
Fate in Denial (Fateverse)

WARNING English is not my primary language so, there are and will be mistakes. Anyway, now to Synopsis: Haven't found any proper Morgan (Lostbelt King not the regular Morgan from Human history) fanfics around so, decided to make one myself. This means this fanfic is me simping Morgan while messing with Grail Wars with overpowered Mc(True Magic). So, if you want intense drama this is not for you there is no such thing here.

Dragon15681 · Cómic
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71 Chs

The Army of Two Knights

"Is that a jet fighter? How in world…" Waver didn't finished saying that as Gordius Wheel accelerated to dodge multiple incoming rockets, while Rider dodged those the rest could not be said about the tightly packed formation of Hoplite. Which was incinerated upon the impact.

"The modern weapon are quite fascinating! I should get them for my Army!" Iskandar said with a grin as he appreciated how convenient these flying contraptions were.

"Rider!!! Berserker is killing your men!" Waver shouted from the side as he was barely holding himself.

With another howl, Berserker released another volley of rockets at front of the army, denying any advance towards his Master.

Same with Saber, the Fallen Knight released multiple Excalibur Blasts making the army focus on taking her on.

The King of Conquerors made a quick observation and decided to focus on Flying Knight first as none of his men can fight flying opponents like this one.

"Boy! We will focus on Berserker!" With roar Rider focused on flying Mad Knight.

The black knight realised that quickly enough as he accelerated even further, the jetfighter's thrusters emitted even more prana breaking the sound barrier multiple times over.

Rider's Gordius Wheel quite easily matched the speed of the Jetfighter thanks to its mystery.

"While he looks mad he can utilise that Jetfighter to maximum! A Noble Phantasm perhaps?" Iskandar asked thoughtfully as he saw how the Mad Knight piloted the jet fighter while being on top of it.

"Rider! Not that I am complaining, but how are we going to attack him from distance?" Waver asked while holding tightly on the chariot, he was somewhat getting used to the insanity he ended up in.

The teen looked at Berserker, he was quite baffled about the Servant's ability to use modern weaponry.

Not only that but the Jet Fighter was nothing he has ever seen before, it looked like a combination of a glider and Jet Fighter, none of the world military use gliders… last time he checked…

A custom creation? A mystic code? The last time he checked Ashwell family focused on Homunculus arts… none of this is making sense to him!

"No worry boy! My Gordius Wheel can do more than just fly!" With a crack of thunder, the arc of lightning tried to take down Berserker but, the jet fighter barrel-rolled and released several rockets at them instead.

"Hold on tight!" Rider roared seeing incoming projectiles, more lightning arcs were generated from the wheels and it intercepted the missiles which exploded from the impact.

The King of Conquerors had to do some evasive manoeuvres to evade the explosions.

Berserker used that moment to turn around and ignite all the bombs he had stored inside his Jetfighter and accelerate into Rider. 

Unlike the Macedonian Conqueror, his ride is very much expendable, it was even built as an explosive to be used upon impact.

So very last second the Servant of Madness jumped off the Jetfighter and turned into spirit form.

Rider's eyes went wide seeing that.

"BOY! HOLD ON TIGHT!" The redhead giant grabbed the teen and jumped off the chariot as pitch-black Jet Fighter rammed into Gordius Wheel and then detonated upon impact creating a massive explosion that stopped the fight between Saber and Alexander's Army.


The explosion was so massive that for a moment it clouded the whole desert, turning to a pillar of black, red, green, and blue flames.

While Berserker didn't use up all the missiles as his glider/Jetfighter was packed to the brim, it made the explosion even bigger.



"Here goes the Jet Glider MK I…" Ren sighed after seeing one of his creations goes boom just like that.

"Impressive, at first I thought why you were wasting your time on these toys but now I see some potential with Lancelot's Knight of Owner Noble Phantasm." Morgan hummed in satisfaction, now she knew that Ren didn't just wasted his time creating all the stuff with First True Magic.

"Yes, pity that I could not replicate Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon." Ren shook his head in disappointment.

"Otherwise Lancelot could deploy his weapons more amazingly."

Morgan shook her head, and here she thought she was the one who uses world anchor on petty things, but it seems her husband can do much worse…

"He already is carrying all those weapons with him, I don't see any reason to add more unnecessary time-wasting, besides wasn't it for that reason that he got Lancer off guard?" She asked curiously.

"Yes, I think so. I guess we will keep all his stuff In that mystic code." He shrugged at her, still he will find time to replicate that Noble Phantasm.

The pale blond witch saw the look her husband had before saying that, it seems he has not shelved the idea of creating Gate of Babylon.

All she can say is that it's the tool for ultimate laziness…

But, she can see the perks of it was as well.


"Rider! Are you okay?" Waver was shellshocked at what just happened, one moment they were chasing the Mad Knight using a Jet Fighter as some glider or skateboard, next moment the Servant of Madness just rammed the thing Into them and made it explode!

"Just a scratch boy." The Macedonian Conqueror slowly get up and looked at the battlefield with a critical eye.

"What...on...Earth…" Waver looked in the same direction as Rider was looking, both of them spotted something shell-shocking and awe-inspiring.

"By Zeus! That's a Tank! Isn't it Waver!? I wanted to buy one of these for my men!" The tall man quite literally turned into a fanboy for a second.

"It is you idiot! How in world did Berserker got his hands on this...this...THIS THING! It's not even scientifically possible to have hovering technology yet!" The teen pointed the crucial thing as the tank was floating and its packing even more rockets on its body.


