
Chapter 2...Is this what I think it is?

Upon closer inspection of the 3 figures he could tell that they were strange creatures and swore that these could be...pokemon? No way he thinks to himself as he suddenly hears a ping inside his mind followed by, a voice? Yes master you have safely arrived in what you know as the Pokemon universe, please forgive my intrusion and allow me to introduce myself I am your guide and reside here inside the oneness. The oneness? He wonders to himself and the guide replies, yes the oneness it is the place where all worlds ever thought of exist. Wow how amazing and now I reside in the Pokemon universe? This is awesome...as these thoughts occur the 3 Pokemon had fled and he now stands alone with his thoughts. My guide? He thinks to himself. The guide replies yes master what can I help you with? So what's going on here, and where did you come from? Guide replies. I have always been with you we just haven't always been able to freely communicate. It seems now that your here in the oneness you can now access all of your skills, stats, maps and other various functions. You also have your guide for advice call on me at anytime and I will respond. So if I'm in the Pokemon universe then I need to get to some kind of town and find out how to obtain some PokeBalls. Guide. Yes the voice replies, Can you tell me where a town is? I'm sorry master but I can't I can only see what's on your current map and there isn't a town in your current mapping skills proximity but i can pull it up for you. Pull it up for me? Yes of course. Ding* a map shows up in his vision something like a heads up display or HUD for short. He notices most of it is blank but as he moves more is revealed. So as he moved along he noticed a path show up on the map and headed towards it.

Following the path it eventually led him out of the forest. Now seeing what seems like clear skies mountains in the distance and something like a town at least it looks like it. It is still dark and ominous a slight dense purplish fog lingers in the air and as he looks into the sky he can notice what looks to be the Sun but why is it still dark he thinks to himself. As he continues on towards the town he hears howling coming from the forest. Looking back in fear he quickly turns he's focus away from the noise and now runs towards the town. Whatever that noise is I'm not waiting around to find out. He couldn't help but wonder as he ran away what kind of Pokemon it was but knew that he wouldn't stand a chance without at least a couple of his own.

As he finally arrived to the town he recalled hearing that howling at least 4 times. This town...it's so thrashed! What happened? The buildings all had broken walls and as he came up to one of them he noticed long scratches in some of them. These had to be some big claws. He thought. Is there anything or anyone even here? As he came around one of the thrashed houses he notice the PokeMart. It seemed as though it had been somewhat fortified. I gotta get in there who knows what's going on here I'm afraid if I don't get indoors soon I might just meet whatever those claws belong to and I don't wanna die yet I just got here. He rushed towards the PokeMart and ripped away at the makeshift board lock on the door and made his way inside. Not paying attention he stepped on a trip wire and activated a trap. A log swung down and hit him knocking him out.

When he awoke he was tied up to a chair and thought he heard voices in the darkness.