


Michael hastily rolled to the side as he dodged another arrow coming for his head, and the arrow zoomed past his body!

Michael immediately stood up and leapt backwards as another arrow struck the place where he had just rolled from earlier.

"The heck is this bastard's attack speed?" Michael snorted as he glared the Kobold Hunter, his focus mostly directed at the monster's bow to anticipate the trajectory of the arrow that monster is firing towards him.

Moments later. Michael is hiding behind a boulder as arrows after arrows is striking the opposite direction of the boulder, his health only half full left while the Hidden Boss only lost over 15% of its health.

"I should try to escape, this boss is tough for me right now" Michael made a decisive decision to retreat as he had already fought the hidden boss for almost an hour, and even then, he only managed to reduced over 15% of its health.