
Chapter 2

Going to school I promptly did what anyone would do should they be feeling what I am right now. I entered my class, laid my face against the table, and tried to sleep through the pain.

Seriously, Leonidas may be a great guy but he is a freaking nightmare to me when he puts his mind into it.

Well, at least I can't complain much about the results, at 17 I stand at over 6'2 feet tall with a muscular build and slightly tan skin because I am not the indoor type. My eyes are a golden brown and my hair is a deep shade of purple that reaches the middle of my back but I keep it in a ponytail as to not get in the way.

As a member of the Mamoon clan, I also am wearing some jewels in me, they are great to sacrifice in case I need more power and I had Da Vinci modify them into powerful magic weapons to use by either increasing their values to sacrifice or to simply use them as weapons. To be more exact I have on a silver bracelet in my left wrist and a gold one in my right, the left one is encrusted with sapphires and the right with rubies. I also have three rings in one hand and two on the other, all of an excellent make and with rare gems in them. In my neck, there are two necklaces, a shorter one made of magic gold, one of the most expensive materials in the Underworld, and another longer made of silver essence, which is also an extremely rare and expensive material. I also had two two hoop earrings made out of gold as well. All of them have magic properties and if I were to sell all of them I could probably get enough to buy a new Kuoh Academy at the very least.

Beside me I could see that Sona was glaring at my direction, I couldn't care less about it though.

Mine and Sona's relationship was, to say the least, difficult. She was prim and liked to keep the school and everything in order, my peerage had other plans in mind.

For instance, I had beside me my adorable Queen, Valerie, who was right now not paying the least bit of attention to the teacher in front of us as she instead was looking at a fashion magazine for goths. She really likes goth fashion as seen by her black nails and how she likes to dress back home. She was disrespecting half a dozen school rules from how she was dressed and she still was one of the most well behaved members of my peerage who were mostly teachers of the school or lazy bums back home (not that my cutest bishop was like that, my cute little threat to the world is simply the cutest little thing ever). Down in the training field Leonidas, the PE teacher, was making bars with one hand and shirtless, for some reason, while making most girls fawn him and the boys feel in bad shape.

If memory serves me right Da Vinci was in the science class today and with some luck she won't be trying to use the equipment there to try and create a railgun, well I bet she won't do that today, she would not repeat a successful experiment after all.

"Catch the perverts!" A shout was heard in the distance and I had to put a hand in my face and sigh inside as I saw the perverted trio running away from a mob of girls in furry being led by the school's vice-director who likely was there for an inspection and ended up in the worst place at the worst time for the three perverts. As she was running her breasts that were much too big jumped from one side to the other, she seems to have noticed my gaze because she turned her gaze to me and waved with a huge smile.

I waved back and wondered why, if the three were that perverted, they didn't just put the money they spend in magazines to good use and just go to the red light district. There they would likely fit better and, even better, they would be giving part of their money to my clan as we own most of the businesses in that part of town. Well, more like I do since I bought it to get some gain. I don't get much from there, but it is a source of income and I needed something to distract me while I am in this town so it is a win-win scenario anyway.

Not wanting to deal with any of the antics of this school I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.


By the end of the first period, I was awakened by a punch to the back of my head.

"Ouch, was there any need to wake me up like that?" I complained as I rubbed at the back of my head. Sona just glared down at me.

"Why do you even come to school if you intend to just sleep your day away?" She asked infuriated.

"Because I was paid to protect you two princesses in case of need. I am not like you two who want to be in the human world and live while pretending to be what you are not. This is a job and if not for the good payment I would be in the Middle East doing more interesting things by now." I told her with a shrug. She looks just as pissed but gives out a sneering face as she spoke.

"I see, and you would be fighting for the highest bidder regardless of honor I imagine." She says. She probably thinks this would annoy me, it doesn't.

"Yeah, it is not like you can eat honor and not everyone here has a sibling that is a Satan who can give whatever they want at any moment they want for their beloved little sister." I say and she bristles, actually raising her hand in anger but I just looked at her as if she was an idiot, she knows how this will end and she still does it anyway.

She moves to strike my face but I move my head just a bit back, just enough to avoid it, I then flick her forehead and she moves her head back with a hurt look in her eyes.

"You, you should know not to use devil traits in the academy!" She says in a whisper that is closer to a shout, she only does so because she knows that one of my rings can cast a delusional charm around me to disguise any shows of magic I do to normal people. It isn't that strong, but it let me talk about the magic side of things without a problem so it is fine.

But, hearing her words, I shrug them off.

"It is not like I really hurt you or anything. I just imprinted my desired objective into you, the sensation of pain. You wanted to sense how it is to be human, that is what a human would sense with the same flick to the head, enjoy." I said as I stood and began to leave, not wanting to be around anymore. This was far from the first time I had this same talk with Sona and she never listens.

Seriously, if not for the payment I would leave this job a long time ago. Last I heard my cousin got some great jobs in the Middle East and another found some work in the fight between the Hindu factions as well. They at least see some action, I am a glorified babysitter.

After this, I make sure to go see if the magic protection around the school is still perfect and if there is anything that needs my attention. It was lunch break, so I have the time.

Entering the faculty room of the teachers which include most of my peerage I greet them before looking at the defense system.

Huh? There is a disturbance? This signal, a fallen angel near the perimeter of the school, huh.

Well, now that is interesting.

I wonder if there is anything to gain from this.