

Michael was coming out of the hotel after cleaning up after his breakfast.

Hailing a taxi over, he went inside saying, "Insa dong please"

"Yes sir" answered the taxi driver with a smile as he curiously looked at the foreigner at the back through the rear view mirror.

'What a handsome young man. He looks even better than those idols I see on tv. I wonder if he's an idol or something?'

The taxi driver must be an enthusiastic person that not even a minute later, he started talking to Michael with his broken English.

"Are you...you a...idol trainee? Can you speak...Hangul?"

Michael flinched a little bit as he raised an eyebrow as he wasn't expecting for the driver to suddenly start talking to him.

"I speak...a little bit"

The taxi driver was a little relieved and replied, "That's...good, so...you an idol trainee?"