Berserker roared as tubes opened on sides and rockets got prepped for launch.


Next moment tens of rockets were launched from the hoover tank sides, blowing anything in its path.

Rider grimaced seeing all the lost soldiers. He prepared the desert to utilise his numerical advantage but, against such monster and his fancy weapons it utilise the open battlefield against him!

"Don't forget about me Rider!!!" 


The Macedonian Conqueror grabbed Waver last second and was barely able to dodge the incoming pitch-black wave of pure destruction.

The same could not be said about all the soldiers close to them.

Rider grimaced seeing all the pure destruction the sword just did.

"So, that's your Noble Phantasm King of Knights?" Rider asked while pulling out his sword once again.

"Aye, it is. And I am no longer a King, I have sworn fealty to my new Master, Now I am nothing more than his Sword, and I will do my duty as his sword." She said that while showing two of her swords.

"By...Zeus… you have two Excaliburs?" Iskandar took a step after seeing that, he is no stranger to the myth surrounding the legendary blade, but two of them?

"Beautiful isn't it? With this, I can fulfil my duty to maximum potential." Both of the blades hummed with power.

"H-How? This shouldn't be possible! There should be only one Excalibur!" Waver asked with disbelief.

"Ho? I thought you knew about my Master's ability over First True Magic?" Saber asked as she looked at rampaging Berserker, the Servant of Madness was quite frankly annihilating The Great Conquerors army.

The main turret was shooting beams of Prana while two Gatling guns next to the turret were shooting in separate directions while Berserker himself was holding a Gatling gun on its own, occasionally pulling out another anti-vehicle rocket launcher.

This whole thing can be considered anti-army Noble Phantasm as none of the soldiers can even get close even though they are low-level Servants on their own!!!

Saber internally grimaced as she was told the real identity of the Berserker, it took her several hours to process that one of her Knights apart from Mordred can be summoned as Berserker.

Another reason for her not to care about her Kingship, even so, she is awed by the fact how her Master utilised Berserker's ability to very peak, giving something similar to an armoury and let him loose on Rider's army is most efficient way to utilise a Mad Knight like Lancelot.

"First True Magic!?" Waver lost balance and landed on his ass, while Iskandar started laughing.

"Hahaha! It makes sense! Ability to sustain three Servants! Even summoning Fairy Queen! And all those weaponry used by Berserker!" Alexander laughed even more after saying that.

"Saber! Can you imagine my army equipped by your Master's creations? We could conquer very stars!" Rider said that with spread out arms. The man can already imagine all the incredible tanks, jet fighters under his control.

Artoria only shook her head hearing that.

"It does sound possible Rider. BUT, my Master is the only ruler I serve, he already has plans in motion for all what you just said." Saber seriously said that as she prepared her swords.

"Pity… truly a pity… nonetheless we have a battle to finish." Rider said as he prepared for a battle against the Fallen King of Knights.

"Boy, you better move away otherwise you will get hurt." The Macedonian Conqueror motioned for Waver to move.

"Listen to Rider, I don't want to accidentally kill someone who my Master finds of value." Saber motioned to get lost as well.

Waver didn't need to be told twice he started to run away from the battlefield.

"Hahaha, you may be rough around the edges but you still are King of Knights!" 

"Only following orders Rider, your Master and my Master are acquaintances, and I was told if I can I should spare him." She said that while pointing one of her blades at him.

"Same could not be said about you." She said that while charging in with Prana Burst.

Rider quickly intercepted her strike, his eyes slighly widened when he saw the blade being coated in black miasma, as it started to glow even further.

"Unlike you King of Conquerors, I don't have prana limitations!" Saber easily pushed him with just one sword strike, she then swung her other blade at him.

"Ho, empowering yourself with Prana! Impressive I have few tricks too!" He said that while channelling some lighting through his sword.

Saber wasn't that impressed she just used more prana and send the massive man flying with an underpowered Excalibur Morgan blast.

"You are Rider, not Saber, King of Conquerors, don't mock me with such cheap lightning tricks!" Artoria once more burst with Prana as she charged in.

Iskandar grimaced as he realised how Saber's fighting style has changed, there was no elegance or any proper fighting style only brute strength powered by her sword and dragon core if the legends about her are right.

While he can answer back with similar brute strength he doesn't have a weapon of similar calibre to counter hers.


Then Rider noticed his Reality Marble started to fall apart…

He looked around and saw only a small amount of his men's are left.

Of nearly half a million only a few hundreds are left…

"What a ridiculous Berserker… living up to his name!" Iskandar shook his head in disbelief, if only he has someone like him, a more sane version under him! He maybe even would have reached Okeanos!

"Let's end this Rider, your Reality Marble can't hold this long and I don't want my Master to be disappointed in me for breaking regular people backyards," Artoria said that while stabbing one of the Excaliburs into the ground and using the other one with both hands.

The blade exploded with more black energy as she prepared to charge one more time at the Macedonian Conqueror.

"Very well then!" Rider summoned his horse which simply appeared next to him, he got on it quickly enough then started to charge at Saber.

"Let's end this! King of Knights! AAAALaLaLaLaLaie!!"

The King of Conqueror charged in at accelerating darkened Saber.


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P.S I hold weekly voting for fanfics on my Discord, the winner fic gets updated for a week.

(Once Fate In Denial catches up with chapters on Discord it will fall into the voting category)