
Chapter 11

"Voldemort is not dead."

They all become frozen solid when they hear that. But after some time Cygnus comes to his senses.

"But 'He Who Must Not Be Named' died in the first wizarding war."

"You are right, Lord Greengrass but at the same time it is not right."

Then Andromeda tells them about the Horcrux and Harry tells about Voldemort's real identity and events occurring in the chamber of secrets.

"You mean 'He Who Must Not Be Named' is Tom Marvolo Riddle a student and you fought the Basilisk."

"Yes, Lady Longbottom."

Harry looked towards Amelia.

"Lady Bones, I heard that you are the Head of DMLE."

"Yes, Heir Potter."

Harry then asked Andromeda to play the Potter will.

"Then I have something for you to listen to."

When they listen to the will Amelia's eyes got teary and she started to cry.

Harry doesn't know what happen and wants to know what happened to Amelia.

Andromeda goes close to Amelia and tries to calm her down.

"I know, I know he didn't do it."

Amelia said in low voice. When Harry listens to it his desire to know increases but he knows he can't ask about it.

After Amelia stopped crying, she adjusted herself again.

"Sorry for that."

Harry tells her that it is nothing to worry about.

"So, Lady Bones can we get Sirius the trial, I think we have enough evidence to prove his innocence."

Amelia said in a sad voice.

"Even though we have enough evidence, Sirius is not going to get trial."


"Because the trial like this only occurs with the permission of minister and Minister Fudge is not going to give Sirius any trial. He is getting his support from Lucius Malfoy who is a current proxy of House Black. "

"Is there any way we can force the trial to happen without his permission? Like asking Professor Dumbledore, as he is Chief Warlock."

"No, Chief Warlock can only give the punishment to criminal but who give the trial falls under the Minister."

Harry thinks about something for some time when Cygnus speaks.

"Don't think that much, we can't challenge his authority unless you are Pendragon or Merlin."

Cygnus just said this so that Harry can understand that they can't bypass his decision but what he doesn't know is that he give a solution to the problem they are facing.

"I can get Sirius a trial if I am Pendragon or Merlin."

Cygnus was shocked after hearing.

"Yes you can but both of their houses are extinct. So if you are thinking about asking someone who carries that name then you give up your hope."

Then Harry said with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry but I don't introduce myself properly before. I am Harry James Potter-Pendragon." And shows his ring with the Pendragon family symbol on it.

When they hear what he said they think it is some kind of joke but when they see his heir ring change his symbol from Potter to Pendragon they are sure that he is telling the truth.

"But how?" All three are in sync.

Then Harry tells them about all the houses he is the heir of and how he gets all of them.

"I still can't believe you are the heir of 9 houses and Pendragon, Emrys and Le Fay are one of them. If you announce them, the ministry is in chaos."

"I know about it and I am not going to reveal them before but I think I have to reveal it before I plan to reveal."

After that, all of them went to their respective home to prepare for the trial of Sirius Black.