
Fate/illusionary speed

It was just an ordinary day, I took my brother to school, I did a few chores for my parents and while mowing the lawn I'm hit by a car. For most people that would be the end however due to a twist of Fate this is just the beginning of my new life, with a few upgrades.

OmegaDragon · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 33


It's been a month since we came back from the mages association and started school. It's Sunday and we're having a family picnic in the park, the three of us, Sakura, Ilya and I are playing in the park, it's amazing how easy it is to have fun while being a kid.

While throwing the frisby, Sakura suddenly freezes up, net even reacting as the frisby hits her head.

Looking to see what she's looking at I see another girl about my age, she's pushing a wheelchair with who I assume to be her mother and followed by a priest.

Rin Tohsaka, her mother Aoi Tohsaka and her guardian Kirei Kotomine. Like Sakura, Rin and Aoi stare at her in a daze, Rin from shock and Aoi from the brain damage, As for Kirei, he's looking like he just saw something interesting, speaking ok kirei, how the hell is he alive.

I got rid of the corruption in the grail, his curse heart should have dissapeared and he should be dead, you know what, I don't care.

Aoi starts smiling and reaching out to Sakura, opening and closing her mouth she mumbled a few words, while Rin, looks away pretending not to notice her.

Damn I saw it in the anime, but Rin really ignored Sakura's existence just like her father told her.

Seeing our strange actions, Kiritsugu notices and comes over. The moment him and Kirei notice each other, they immediately get on guard and prepare for a fight. I can tell, the moment one makes a suspicious move a fight will break out and one will die.

The tension between the two is so intense that even the people around us notice it and start backing away. I'm pretty sure I see police staring at us and moving closer.

"Sa ku ra"

A single broken word, all it took was a single broken word from Aoi, and the situation ended. No gun fire, no black keys, just nothing.

"Sa ku ra"

Everyone turned to look at Aoi, who was sitting on her chair, reaching out towards Sakura with a yearning look and tears in her eyes. No matter what state there in, a mother will always worry about her children.

In any other situation this would be a happy family reunion, however, this is anything but. Kirei smiles finding joy in the situation, Rin turns away and Sakura. Run's.

"Sa ku ra"

With that Aoi reaches out and falls from her chair and.

'Dream end'

Waking up to the sun in my eyes is easily among the worst ways to wake up. Who the hell sets up their bed so that the sun shine into their eyes in the morning. Looking around the room, only to find it empty, no Arcueid anywhere.

Dragging myself out of bed I get dressed into some clean clothes before opening the fridge, I didn't know what to expect however a literal empty fridge was not it.

Making some breakfast out of nothing I sit down and eat, half way through my meal Arcueid comes back with a bag of groceries. Looks like she went out to but breakfast, now I feel bad.

"Oh, your awake, and where did you get that food. I thought the fridge was empty"

"It was. I'm a Magician, if I couldn't use true magic to make some food, it would be pretty pathetic"

"Really. I would think most mages would see using true magic to make food as beneath them"

"Mages see everything as beneath them"

"True. Seeing as you already have food, you won't be needing this"

She put an unopened bowl of instant noodles on the table in front of me.

"Yep, haven't had food like that in a while. When you can make what ever food you want when ever, stuff like that just seems pointless. So what the plan"

"Well I was thinking of finding the boy who killed me. What about you"

"I'm going to head to the Tohno house to collect dad's package. After that I'll held you with your vampire situation before leaving. Got to get the other one from Mifune city and I only have a week off from school"

"I see"

She's now staring at me with a pondering expression that for some reason is filling me with dread.

The same type of dread I felt from Tiamat, when when we were at the park and a bunch of mothers were together pushing there strollers with their new born baby's. Thinking back on I think Kiritsugu felt the same, given his expression and how Irisviel's was looking at him.

I have a very bad feeling.

"That's it, I have decided, after this, as thanks for helping me, I am going to accompany you"


"You don't need to do that"

"Yes I do. You completely healed me after I was killed yesterday. Even restoring the power that was stolen from me. I have to thank you for that"

"No, you really don't"

"Nope, I'm following you and that's, that"

She not going to give up is she. Oh well, after this whole vampire situation is delt with and I have the package, I'll just use my speed and head to Mifune city. Not like she can keep up with me.

"So, where are we going in Mifune city"

Fuck. Me and my big mouth, why did I tell her where I'm going. Oh well, I'll just have to be quick then head home, good thing she doesn't know where I live.

"By the way, here's your wallet back"

"Why do you have my wallet"

"Well, as I was leaving I accidentally kicked over the table. It fell on the floor and I picked it up, as I did that I realised there was no food so I went out to get some. However I forgot to put your wallet back so I accidentally brought it with me. Don't worry I didn't touch your money. By the way I saw your ID, you live in Fuyuki. I haven't been there in years"

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. How, is the world tying to screw with me. No, she wouldn't. I think. Would she.

So, she knows where I'm going next, she knows where I live, and she insists on coming with me. I'm never getting away from this woman am I. This situation couldn't possibly get any worse can.... Fucking Murphy.