
Fate/kaleid liner - Wrought Iron Hero (Shirou Emiya - Illya's World)

This is a story about the adventure Shirou Emiya from the world (Fate/Kaleid - Illya's World) Shirou emiya (Illya's World) knows nothing about the moonlit world (magical society). So, the protagonist is Shirou from (Illya's World), who uses Archer's card from Archer Fate/extra version will intervene in the original Prisma Illya story.

koijiro21 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

Shirou Emiya knows the situation

[Shirou POV]

"Onii-chan, are you okay!?"

"I heard you couldn't get up!"

"Uh, yeah. Calm down for now, please."

I was scared. I tried to soothe my sisters who had come, pushing each other aside. It wasn't very effective. I really don't understand why these two get along so badly. Both Illya and Miyu are formidable. I wonder what the cause is.

"Um, you're Miyu, right? Why did you come today? I mean, I don't mind if you come anytime."

"Ah, um... Yes, Miyu is fine... I came here today because I heard from Ms. Luvia that Shirou... I mean, you skipped school. It's... my fault."

"I see. Well, Miyu. As you can see, I'm fine now. Please stop worrying about that. Illya too."



I told the two of them, who were concerned about yesterday's events, not to worry about it anymore. I really think these two get along well. So with a little trigger, they should be able to get along. But Miyu's attitude is strange.

She's fidgety, but she keeps glancing at my face. But when I look back at her, she looks away. It's a situation that makes me curious but I can't intrude. Illya, who was glaring at Miyu with an annoyed look. Calm down.

"Um, what is it?"

"Ah... um... my name..."


"How did you know my name?"

Ah, I see. That's what she's asking. When I called Miyu's name that time, she's asking how I knew it. It's a natural question. But I can't answer it well. How should I answer? Perhaps honestly...

"In a dream..."


"Actually, I saw you in a dream."


"That's where I heard it. Your name. You might think it's a silly story, but it's true."


Even as I thought she wouldn't believe me, I answered honestly. Sure enough, Illya had a dubious expression on her face. Yes, I thought, there's no way you can believe such a story. But as I thought that, Miyu looked at me with a serious expression.

"...What kind of dream was it?"

"Huh? Well... Miyu was laid in the center of a strange magic circle. And then..."


"Haha, it's a ridiculous dream, isn't it? I wonder if this dream really happened?"

"No, of course not. It never happened."

"Right. Hahaha."


Miyu's expression disappeared, and I felt her voice became considerably colder, but I'm not sure how to interpret this. It's difficult to judge. But, at least this much I understood. I shouldn't talk about this dream to Miyu.


"I'm coming in, Emiya-kun."

"You seem fine."

It was when Miyu was about to say something. Tohsaka and Luvia entered the room. Seeing them, Miyu stopped talking. I was curious about what Miyu was going to say, but there's nothing I can do. I decided to listen to the two of them.

"I've heard most about Tohsaka's circumstances from Ruby, but you're going to tell me in detail, right?"

"Yes. And of course, you're going to tell us about you too, right, Emiya-kun?"

"If it's within what I know."

We discussed our situations and objectives. Tohsaka and the others are magicians, and their purpose in coming to this Fuyuki seems to be to collect Class Cards. Class Cards are what I used - the card. I learned about it from Ruby yesterday.

This Class Card seems to be an unidentified magical item that suddenly appeared in this Fuyuki, and even the Magic Association, the magic organization to which Tohsaka and the others belong, seems to be unable to grasp its full picture. It's a black box of magic, indeed.

"And Emiya-kun, who should be a regular person unaware of the existence of magic, casually used this black box."

"Is that so?"

"Do you really understand? You've done something impossible."

"It's outrageous, isn't it?"

"Even if you say so..."

I was glared at by both of them when I answered Tohsaka's sarcastic question in a normal way. Why? Even if they say such things, all I can do is say that I don't understand. I was just trying to protect Illya desperately.

"They're saying it's impossible! That card is something that even the magicians of the Association couldn't understand at all, even after analyzing it with all their strength! At most, they understood it could access the seat of the Heroic Spirits and use their Noble Phantasms. And even that..."

"...is only possible to use with the Kaleidostick, the world's greatest magical equipment created by Zelretch, the Wizard Marshall. Despite that, you used it without any magical equipment."


"It's impossible. It's so impossible that I don't know anything else that's as impossible."

"It's an outrageous event that the word 'miracle' isn't enough to describe!"

"And yet, you, Emiya-kun, don't understand why you were able to do such a thing?"

"Enough with the jokes!"

"O-Okay, calm down, both of you."

"Yes, that's right, Rin-san. Or rather, Rin-san, you're too close, back off. Right now!"

"Luvia-san, you're also too close."

Tohsaka and the others gradually heat up. The two of them approach me as if to sandwich me from both sides. Their beautiful faces get closer, but their overwhelming presence leaves me with no choice but to feel pressured. As Ruby said yesterday, they seem unable to accept it.

Illya and the others protected me, who was being overwhelmed by the two's force. They did so while exuding an atmosphere of force that could rival Tohsaka's. What's going on with the two of them? All I could do was tilt my head at their behavior.

