
Fate Of The OneNess: Darkness Rises

Chapter 1:Death?

The night was hot, humid, and the fog was thicker than the thickest fog* you've ever seen. Our "Hero" of the story is now lying down on his deathbed after having lived quite a boring typical "American dream life". All of his loved ones surround him as he is now passing on, the children of our hero are grasping both of his hands as tight as they can praying that some of his essence will stay with them when he is gone. His wife watches as this happens knowing deep down that this will be the last bit of life he will have so she plants a kiss on his lips hoping that maybe he will magically get better like the princesses of the stories they all loved so much. Unfortunately as all of this is happening he is already reflecting on the days that had led up to this moment.

The milestones all flashed so quickly, his childhood, his high school years, and the quick lived adult life which mostly consisted of having 2 beautiful children. Spending his days caring for them watching them grow was the most delightful thing he experienced. As quickly as these images showed up they faded.

Suddenly he notices that he now stands in a room void of color with what seems to look like a bunch of screens playing a variety of his favorite shows. He walks up slowly to inspect one of the screens. Recognizing the show that is playing on this screen his eyes light up with curioussity he reaches out and his hand starts to disappear into the screen. Before he can even try to pull it back the rest of him is sucked in. He feels his body stretching and contorting as all sorts of different colors and lights flash by. With a snap and a flash he now stands in what seems like a forest and upon further inspection he stumbled across 3 figures behind some brush.