
Winter Horned Bear

"Can we even do this? I haven't even seen a single edible monster since I got here" Miya complained as both she and Michael are covered in a furred cloak to prevent them from getting cold as the two of them traversed this cold "desert" looking for something that looks edible.

Michael shrugged his shoulders and said, "What can we do? The others are still making their way here. We can only rely on the two of us to finish the Quests given to us, besides, we're practically monopolizing all the available quests here"

"I know, but this quest is only labeled as a C Grade difficulty quest when it should have been a B Grade one. Like I mean, where the heck would we find something edible in this godforsaken cold place?" Miya said in annoyance as she spread her arms, gesturing on the snow-white surroundings around them.

"You really like to complain about things, don't you?"