
Chapter 46

I have some bad news, unfortunately I have been a bit busy with life at the moment. My uploaded rate has exceeded my writing rate over the past week and this is my last backlogged chapter. The story is not dropped or anything, uploaded's are just going to slow down for a bit. Sorry about this.


After breakfast and our chat, I go to the phone and make a call. Looking through my note pad I find the number I'm looking for.

'Ringring ringring'


"Hello. My name is Nicholas Emiya. I'm calling on behalf of my father Kiritsugu Emiya, I believe you have a package for him"

"Emiya. Yep, have it here.Dont know why someone like him want's it, but it's here. Are you coming bro get it, how far away are you"

"I'm currently in the city in my hotel room. I was actually calling to confirm with you, and to get your address for me to come by and pick it up"

"Yeah, that fine, it's already been paid for. Come by my shop, the address is ********. So what time will you be here by"

"Well, I just had breakfast, so I just need to grab my things and go. I'm looking at a map now and you shop is approximately 20 minutes away so I'll be there in give or take half an hour"

"Okay, I'll have it ready for you when you get here, have a nice day Emiya"

"You to Miss Aozaki"

"Wait what, how did you"

'Click' ' beepbeepbeepbeep'

"Hahahahahahaha. Her reaction was actually pretty funny. Well that confirms that"

"What are you laughing at"

"Oh Arcueid, what's up"

"I was just curious about what you were laughing at"

"Oh, the person were visiting today is Touko Aozaki. An extremely skilled mage"

"Oh okay, still doesn't explain why your laughing"

"Oh, well during the call she didn't introduce herself, nor leave any trace of her identity, I'm pretty sure dad didn't know it was her. So when intended the call by calling her out, the shock in her voice was funny"

"Okay then. Se when do we leave, in a few minutes, just need to grab some stuff"

"Okay, I'll get ready as well then"

"Are we going some where"

While the two of us were talking, Satsuki came back into the room asking the question.

"Yeah, the whole reason I came here was to pick up a package. Just going to go get that"

"Can I come with"

"Why do you want to come, also, the sun's up, will you be okay"

At my question, she actually looks a bit worried. At this point Arcueid speak's up dispelling any worry.

"No, she's fine. She just turned. She will have a few years before her body starts breaking down and she will need blood. She will be able to walk in the sun fine in the beginning, however as time passed she will start deteriorating. As for today, as long as she doesn't spend the whole day son the sun she will be fine"

"Ok you can come"

"Actually Nicholas, there something I wanted to ask you"


"So, I heard you have this true magic power, and it lets you change the world. Can you use it to make me human again"

That's the question. Can I, can I turn an apostle back into a human.

"I'm sorry, but no, I can't"

Thats right, I can't. Last night after hearing Arcueid tall about True Ancestor's and Dead Apostle's, I used my magic to analyse them. The source of their thirst is their soul. The same with Dead Apostle's, their transformation isn't just their bodies, it's their souls.

My magic is powerful and I can change their bodies however I want but I can't influence the soul, that belongs to heaven feel. I could change her body back, but that would be an exercise bin futility. The should would just change the body back, and that would be very painful for her.

The best way I could describe bit would be, humans are balls, and Apostle's are cubes. I would be changing her cube body to a ball. However her soul would be the same, the incompatibility between the two would cause her immense pain as her body slowly changed back.

The only solution I can come up with is ask Axle to use his soul power to fix her or ask Earth. both of which are something for later.

"I see. Can I ask why"

"In simple terms. Your change isn't just your body. It's your soul, and I can't aff ct or influence souls"

"I see"

"It's not hopeless. I know two people who may be able to help, but that's for the future, and I can't guarantee whether they will help or not. Anyway if we're all ready, then let's go"

Grabbing our stuff we all leave the apartment. As we walk out the front door and start walking, I unconsciously move my hand up to my shoulder and start patting Fou.


"Hay Fou, when did you get here"


"We got here just now actually, we saw you walk out of the hotel so we joined in"

"Okay cool. Anyway hay Altrouge, how are you. Got the blood factory set up yet. You could try using homunculus, atleat very basic ones that have no soul or life to them beyond producing blood"

"I have no idea what your talking about. I left because of Vey important business"

"So I'm assuming you have started construction and you subordinate are working on it"



"They have already started looking for a location and are also planning bout what method to use to produce blood"

"Good to hear your making progress"

"Shut up"

"Hay sister, when you have that set up, let me know. While thanks to regaining my power I'm no longer at risk of losing control for a while, I would still like to try safely satisfying my thirst without causing trouble"

"Fine. So where are we heading"

"To meet Touko Aozaki and pick up my last package"