

A guy from our world died and is then reincarnated in fate/zero, well not exactly reincarnated because he is summoned as a heroic spirit. He basically is summoned as Haruhiko Ichijo from Myriad Colors Phantom World and has a more powerful version of his ability. (Not exactly) I forgot to mention that, the first chapters after the prologue are just a recount of the plot so you can skip them. (An- I’m doing this to improve my writing and I’ll only continue this if I felt like it.) —— Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these work or characters, I only own my character and the plot for this.

FakeNames · Cómic
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7 Chs

Calm before the storm (skip)

Inside a dark room we can see a man sitting on a chair looking out the window.

"Everything went as I expected". As the man said this he suddenly heard the sound of blowing wind. He quickly got off his chair and turn around to see particles of gold and as the particles form together, a man suddenly appears from there.

"That was quite the pathetic trifle you're troubled me with, Tokiomi". Said the man in gold as he leaned against the windowsill.

When Tokiomi heard this he suddenly bow towards the man in gold and as he does, he said with a formal tone. "I am very grateful, King of Kings… King of Heroes, Gilgamesh".

"Your action tonight will establish your power as the king of heroes. They will reveal which of our foe we must hunt down". Tokiomi said towards The king of hero.

"Please stay your hand a little longer". He ask.

"Hump, very well. For the time being, I shall amuse myself with some exploring. This age is rather fascinating to me". Replied the king.

"Is the modern world to your liking?" Tokiomi ask.

"It's unspeakably ugly. But there are way I can enjoy it. What's important is whether there are any treasures here that are worth adding to my collection."

As the king of hero looks towards the bowing man. He gave him a warning. "If nothing in this world is worthy of my adoration, you will pay dearly for summoning me and wasting my time, Tokiomi".

"The Holy Grail War will surly please you, King of Hero". Replied Tokiomi

"That is for me to determine. Well, I'll play along with your cajolery for now. Everything of value in this world belongs to me". Said the kind of hero.

"No matter how precious a treasure this grail of your may be. I won't let these mongrels fight over it without my permission".

"I'll leave the details to you Tokiomi". As the king of hero disappeared in a dust gold before saying this.

Once Gilgamesh has left Tokiomi got out of his bowing position and went back to where he was sitting before.

"My, my… honesty. Gilgamesh just had to materialize under the Archer class, which come with the skill independent action."

"Well, I can just let kirei take thing from here. For now everything is going as planned". As he said this, he took a loot outside the window where you'll be able to see a huge crater.


"Huh what do you mean Assassin's killed?!". Ask the boy, as he is sitting on the bed.

"It is as it sound, Assassin's has been defeated. Now stop asking obvious questions". Answer the big bulky man who look like he can crush a melon with his bear hand.

The giant also have red hair and seem to be wearing a armor use for the Roman soldier.

"Than isn't this a big deal! One of the seven's already been eliminated". But he never got a reply as the giant seem occupied with something else.

"Hey" called out the boy but he was promptly ignored.

"Hey! Don't you get it?! Assassin's was just taken out". He ask again.

"Hmmmmm" was all he got as a answer.

"The Holy Grail War has begun! I've been working so hard to gather information, yet day after day after day, you just sit around eating rice crackers and watching videos!". Replied the boy getting fed up with the giant not listening to him.

"Your worst than a familiar! Worst than a rat! Also didn't I tell you to take spirit form when I don't need you? I have to supply you with more mana otherwise, you know!" While pointing his finger towards the giant and berating him.

"Look nobody care about the assassin's. He's only good at hiding in the shadows. He could never pose a threat to me". He said towards the boy.

"More importantly, boy… This is far more amazing! This big black thing they call a b-2. It's magnificent" he said pointing towards the tv that shows a video of a black jet, not even focusing on the boy anymore.

"I'm thinking about buying around a hundreds of them, what do you think". He said looking back at his masters.

"What! Buy a hundred of them! That's impossible, why don't you just buy the county instead". Replied the boy.

"Hmm that does sound like a nice idea, maybe I will, but there comes the problem of where the money is coming from". He said not knowing that the boy said that as a joke.

"Are there any capital that are fill with an abundant of money, we could simply go forth and raid it". Said the giant.

As he's saying this he turn his attention back on the tv and look towards the person on the screen.

"For the moment, this Clinton man will be our biggest obstacle. He will prove to be a more formidable opponent than Darius lll". He said talking about the man on tv.

"A-at any rate, I'm glad that assassin was eliminated first. Your the type to always take the enemy head on right?". He said talking about the ways the bulky man fight.

"So it's best for us that the guy who'd use sneak attacks and tricks is out". Said the boy with a look of confidence.

"Ohhh this Tomahawk thing looks to be useful, too!" only for the boy to lose that confidence the next second.

"Saber, Lancer, Archer, the three great Knight classes, and Berserker, who only knows how to destroy stuff. They're all small fries in the face of that Noble Phantasm of your!" he said trying to explain how they won't be defeated.

"Which leave Caster as a potential threat. If we can find out who Caster is, we'll-" just as he's about to explain his plan, he was interrupted.

"How did Assassin fall?" ask Rider

"What?". Was all he could say as he doesn't know what to say to that.

"Fool. I'm asking about the Servant that defeated Assassin. You saw him didn't you".

"I think he was Tohsaka's Servant". He replies

"His appearance, his attacks, everything about him was gold and flashy. It all happened so fast I couldn't tell…"

"Fool!" Shouted Rider while hitting the boy head with his finger.

