
The Path of a King

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With the darkness finally fading, Raiden looked ahead to see Raven and Kori waiting for him, Kori pounced on him immediately upon arrival, hugging him, while Raven took her time to walk to him slowly, she was now seven months pregnant, so she couldn't be as fast as Kori, Raiden approached her slowly hugging her, as he said "I missed you….Both"

The others in the waiting room, including the Justice League and the OC members of the Team, all went to Wally hugging him and happy to see him, just three months ago they held his funeral, and now his back safe

"Your parents really need this, they haven't been the same Wally" Said Barry, He was one of the people that missed him the most, even blaming himself for his death at some point

One member of the league who was shocked, but for very different reasons was Superman, who approached Raiden as he stared at Kara and Ursa saying "They…..They're Kryptonians….and that one holds my emblem" He kept looking at them Raiden walked towards Kara and said "Kal-el, this is Kara-Zor El, your elder cousin"

As Raiden introduced her, Kara flew floated slightly to Kal-EL, she placed her hand on his cheek as she said "You used to be so young, I remember when you were nothing more than a baby, yet here you are older than me, It's good to meet you, Cousin"

As she spoke, Kal-El's eyes opened wide, looking at her sincere look, and how she truly felt like his family "Cousin? You know me then?" said Kal-EL, to which Kara Nodded saying "Yes, I was supposed to come here with you, to help you adapt and live, I was entrusted with that by your parents….But something terrible happened, causing me to end up in the Phantom Zone, I missed so many years of your life, to the point that now I'm younger than you"

Hearing that Kal-El smiled as he said "I supposed that chance was lost, but I don't mind learning more about my parents and Krypton from you…I can help you now, adapt to earth, it's people, they're wonderful" Kara nodded as she turned to look at Raiden saying "Yes, I'm aware, and I'm excited to know them better" 

Smiling Kal-El then turned to Ursa and said "What about her? Is she also one of us" As Kal-EL spoke, both Artemis and Wally had a disgusted look on their face staring at her, Kara looked at her, she didn't want to show any negative emotions to the cousin that she hadn't seen in a decade, so she refrained from speaking, this forced Raiden to walk towards her and place himself between her and everyone else "She's under my protection, that's all you need to know for now, Any threat taken against is a threat to me, I take it you all know I don't appreciate threats"

Seeing that Raiden was the one to speak about her, and how the others reacted, everyone knew that something was wrong, it was Superman that stepped up saying "This is a matter of my race Raiden, I'd like to at least know what's going on" Raiden nodded his head to Kal-El saying "Yes, you do, And I will tell you, after we get some time to relax, we shall speak about what happened inside the Phantom Zone, I know for everyone here, it's been a month, but to us, it has been a mere ten days"

As Raiden said that, Kal-EL turned to look at his cousin, realizing that it was the reason she looked young, and was younger than him, with everyone understanding where Raiden was coming from, they gave Raiden and the squad that was inside the Phantom Zone some time to relax, Wally took this opportunity to leave, as he went to check on his parents, and talk to them

"What happened in there, Raiden? And who's that woman that's staying with us" said Kori as she sat with him, they were in their home now, she was facing him at their kitchen table, while Raven was sitting next to him and facing her Carry who also came to welcome him back

Raiden had Ursa stay in the guest house, and he warned her that he had eyes everywhere, those Eyes being Scáthach who was already inside her Shadow, her job was to keep her at bay, Knowing that Ursa would have super hearing now that she's in Earth, and impressed at how fast she adapted to it, Raiden decided to erect a sound blocking barrier then said "She's a Villain, she worked with a very heinous group of killers and monsters"

Hearing that, Raven raised an eyebrow and beating her to it Kori asked "Why is she here then? Why bring her with you?" turning his head to Raven, Raiden stared at the belly holding his son in it as he said "I found out she was pregnant, I couldn't kill her, obviously, it was between leaving her there, or bringing her with us, and I choose the latter….I just couldn't do it….I couldn't condemn a child to live forever in that horrible world"

With Raiden's words, the two girls realized what made the decision hard, and how things were complicated, Raiden looked up at the ceiling as he allowed himself to sink in his chair saying "Back in Odym, Elder Ganthet warned me of such cases, He told me, not to make a decision on my subjective view, so I decided not to, I decided to save him, that child, may he become a great hero, a Great person, or…..Another enemy that should be felled, I did my duty, I guaranteed him a future that's in his hands, now he has to shape it"

A meeting was held, the meeting involved many core members of the Justice League, Raiden, and some members of the team, the entire league was called to attend, but only to get a chance to see Wally and to hear the result of the meeting

Batman Walked up to the display screen as a picture of Ursa and Kara was on display "As many of you know, we have two new visitors, two Kryptonians, Kara-Zor EL is confirmed to not be a problem, her cousin will take care of her for now, help her adjust to the world, and introduce her to Earth's culture" Kara's picture was removed from the screen as Ursa's image occupied the entire screen

