
Fate Grand Order: Corruption

The lives of two siblings are interrupted when something happens to their Grand Order games. Zelretch presents them with a once in a lifetime opportunity: to become masters of Chaldea. Now they must travel through the singularities to rescue the servants who have been corrupted for a strange reason and continue the story. Can they do it?

I_Am_Not_A_Writer · Cómic
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9 Chs

The Three C's

The most famous hero of the Ulster cycle was fighting against Mash and the Artorias, and not only that, but it was in triplicate, in the form of two lancers and a caster. Mostly it was the Artorias who were fighting the three Cu, Mash was making sure Olga and her masters were protected, preventing any stray projectiles from reaching them.

"Attack with all Saber!" Haji activated the skill "Mana Burst" giving Artoria's powerful attacks a big boost. The blonde let out a loud roar as she launched heavy blows against the Cu Lancer, it managed to block her attacks, but just the same the force was so much that it dragged him backwards.

"I need support." Cu alerted, at that moment the caster invoked ropes to entangle Artoria's feet and leave her immobile, achieving his task. A moment that the Lancer took advantage of to direct a lunge of his Gae Bolg towards the heart of the saber, narrowly missing and managing to hit it, Artoria was able to block and free herself from the ropes at the same time.

"Taking on those two at the same time is tricky... if only I could count on help." Artoria looked at her younger version, she was busy fighting Proto Cu, the battle being pretty evenly matched.

"You're not half as strong as your adult version, that makes you easy to defeat." Proto Cu wouldn't let Lily counterattack in any way, she simply took it upon herself to block his attacks, starting to show desperation on her face.

"(I didn't think it would be this hard... heck... if only I could have more strength...)" She let out a roar looking to push the Lancer away with a lunge.

"You can do it Lily, I trust you!" Rika activated "Mana Burst", now Lily found herself delivering more powerful blows to how it was before. This action did not go unnoticed by the caster, who ended up throwing fireballs at the little blonde, receiving the attacks.


"Lily!" Rika showed her concern, watching her brother. "Nii-san, we can't go on like this for long, the Cu caster is interrupting both fights."

"I know that... we must do something about him..." He looked at the Shielder. "Mash, I know you're protecting us and all, but you still have to fight."

"Senpai? But if I'm not around you guys, you'll get hurt." She showed her concern.

"Artoria and Lily can't do it alone, you have to take care of the caster so they can fight with peace of mind." The girl started to hesitate for a moment, she didn't want them to get hurt, but she still knew he was her master, she couldn't disobey him.

"...Understood, I'll take care of him master." Mash finally went out to fight, Cu caster was so distracted supporting his two companions that he didn't notice that the shielder was quite close to him.

"That'll have to do... How?" he took an attack from the shield, Haji and Rika smiled.

"Keep him busy! Now Saber, you can fight!"

"Yes master!" Artoria increased her speed, starting to launch much faster attacks, Cu was already starting to have trouble defending himself, he couldn't count on caster's help either since he was busy with Mash.

"Damn... you're a pain in the ass." He deflected Excalibur, making Artoria spin, Cu took the opportunity to hit her in the side with the tip, at that moment the saber started to feel excessive pain.

"That won't be enough to stop me... Lancer..."

"That's right, I will cause you more damage until you disappear." he wanted to do more damage, piercing in different areas of Artoria's body, she was doing her best to block the thrusts. "You have no way to win and you know that."

"Don't be so sure..." Artoria looked at her master; he, with his phone in hand, accessed the skills menu, activating "instinct" a glow surrounded the saber which started to launch faster attacks and granting higher damage than normal.

"How can you do that?" complained the Lancer starting to growl, Artoria managed to recover, looking seriously at Cu.

"Previously, our battles were always interrupted and we never had a moment to prove who is the strongest... now it's all settled, Lancer, it's time for you to be defeated."

"I will not accept to fall before your sword!" Cu started to run to launch one last attack, Artoria waited for him there with just the right timing. A few inches away, the two attacked, a loud sound echoed throughout the place, the two stood with their backs facing each other, motionless.

"...Uuurgh!" Cu spat blood, dropping his spear and falling to the ground. Artoria finally abandoned her attack position.

"It's over Lancer, the battle was decided."

"I see..." He was able to put on a small smile. "That's the way it is then... I'm flattered to have crossed attacks with you... know...!"

Haji approached the dying Lancer, with his phone in his hand, Arturia watched him with some curiosity, but still being alert.