"If I must fight someone, it will be to survive and win!" As he got off the floor and stand up, looking down at the boy.

"Well it matter not. Did you observe anything else of note worthy about the flashy gold guy?" Ask Rider

"B-but it all happened in the middle of the night… it was all over in an instant" As he is saying this, he saw that Rider was bringing his hand up which scared him as he cover his head with his hand.

"H-hey, Rider, a Servant normally only has one Noble Phantasm right, right?"

"As a rule, yes" replied Rider.

"However, "how many" isn't the right way to conceptualize Noble Phantasm. As you may know, Noble Phantasm are the physical manifestation of a hero's legend or tale. It can be a specific ability or a method of attack".

"Than Is there a Noble Phantasm that consist of throwing dozens of swords at an opponent's?". Ask the boy.

As Rider thought about it, he came to a conclusion. "A sword that splits into multiple copies, huh? It's possible. That could still qualify as a single Noble Phantasm".

'But those weren't copies. Each weapon had a different shape' As the boy thought back to it they weren't the same.

"Well, forget it. We'll learned the enemy identity when we encounter him". Said Rider


That was the sound of Rider slapping the boy back. Right know he's coughing on the bed, trying to get some air back in his lung.

"A-are you sure that's ok?" He ask.

"I am. In fact, it's more fun this way! Food, Sex, Sleep, and War". Replied Rider

As he got closer to the boy face he said to him "What ever you do, enjoy it to the fullest. That is the secret of life". As he start laughing.

As Rider got up he said towards the boy. "Now, let us find some entertainment outside. We're heading out, boy! Get ready"

"H-heading out? Where?" He ask confused.

And Rider gave him a simple answer. "Somewhere, anywhere".

"Oh, come on!" As he is getting fed up with Rider doing whatever he want.

"You weren't the only one watching the Tohsaka place. This mean everyone else also knows of assassin's death. All the other team will be making their move tonight. We'll crush them when we come across them". Said Rider as he goes towards the blind and took a look outside.


At an airport we can see a plane that have landed and passengers are walking out but a particular one stands out from the rest.

A woman with hair as white as the snow came out of the plane, she would walked down when the wind currents caught up in her hair and blocking her view.

When she goes to move her hair away you would've seen that her eyes were of a unique color, if you were focusing you could've see a flash of red eyes.

As she took a look around the area she would says something she always wanted to see. "So this is where Kiritsugu was born". She would say this with a voice of excitement While looking at the distance.

"How did you enjoy your journey in the sky, saber?". While saying this, she would turn her head towards a different person that just came out of the plane

"It was nothing to speak of. Far less exciting than I have anticipated". The person who spoke this was a woman with blonde hair, emerald green eyes and have this air of nobility about her. She also seem to be wearing a black suit that would usually be for men.

"I suppose flying is nothing to a Heroic Spirit like you". The white women said with a look of understanding.

"That's not it. Servants receive knowledge of the modern world upon materialization". Saber would say this without any emotions in her face.

"I could even pilot this aircraft if it comes down to it". As saber would say this, she would turn to look towards the plane.

When the white hair hear this, she spoke with a bit of surprised in her voice "You could pilot it?".

Saber with a smile on her face would explain why she would be able to pilot this plane. "My riding skill allows me to commend any beasts or vehicle, with the exception of divine and mystical beasts. Once I mount the saddle and take the reins, intuition does the rest".

"Mount the saddle and take the reins?" As the white hair woman spoke this, she would suddenly start laughing.

"Did I say something funny?" Ask Saber who is confused with why she's laughing.

"No". Was all she said while shaking her head left and right.


At a different place in a hotel in fuyuki, inside we can see two people a man with black hair and with a lifeless eyes. The other person is a woman with black hair and is wearing a black suit.

"The equipment you requested has arrived. Madam and Saber have arrived as well and are making their way together". Said the woman, relaying what the man wanted to know.

"That way, the other master will assume madam is saber's master". As she move towards a black box while saying this.

"Good" was all the man said.

"There was an incident last night at the Tohsaka mansion. Here is the recording footage". As she Click on a button, the screen on the tv turn on and show a being in black with a skull for a face.

It seem to be doing something when suddenly it's bombarded by explosions but it is too fast for the camera to see.

"What do you make of this" he ask with a look of thinking.

"It look too good to be true. The time span between Assassin's trespassing and the Tohsaka Servant's response is too short". She said looking towards the man.

"Since Assassins has a skill that masks his presence, it's hard to believe he was detected in advance. I think Tohsaka was inspecting a intruder." She said.

"In a battle among Servant's, it's critical to conceal the identities of Heroic Spirits. Why would Tohsaka expose his Servant's for all to see?" The man ask trying to see if there's a reason for this.

"He had a reason, I suppose". Answer the woman.

"Maiya, what become of assassin's master?" He said revealing her name.

"He escape to the church last night and the judge decreed him under his protection. Assassin's master is Kotomine Kirei". Maiya tells the man where the master of assassin's went.

When the man heard the name he was surprised by it but calm right after, with his overly cautious nature he ask her to do something for him. "Maiya, send a familiar to watch the Fuyuki city church".

"Are you sure? Masters are forbidden from operating in the neutral zone surrounding the church". She ask making sure.

"Keep it close as you can without the priest noticing". He said.

"Very well, understood". She said complying with his request.


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