
Codename: Two

Michael finally arrived at Bulgaria and he is currently standing at the entrance of the airport of Stara Zagora Airport.

Michael hailed a taxi, and it immediately stopped in front of him.

"Where are you going?" the driver said in a rough english.

"Village of Gela please" Michael answered him in Bulgarian.

"Ohh! You know our Bulgarian! Haha, get in!"

The driver laughed heartily and Michael opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

"Where are you from, my friend?"

"Gordonia, my friend"

Gordonia is one of the biggest countries in the world, and the USA being its real life counterpart.

"Ohh, you came from a very far place. If you don't mind, are you here for a tour? After all, you're going to Gela"

"Haha, no. I'm just going to meet an old friend over there"