"As for this Individual, she's been identified as Ursa-Zod, from Artemis and Wally's tales, she's a criminal, a war criminal that caused countless deaths, she was thrown into the Phantom Zone as punishment for her crimes, and her other allies were defeated, and presumably killed in the Phantom Zone, but she was brought here, by Raiden's decision, now, we need to discuss our action related to a dangerous individual like her being on Earth"

As Batman finished speaking, the first one to speak was Wonder Woman "I see no fault in Raiden's Decision, she is pregnant, confirmed by Superman, we are not so cruel to make a child suffer life in the hell that is the Phantom Zone, Artemis and Wally are veterans, but they're still shaken by the creatures they saw there!" Her words earned many nods, from the likes of Aquaman, Aqualad, Black Canary, and Zatanna

However on the opposite side, Nightwing spoke "While we're also in agreement with the child not having to suffer, we must also make note that she is a war criminal, according to Kara-Zor El, she's killed hundreds if not more, and that was when she had no powers, here on earth, she has all the powers of Superman, but not the same alignment, I do not wish harm on the child, but we must place her in jail, preferably one with Kryptonite in it"

Hearing that, Dinah slammed the table saying "You want to put a pregnant woman in jail! And subject her to Kryptonite!" this made Oliver, Her husband speak "We don't have a choice, we do it all the time! Being pregnant isn't an immunity card! If she's let loose, she can kill thousands before we even get a chance to stop her! She's Kryptonian for god sake! No offense Clark"

"None taken, but Kryptonite is a bit much, we don't know the effect of such a thing on the child she's carrying" spoke Clark, shutting down the idea "What else do you suggest? It's not like we have many ways of restraining someone like you? Not even the Green lantern database has information that can help us" said Hal, the Green Lantern

Looking at all the talk, Raiden sighed, loudly, making his opinion about their talk, clear, he didn't like it

"Do you have something to Say Raiden?" Asked Batman, this made Raiden stand up from his place on the table, as he started to circle around it, he then said "Arthur, You're the king of Atlantis? Correct? If your counsel were to have some sort of discussion similar to this….Who would make the final Decision?"

Hearing that, Arthur raised an eyebrow before answering "Naturally, as the King, the decision would fall on me" 

"Hmmm That's an Interesting Idea, will you make it clear to your colleagues here in the Justice League?" as Raiden spoke, everyone was looking at him, some with intrigue, shock, or deep thoughts

"What are you trying to say Raiden?" said Wonder Woman, to which Raiden said "I made my decision about Ursa the moment I arrived here, discussing her any further isn't going to change my opinion, she's paid for her crimes, Years in the Phantom Zone, I don't hold any delusions that she's a good person now, but I'm willing to give her a chance for redemption, call it an Experiment, until she gives birth to her child, she's off limits, she goes to no jail, she suffers no restraints, she lives a life, worthy of a normal woman, and that was My decision"

Hearing Raiden's words, Superman was the one to speak as he said "Are you declaring yourself as our King? Do you think your opinion holds more value than any of ours?"

"No, not yet, But I plan to, Earth needs a King, the way things are going…..We won't survive, that's for sure, the Justice League must reign supreme, instead of having to listen and act according to governments and jurisdiction, we'll be the new government" 

"We? Now you see yourself as one of us?" mocked Captain Atom, then Superman spoke "That's how dictatorships start Raiden, We can't be above the law, we must uphold it" said Superman, Aquaman spoke "This spark of Dictatorship…You showed it to us when you were younger, I had thought it was gone, but it seems you still hold the same views child"

"What Clark is saying is true Raiden, if the Justice League takes the world by force, it will only create more conflict" spoke Diana, this made Raiden stop his circling around the table as he said, "Why?"

"I don't get it. Here, is the King of Atlantis" Pointed Raiden at Arthur "Here is the future Queen of Amazon" Pointed Raiden at Diana "Here is the Strongest Human alive" Pointed Raiden at Batman, and there is the Strongest Earthling alive" pointed Raiden at Superman

"The League is comprised of a wide variety of Races, Ethnicities, and genders, the Spark of the youth, the new generation, and the old, who's better at ruling this planet than us? With your guidance, Earth will ascend to a higher plane of peace and unity"

Captain Atom spoke saying "And you will be its King? Are you serious?"

"Naturally Yes! Who else? I'm the strongest, Smartest, Wisest, who else other than me?" replied Raiden, this earned him bad looks from everyone as Batman said "You're crossing the line of Arrogance Raiden"

"What's a King if not Arrogant? A King must be the best at everything, the one that guides his people, the one that fights for his people, the one that provides and cares for them, I'm not speaking about me, Raiden Alone, over the years I've become one, I'm becoming one with them, all the kings of History, the World itself chose me, Bruce...I didn't pick this role, I was chosen" said Raiden, Without his realization, his Aura was spreading, it was peaceful and relaxing, a golden Aura that made everyone feel awe, an effect of his Skill Charisma

"I don't get it, what's wrong with the earth now?" said Billy Batson, also known as Captain Marvel, this made many break their awe, as Diana spoke "Raiden, why now, what is this all about, I'm not saying I'm against your idea, but you seem urgent as if you're trying to prepare for something"

Hearing that, Raiden closed his eyes, before saying "What do any of you know about the Multiverse?"


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