"...Anyway, what you did, Emiya-kun, is simply impossible."

"I still can't believe it even now."

The seemingly calmer Tohsaka and the others concluded with such words. It seems they still can't accept it, but they've judged that it's useless to ask. Actually, I wouldn't know even if they asked. I don't know how I was able to use that card.

"Can you use other cards?"

"Uh, I wonder..."

"I'd like to see it for myself."

At this point, Tohsaka asked as if she had suddenly come up with the idea. If I could use cards other than Archer's. I pulled out and looked at the card I got yesterday. But I thought it was impossible. Because...

"...I don't think it's possible."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't feel anything from this card. When I held this 'Archer' card, I felt, how should I say..."


"I felt it. To me, it was something indispensable. It's not logical. It's more like intuition, I can't really explain it well."

"So, you're saying it was a good match?"

"Perhaps that's the case."

"Well, there are many things we still don't understand about the Class Cards..."

"I'm not completely convinced, though."

"We're being left behind, aren't we?"

"It seems so..."

Apparently, it seems I can only use this 'Archer' card. Well, my body changed when I used this card, so I thought that was the case. In the end, they didn't understand anything about me.

Tohsaka and the others, who understand magic, and us, who don't understand and are left behind. Inevitably, Illya and Miyu stop talking and the conversation moves forward. I don't know anything about magic. I don't understand the intricate principles, and I don't care.

Essentially, all I need to do is protect Illya. Tohsaka and the others came to Fuyuki to collect the Class Cards. However, it seems that they've been snubbed by the Kaleidostick. They vehemently denied it, though.

『Listen, Shirou-san. Rin-san and the others were terrible! They were like middle-aged women cosplaying as magical girls, and they kept having pointless fights using us.』

"Shut up! Who are you calling middle-aged?!"

"Uh, well..."

"What's that face for, Emiya-kun?"

"No, nothing..."

From what Ruby said, I got a rough idea of the situation. Sapphire didn't deny it, and Luvia turned her face away as if to distract. My assumption is probably correct. These two are a dangerous combination.

Suddenly, I remembered Illya and Miyu's transformed appearance. That typical magical girl look. Considering that Tohsaka and the others were doing the same... pfft, hehe... No, no! Stop thinking about it, me. And absolutely do not laugh!

『Rin-san even had cat ears...』

『Pfft! Haha...!』

『Cat ears...? Pfft, hahaha!』

"Wa-Waah! Shut up, Ruby! That was all your doing! And don't you dare laugh! Forget about it!"

But my efforts were shattered by Ruby's single comment. Tohsaka had cat ears? Illya and I couldn't hold back our laughter any longer. Tohsaka, her face red, yelled at us siblings who were laughing. It's so peaceful...

"O-ho-ho-ho! Rin Tohsaka! You looked utterly ridiculous in that outfit!"

"What did you say?! You were the same, weren't you?!"

"Shut up, Rin Tohsaka!"

『Yes, Miss Luvia also had cat ears.』

"What?! Sapphire!" (Luvia)

"Pfft!" (Rin)

"...Heh..." (Luvia)

To top it all off, it was revealed that even Luvia was a magical girl with cat ears. We siblings had reached our limit. The room was instantly filled with laughter. I didn't notice Miyu watching us with a joyful smile.


"Ahem! Can we continue the discussion, Emiya-kun? You've forgotten about earlier, right?"


Tohsaka and the others, glaring at us with intense faces, received silent nods from Illya and me. We were going back to serious discussions. Having recognized each other's situations, we started discussing our respective futures.

"We have to collect the Class Cards. And to do that, we absolutely need the Kaleidosticks. So, we're sorry, but we need Illya to cooperate. Do you understand?" (Rin)


"Well, even if Rin Tohsaka and the others aren't around, Miyu and I will collect the cards, so there's no problem."

"Wait a minute, Luvia! Don't underestimate the corrupted Heroic Spirits! It's too dangerous for that girl to face them alone! Besides, even if you're fine with that, I'm not!"


"Wait. Are you saying Miyu should fight alone?"

First, Tohsaka said that Illya was needed to collect the Class Cards. I thought a bit about what to say to that. Then, all of a sudden, Luvia said not to worry because she and Miyu would collect the cards.

Tohsaka immediately retorted, but I reacted to the words that Miyu would be left to fight alone. I couldn't allow that. For me, who had started thinking about protecting Miyu as well, those were words I couldn't ignore.

Looking at Miyu after Luvia's words, I saw a determined expression on her face. I was taken aback by the resolve hidden in her face. What was driving this girl so far? I thought as I stared at Miyu's face.

"I'll be fine. I will collect all the Class Cards, so Shirou-san, please live a peaceful life with her."



"I won't let Miyu fight alone. I'll lend my power, so don't worry, Emiya Shirou. Let's go, Miyu."

"Yes, Luvia-san."

"Wait, Luvia! The conversation isn't over yet! Hey!"

Miyu restated her determination, and Luvia spoke words to reassure me. After saying just that, the two of them turned their backs as if they were done, and left the room. Tohsaka tried to stop them, but they didn't stop.

