finally gives up and looking at him said," Fine, then transfer those Command Spells over to me", but before he could give her the hand someone attacked, Poseidon summoned his sword and boosting it to D+ Noble Phantasm by covering Touki solely on it he easily countered the attack sending the attacker a bit far.

"Finally the time you and your master dared to come out", he said with a smirk on his face looking at one of the strongest Saber Class Heroic Servants Saber, Seigfried, and his Master, the fat blonde, Gordes who looked at him in fear, "Seigfried quickly win this battle and Go all out! Don't give them single chance to make the contract!".

Poseidon squinted his eyes hearing his command,' I guess he isn't that stupid at all, It seems I need to Go out and finish this quick ', he thought and then turned to Ruler who looked conflicted, using his Agility to make some distance between him and said," No need to interfere, Ruler, as I said our contract will only involve you giving me Mana supply and control over me with Command Spells".

She nodded hearing that and declared," Then I will not interfere and preside over this battle as Judge!", seeing this Gordes looked relieved meanwhile Seigfried attacked Poseidon who quickly unsummoned his sword and summoned his Trident,' I have only half of my Mana left, no need to wait anymore, I will go all out!', he thought and then parrying Seigfrieds attack he quickly used his strongest technique Medusa Elope Demeter while coating his entire body in Touki Doubling all his Stats, and obviously, he didn't shout it stupidly which only boosted the element of Surprise and the next moment something extremely shocking happened.

Poseidon's speed reached EX rank and a dome of after-mirages surrounded Seigfried who was too late to react, hundreds of holes riddled his body and several strikes managed to strike his core effectively killing him, no surprise, no drama, no miracle, Seigfried one of the strongest servants died just like that," Im-Impossible!!!", Cried out Gordes in fear as he fell on the ground in fear trembling shocked by how easily his servant was Killed.

While Poseidon who finished his attack was disappointed a bit,' He only managed to counter a few of my attacks, I get it now, while Fateverse is way stronger than my previous world the main power of servants comes from their Noble Phantasm so if they are unable to release their Noble Phantasm then anyone who has extremely high pure fighting skills strikes them first like me can easily kill me ', he thought satisfied with himself learning this fact.

He then looked at Gordes who has wetted his pants by peeing, he quickly knelt while trembling and said," Ple-Please God Spoedion! Spare my life!!", tears dripped from his eyes, while Poseidon looked at him apathetically but knowing that doing so might make Ruler go against him he decided not to," Lord Poseidon please leave him! He had lost his servant so now he is disqualified!", said Ruler not knowing he already spared him for her.

"Run away before I change my mind", he said emotionlessly making Gordes feel extreme Joy," Tha-Thank you, Lord Poseidon!", he quickly stood up trembling and ran away at the maximum speed he could and seeing this Ruler sighed in relief, Poseidon came towards her and handed over the hand," Now comes our deal", she nodded looking at him and grabbed the hand closing her eyes.

Soon command Spells appeared on her hand and Poseidon felt relieved as his almost empty Mana quickly started refilling, then he looked above targeting the Doves, and jumped at a quick speed and killed them.


3rd Pov

Meanwhile, Semiramis Shirou, Shakespeare, Atalanta, and Achilles who were spying on him seeing were shocked, the whole place was silent until Shakespeare broke it with his iconic laughter," Impressive! Amazing! and miraculous! Impossible has happened! A Divine Spirit Manifested as Semi-Divine Spirit something unheard of and got summoned in the Great Holy Grail War!! This is! so much Interesting!! Haha!".

Meanwhile, Semiramis glared at the idiot who was laughing and doing a ballet dance, if her glares could kill him then he would have died thousands of times, Shirou meanwhile seeing this had a headache,' Ugh, how much I miss my class Skill True Name Discernment! ', he thought sadly, suddenly Atalanta and Achilles changed their position and looked at them.

Semiramis glanced at them knowing they are up to no good, she quickly started preparing her spells to bind them if needed, "Now tell us, Priest, what is really going on", asked Atalanta with a serious voice," What do you mean?!", Semiramis angrily asked a question of her own," Oh, oh calm down O Great Queen of Assyria, listen to us first things have gone off our hands, we both will be possibly fighting a God that we prayed for our whole lives, so we at least deserve to know the truth and what you two are planning", Achilles said.

Semiramis was ready to deploy her spells when Shirou stopped her, then walking towards them he said," You both are right, I will tell you about the truth", and then started explaining his involvement from the previous Grail War to the current day, his ideals and his wish for the salvation of whole Humanity, finally when he stopped talking he looked both at Atalanta and Achilles waiting for their reply.

