

*door slammed Open in hostel room* "Eleanor!!!!"

*she turned around toward the direction of the door* "Bro…brother, You here?"

"dumb Girl" *Blaze mumble while hustling toward her and hugging her tightly* "Idiot, we all miss you so much"

"You…you are my brother, I mean half-brother it is written here," Eleanor said showing him his own photo with his detail on it.

*He took that from her hand* "Who gave you this?"

"I have more of these photos *signaling to look on her bed which was covered with a photo of all Royal members* "A Man name Ben gave me these photos"

*Blaze sighed* "So, that means you really don't remember any of us"

"Brother… Right? *Blaze nodded*  So, brother after analyzing everything I got to know little things about you all but, I AM NOT HER" She said and started putting all the photos which were on the bed in the box