"Tsk, that girl..."


"...Emiya-kun, Luvia said that, but the enemy can't be defeated by that girl alone. We desperately need Illya's power."


"...I understand. However, I absolutely cannot allow Illya to be sent into battle alone. I will also cooperate. That's my condition."



I absolutely can't let Miyu fight such an enemy alone. But I can't let Illya go into battle alone either. So, I decided to make Tohsaka accept this condition. This is the only way to protect both Illya and Miyu.

"I should be able to contribute."

"...Indeed. Assuming you can use that power again. Can you?"

"Yeah, probably."


I looked at Tohsaka with a serious face. We stared at each other in silence for a while, with Tohsaka's serious expression. To convey my determination. Then, Tohsaka sighed and looked away. I waited anxiously for her response. Now, what will her answer be?

"...I understand. I admit defeat. I accept your condition, Emiya-kun. In fact, your power in that state is more than just a force to be reckoned with. When all the Class Cards have been collected, I'll need the Archer card returned, okay?"

"Alright, I understand."

And so, I committed myself to the battle to collect these things called Class Cards. At that time, I didn't yet know. I didn't know that this would change my destiny. And that it would also change the fate of my two younger sisters.


"So, Emiya-kun, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, Tohsaka?"

"It seems your injuries are truly fine, but what about your magic circuits?"

"Magic circuits, what's that?"

After the conversation settled, Illya returned to her room to do her homework. I thought Tohsaka would be leaving soon, but she started talking about something I didn't understand. Magic circuits, what's that? As I tilted my head in confusion, Tohsaka held her forehead.

"Ah, right. Emiya-kun, you don't know about magic, do you? Then, you wouldn't know about magic circuits either..."

Tohsaka explained about these things called magic circuits. They're like pseudo-nerves used to perform magic, and everyone who uses magic has them. She said that I should also have magic circuits since I used that card.

"But in your case, Emiya-kun, I don't know how your magic circuits are. You did something reckless like becoming a heroic spirit, and I want to see what happened to your circuits." (Rin)

"...Is it life-threatening?"

"There's a possibility."

With that said, I had no choice but to do as she said. I didn't understand anything about magic. I had no choice but to leave it to the expert, Tohsaka. Tohsaka had me sit on the bed and sat right behind me. It's a bit of an awkward situation...

If someone saw us, they might misunderstand. Especially, I wouldn't want Sella to see. I thought I might get killed. While I was thinking such silly thoughts, Tohsaka put her hands on my back. I didn't know what she was doing.

"Now, take off your clothes."


"Come on, take them off quickly. I can't see if you're still wearing clothes. Hurry up!"


At Tohsaka's words, I took off my clothes. The situation seemed even more likely to be misunderstood... Tohsaka put her hand on my now bare upper back. She must be looking at the magic circuits. Tohsaka didn't say a word.

"...They're open as expected. There are 27 magic circuits in total. But this is..."


"...Are your nerves directly becoming magic circuits? Emiya-kun, who are you really?"

"...I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Simply put, you're an anomaly."

It seems that my magic circuits are not ordinary. Tohsaka seemed utterly astounded at my complete lack of knowledge. Even if she said such things, I had no idea what she was talking about. According to Tohsaka, my magic circuits were not particularly abnormal.

In the sense that it's not immediately life-threatening. Although I seem to be an anomaly. And, apparently, the number of circuits is relatively high. However, she said I don't have much talent as a mage. Not that I want to be one.

"How many circuits does Tohsaka have?"

"Me? I have 40 main circuits, and 30 sub-circuits each. So, a total of 100."

So, four times as many as me. I didn't understand well, but it seems Tohsaka has a lot of talent. Tohsaka, who bragged a bit about it, looked cuter than usual. She has pride as a mage. I was a little fascinated by Tohsaka.

"Do you want to see? My magic circuits."


Then, perhaps feeling good, Tohsaka slightly undid her clothes to show her shoulder. No, Tohsaka-san? Isn't that a bit too much? Tohsaka's white skin glowed brightly before my eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off her...



"Shirou? The guest is still not leaving..."

It was when I, losing my reason at the sight of her skin, reached out for Tohsaka's shoulder. I heard a voice filled with despair. I slowly turned to the entrance of the room, like a broken puppet, and there was Sella in her apron.

She was frozen in place, with a pasted smile, in the posture of opening the door. My body also froze. This is bad. She completely misunderstood. Or maybe, it wasn't a misunderstanding? In my confusion, I started thinking such ridiculous things.

"...I was going to... ask if you would... have dinner... but Shirou? What on earth were you about to do?"

"...Calm down, Sella. It can be explained..."

"...You... You said such things to me this morning, and before that has even settled...! And Illya-san is also in this house! What were you about to do!"

"Please let me explain!"

"No arguments!"

Ah, so it's going to end up like this after all. I thought so, as I watched Sella's approaching fist. And then, our housemaid's fist spectacularly knocked out my jaw. Sella, as always, you've got a good punch. And so, I passed out yet again...

Chapter 6 will coming

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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