

September 20 1519, A man named Ferdinand Magellan attemp to sail in the vast ocean to reach what they called spiced island and to set a new trade route from asia to europe, but this is not the only reason why he sailed to east his main goal is to take the holy grail to grant his wish, but he didn't know that the grail is with him all along. This holy grail war took place in an island we known as the philippines and the native people in this island doesn't know how destructious the grail was.

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Chapter 1: The expediton

We sail heading to the west with a fleet of 5 ships and 270 skilled men from several nation including Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Greece, England and France, After stopping at the cannary islands, we arrived at cape verde, where i set course for Cape St. Augustine in brazil. On 27 November the expedition crossed the equator and on december 6 my crew sighted South America.

Several days later we anchor near rio de janeiro. but Pedro Cabral claimed the eastern most shores of Brazil for Portugal, But Portugal did not maintain a permanent settlement there to protect its brazilwood monopoly so my fleet arrived without Portuguese notice and then my crew resupplied food and rams, but some of them is in bad conditions caused us to delay. Afterwards, we continued to sail south along South America's east coast, looking for the strait that i believed would lead to the grail.

For overwintering, I established a temporary settlement called Puerto san julian on March 30, 1520, and then a mutiny broke out involving three of the five ship captains, i took quick and decisive action and send a party to kill captain Luis Mendoza of the ships victoria and then we recover the ship immedietly, and then i secretly ordered my crew to cut the cable of Concepción's anchor so the ship will drifted towards the well-armed trinidad and then captain Gaspar Quesada of the ship concepcion and his inner circle surrendered, and then after Gaspar surrender ,Juan cartagena the captain of the ship San Antonio subsequently gave up.

Because they revolt against me i execute Gaspar Quesada and other mutineers while i leave Juan Cartagena, the captain of San Antonio, and a priest named Padre Sanchez on the coast, but i forgive Most of them including Juan Elcano for the reason that i need them to continue my expedition towards the spice island where i believe the holy grail was.

Months later we find our selves sailing in a calm waters i named Pacific ocean, As the ships continued sailing west, our supplies run out, my crew was forced to eat leather and drink a mixture of salt and freshwater, and some of my men began dying of scurvy, until that night where my left hand glow and suddenly a mark appere, some of my crew who saw that get scared and start to call me demon and tried to kill me so i beheaded them 1 by 1 and then from their blood a magic circle drawn on the deck floor and a demon appere in front of me and ask "are you my master?", a blacked skin demon in human form with white mask and purple hair, and she's not alone there's other bunch of demon suddenly appere in every part of my ship and they called me master, and then juan elcano touch my sholder and whisper, " they call you master captain why don't we test their loyalty" , and without further thinking i command them to kill some of my crew to test their ability, suddenly juan elcano laugh, and shout "with this power captain, WE ARE INVINCIBLE!" , later on using the power of the demons what i called servant we survived trough pacific ocean and reach an island that i assume part of the india but later called philippines with 150 crew member left including my servants.