Achilles snorted hearing his absurd wish, but Atalanta surprising him knelt before him and said," Missy what are you-", she glanced at him and then looking at Shirou asked," Let me ask you, Ruler, your true wish is Salvation of Humanity right?", Shirou nodded and replied," Yes and for that, I am ready to sacrifice my everything".

"Then, I Chaste Huntress acknowledge you as Master, and will give my all for your cause!", she said making everyone surprised, "Missy, is this related to your wish of the salvation of children?", asked Achilles, Atalanta nodded and said," Yes, my wish is the salvation of All the Children around the world, and since Ruler's wish is Salvation of Humanity then it aligns with mine own".

Achilles sighed and said," Fine, Since Missy is here with you, I would rather not fight with her, and our wish while doesn't align really doesn't go against each other's either, with all said, Achilles will fight with you!", Shirou nodded seeing this happily, meanwhile Shakespeare who stopped dancing said," Another twist! Two servants who before didn't even trust a suspicious white-haired guy are now completely loyal to him! So much delight! So much Surprise".

Semiramis glared at him and then looked at Achilles and asked," Let me ask you Achilles shouldn't you have known of how Poseidon looks like? He is the one who gifted you your chariot after all", Achilles sighed and said," Indeed, but it wasn't like he was present before me when gifting me the chariot, he never revealed himself to me, and even from the stories God Poseidon was as tall as a mountain with a huge trident in his hand, his body was extremely muscular and his face was unknown".

"Well he does match the description somewhat, especially the muscular part, but it does begs the question of why he is in the Holy Grail War?", said Shirou, Achilles shrugged and said," Who knows, but let me tell you in advance I will not fight him, he is the God who blessed me with my beloved Chariot and even if he is currently as strong as Demi-God I don't have any chance of defeating him at all".

Shirou nodded though worried," Defeating him will be a hassle, we would have to battle him as he will come after Holy Grail", Serimanis nodded and said," I should be able to hold against him for a while thought if he comes inside in hanging gardens of Babylon and might be able to kill him with my Poisons", Shirou nodded," Even then we will need more backup plans, currently we don't know who our Saber is, unless he or she is exceptionally strong going against Poseidon and other servants of Black simultaneously will be hard, thankfully we haven't summoned berserker yet so we can try to summon a stronger Berserker".

Atalanta hearing that suddenly said," How about we try to summon Hercules? He should be able to go against Lord Poseidon, especially with his Noble Phantasms", hearing her Shirou exclaimed happily," Yes! If we can summon the strongest Greek Hero then our chances of winning will increase exponentially", Achilles said," You will need a suitable catalyst as well, do you have anything related to his Legend?".

Shirou nodded and said," It might be possible, I have several other suitable catalysts other than the two catalysts used to summon you both in store, although I haven't been able to identify them it might be possible one of them being a suitable catalyst for Hercules", Achilles smiled and said," Show them to us, we would be able to tell about the suitable one", he nodded.

The Servants of Red started their extra preparation against Poseidon and the Servants of Black, the butterfly effect from Poseidon's summoning has already derailed the plot quite a bit.


Fortress of Yggdmillennia,

Vlad III was looking out of the window silently when he heard footsteps," Is there anything Darnic?", he asked turning towards him, Darnic nodded with a solemn face and said," Lord Vlad, there is a piece of bad news". Vlad III said," Speak", Darnic started explaining him everything and by the end, Vald had a cruel smile on his face," Interesting, a Divine Spirit somehow manifested as a Demi-God and then manifested as Servant in Greater Holy Grail War".

Darnic looked at him confused, although he had absolute confidence in his strength and went as far as pledging to him, which is a part of his plan it doesn't change the fact they will be fighting a weakened God, a being who is supposedly as strong as a Magician according to the legends, Vlad noticed this and said angrily," Tell me Darnic? Do you think I will be defeated by him?!", Darnic quickly bowed and answered," My Lord, I believe in your strength and in your leadership".

Vlad nodded satisfied and said with a smile," Without a worthy opponent a battle or war is tasteless, and now there is an opponent worthy of going against me, it only provides fuel to ignite my battle spirit, I will pierce his body with my Noble Phantasm and bath in the blood of a God!", Darnic nodded and clutched his hand,' Time is approaching, I can't afford to lose this war ', he thought.

To be continued...