
Chapter 29

The next day, Harry woke early in the morning as he is doing in Black Minor for his physical training. He started to do physical training so that he can grow some muscle but now it become a habit.

Harry looks towards others and notices that Neville is also waking up as he is working out with him. Both of them then went towards the grounds and started doing physical exercise and sometime later girls also came for physical training to enhance their agility and be in shape.

Physical training came help way more than the wizards or witches think. It enhances their agility so they can dodge attacks and increase their raw power to fight another person without using magic. It also enhances their mind which helps them in doing wandless magic.

Currently, only Harry can perform small wandless magic which is only because of the family magic. Others also started wandless magic and are not that much behind him.

After their morning training, they went to the dorm so that they can prepare themselves for breakfast and classes after that.

When Harry and Neville come back to the dorm they see that Ron is still sleeping and decided to ignore him and get ready for breakfast.

<-----(Great Hall)----->

Harry is sitting next to the twins.

"Good morning Fred and George."

"Good morning Harry-"

"Neville and Hermione."

Both of them greeted them back on their signature sync.

They all started eating and Fred and George started talking about quidditch with Harry.


"are you going to -"

"come to -"

"quidditch practice -"


"I will be there for practice."

"Why you didn't wake me up for breakfast?"

He hears Ron yelling at him when he enters the hall for not waking him up.

"But you are sleeping and it is not like we have to wake you before coming for the breakfast."

Ron wants to say something but stops when he hears Professor Minerva looks towards him. Ron doesn't want to anger the professor even he wants to swallow his words and sit like nothing happen, which he did.

After eating breakfast they all went to their first class which is Potions.

They are surprised that nothing happen in Potion class. He paired with Neville and both of them did well because of their practice with Andromeda.

Their biggest shock was that Snape don't do or try to do anything and he even leaves the class early in hurry.

Everyone is shocked by Snape's behavior. Harry becomes somewhat suspicious as he thinks that Snape is up to no good. He never leave a chance to insult him but today he didn't even look towards him.

But he stops thinking about it and went towards Daphne and Tracey who is also in the classes and waited until all the other students of both houses go out of the class.

"Hi, Daphne and Tracey."

Harry, Neville, and Hermione greet them.

"Is something happen with Snape, as he quite hurries today."

Hermione asked other girls thinking that they might know something.

"I don't know but I think it has to do something about the letter he received in the morning."

Daphne replied.

"Do you know who sent it or the content in it?"

"I don't know as to when he received it, he goes to his office without even opening it. I think whatever it is, it contains some classified information."

They then talk about some more after leaving for their next class. Daphne and Tracey have Charms class and they have Transfiguration.

Harry moves to the classes but before he can enter the class his professor called him.

"Mr. Potter."

"Yes, Professor"

"I want to talk with you something so please stay behind after the class."

"Ok Professor"

Harry doesn't know what Professor McGonagall wants to talk to him and he becomes somewhat worried about what it is. When Minerva went away from them Hermione asked him.

"What you did Harry?"

"I didn't do anything, Hermione."

"Then why Professor McGonagall wants you to stay behind."

"I don't know about it. I am as confused as you."

They then stopped talking and went inside the class. Professor McGonagall teaches them about Animagi and demonstrates to them how to do it.

Harry is excited about it as he wants to be Animagi. It is quite hard to turn to be Animagi as it requires lots of practice and time.

Their first session is all theory lessons as Animagi is not in their course as not all the wizards can become Animagi.

After class is over Harry is said goodbye to Neville and Hermione and waited until the classroom is finished. Harry is feeling 'Deja Vu' as it happen 2nd time on the same day, as he is waiting behind after the class is over.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

LieVcreators' thoughts