"You won't die this time Lancer, let's say finally your luck didn't play against you, because you'll have a new chance... as my servant! Perform capture!"

He launched the beam directly at Cu's body, the dark mist began to leave his body, before long he was finally clean.

"... Excellent... that was a fun battle..." His body disappeared, the successful capture icon appearing, Haji was now Cu Chulainn Lancer's master.

"Master... that was..." Artoria was about to ask, but Haji shook his head.

"I'll answer all your questions later, we're still busy. Now they watched the other two who continued to fight. Lily was still measuring her strength against Proto Cu, Rika had activated "Instinct" with her, gaining some advantage with faster and stronger attacks, but she was still behind, the young Lancer had already managed to hurt and tire Lily, but Lily wasn't giving up.

"... (My adult version already defeated his opponent and I'm still having trouble... how ironic, I'm still an inexperienced...)" She was breathing heavily, she already had a few cuts from which she was bleeding, in spite of that she was still standing. "I'm not going to fall here... not after all the trust my master has for me."

"You say that, but well you're about to be defeated, there really is no comparison between you and your adult version, you're not the same." Scoffed proto Cu.

"It's true... we are very different, after all she already went through all of Merlin's training and became king... I know very well the shortcomings I have, I'm quite young and inexperienced, but that's not why I'm going to give up, even if I'm falling apart, I'll keep fighting until I defeat my enemy."

Rika activated the third skill "Journey of Flowers" A glow began to surround Lily, making her feel lighter and activating a certain feeling.

"That's right... I must not forget Merlin's teachings... everything I have practiced with him, I will put to the test right now." Rika looked at her cell phone, below Lily's remaining life bar was another one, which was full, it was the NP bar. A golden glow began to surround the small blonde, causing the red-haired girl to smile.

"Lily... it's time for you to use it Unleash your Noble Phantasm!"

"Understood master!" Raising her sword to the sky, a glow began to emerge from the tip of it. "Sword of selection, please grant me your power... so I can wipe out the evil ones..."

She extended her sword to the front when it was at its peak of brightness


A bolt of lightning shot straight at Proto Cu, a few glows erupted, at that moment multiple explosions began to occur around him.

"AAAAHHH!" Proto Cu shot out due to the explosions, not far away the Cu caster was continuing to fight Mash, when he noticed the attack.

"What happened!" before reacting, Proto Cu crashed into him, causing them both to suffer damage, they both crashed into a wall.

"Really... was I defeated?" Proto Cu couldn't believe it, Rika approached both of them who were about to disappear.

"Don't worry, I'll take very good care of you, the adventures aren't over. Perform capture!"

The glow surrounded both Servants, causing the black aura to disappear.

"That's it... I'm sorry... master..." Proto Cu was the first to disappear.

"I couldn't do anything... I hope to come back..." and Cu caster was the last, Rika managed to capture the two.

"Mission complete." She smiled fully making a victory sign. The battle was finally over. Olga approached both masters, being quite surprised.

"What was that, how did you capture those Servants!" She demanded to know, Rika covered her ears from her screams.

"Calm down, we've had enough battles for today, let's rest and then we can explain everything... Mash can you also call Doctor Roman to let him know?"

"As you command master." She began to make the call, at that moment the two selected the three newly captured Servants to appear.

"Oh master, it's nice to meet you, I'm Lancer class, Cu Chulainn, I hope we can have quite a few battles together."

"Caster class, Cu Chulainn, it's really not to my liking to be summoned like this, but let's still make an effort."

"Lancer, Cu Chulainn, I may be a bit younger but I'll make sure to meet your expectations."

"Welcome Cu's, we are Haji and my sister Rika, I am your master Cu Lancer, Caster and young Lancer are my sister's."

"I understand master, being summoned in three different forms can be a bit complicated right? And I feel kind of sorry for the caster."

"That's right! Master, you should have summoned me as Lancer." Claimed the caster to Rika, Rika simply let out a laugh.

"Sorry Cu, but the other two already beat you to the spot."

"Damn..." He exclaimed under her breath with a growl.

"Saber, looks like we're on the same side this time around." Cu turned to Artoria with a smile, Artoria was somewhat confused, being that they were just recently fighting against each other.

"Master... Lancer doesn't remember anything about what happened recently?"

"That's what we were going to explain." Haji noted that Mash had already called Roman. "Looks like it's time for everyone to know what this is about."