
Fate Of The Missus

What was meant as a sign of love and devotion for other couples was nothing but a testament of his ownership on me. A daily reminder for the rest of my life. Until death do us part wasn’t an empty promise as with so many other couples that entered the holy bond of marriage. There was no way out of this union for me. So I was own by my husband until the end of my life. The last few words of the oath that men swore when they were inducted into the Black Clans could just as well have been the closing of my wedding vow. This wedding wasn’t about love or trust or choice. It was about duty and honour, about doing what was expected. A bond to ensure peace in Black territory and White Clans stop more bloodshed in between two big clans on this earth, B Clans and the last W Clans feud that clashes more than 2000 years.

F3n3 · Fantasía
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37 Chs

Chapter 20

"Can I see your gun, brother?"


Fu Heng grinned at her but before he could reply, I said.


"No, you can't little kid."




I could feel Fu Shao eyes on me, lingering on my legs and ass again.


Then Qina gave me an I-told-you-. She wanted me to use my body and the problem was I preferred Fu Shao ignoring my body because everything else terrified me.


"You shouldn't be here alone with us, Big brother Fu," Qina muttered.


"It's not appropriate." I almost snorted.


As if Qina gave anything about appropriateness.


Fu Shao narrowed his eyes.


"Where is Martial Zhen? Shouldn't he be guarding this door?"


"He's probably on a toilet or break," I said, shrugging.


"Does it happen often that he leaves you without any protection?"


"Oh all the time," Qina said mockingly.


"You see, big sister, Qinli and I sneak out every weekend because we have a bet going who can pick up more guys."


Qinli let out her cheeky laugh.


"I want to have a word with you, Shen Mi," Fu Shao said fixing me with his cold stare.


Qina rose from the sofa and came toward us.


"I was joking, for god's sake!" she said, trying to step between Fu Shao and me, but Fu Heng gripped Qina wrist and pulled her back.


While Qinli who watched everything with wide eyes and Xu stood against the door, pretending this didn't concern him.


"Let go of me, or I'll break your fingers," Qina growled.


But Fu Heng raised his hands with a wide grin.


"Come here," Fu Shao said, his hand touching my lower back.


I swallowed a gasp.


If he noticed, he didn't comment.


"Where's your bedroom?"


My heartbeat stuttered as I nodded toward the door to the left.


He led me in that direction, while ignoring Qina protests.


"I'll call our father! You can't do that to my big sister."


We stepped into my bedroom and Fu Shao closed the door. I couldn't help but be afraid.


Sister, you shouldn't have said those things.


The moment he faced me, I said.


"Qina was joking. I haven't even kissed anyone yet, I swear."


A worried crept into my face at the admission, but I didn't want him to get angry for something I hadn't even done.


His eyes held me with their intensity.


"I know."


My lips parted.


"Oh. Then why are you angry?"


"Do I look angry to you?"


I decided not to reply.


He smirked.


"You don't know me very well, my lady."


"That's not my fault," I muttered.


He touched my chin and I turned into a pillar of salt.


"You are like a chicken in the clutches of a wolf."

He didn't know how close that came to what I thought of him.


"I'm not going to eat you yet, SHEN Mi."


I must have looked doubtful because he released a small laugh, lowering his head toward mine.


"What are you doing?" I whispered nervously.


"I'm not going to take you if that's what you're worried about because I can wait a few more days. Don't forget that I've waited 3 years after all."