
Fate/Dark Knight

"...what must I do father?" "don't tell me you've grown soft towards the girl?" "RHONGOMYNIAD!" "CLARENT BLOOOD ARTHUR!!" "LUMINOUS NOVA!!" "No one can know of this swear it...swear on your very magic," "After all this time?" "...Always," 'Fate cannot be changed and yet a very brave brave man stood against it hoping for the happy ending. "My name is Alaric of The Lake but I go best by Alaric The Conqueror and this is my story," - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Deen Studio Fate/Stay Night, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional -this is just for fun - don't update often because of college

MidnightSpeedster · Cómic
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23 Chs

Chapter Four: Sparring With Arthur

(A/N A full four weeks have passed and Alaric is no longer scrawny for his age he's actually pretty tall now and his training has made him lose all the baby fat in his face)

"𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐦, 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭, 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐫, 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞."

- 𝐎𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐔𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐚

Alaric POV:

My days of training with Lancelot were tough to say the least the man would first make me start off with basic stretches before moving onto exercises consisting of pull ups on a tree, lifting heavy stones, swimming in a cold river to increase my endurance and durability to the cold as he explained, sit ups, pushups, a mile run around the forest, basic hand combat, and then it was onto an hour of weapons training mainly with just swords, spears, and shields. 

After that we would go to the inn for a meal in some cases Lancelot would completely submerge himself in pints of ale leading to some rather embarrassing moments with a lot of women luckily, I was always there to drag him out from doing anything perverted...although there was that one incident with those two women.


Lancelot drunkenly raised his hands "ah Giselle, Scarlett my lovely girls-" he was cut off when he was first slapped by the blond-haired woman then he was slapped by the red-haired woman next sending him crashing onto the ground I looked down at him with a deadpan "I am guessing you didn't deserve those did you teacher?" I asked. 

Lancelot shook his head standing up with slight sway in his movement "n-no I may have deserved those," 

-flashback end-

During my free time I would focus on my magical training I didn't know much other than how to control and manipulate it like how I did before when I killed my former captor but still, I focused on those two aspects using my mind to shape different weapons such as swords, spears, bows, morning stars, maces, flais, halberds, war hammers, battle axes, and shields. 

Currently I was doing a bit of sword training by myself imagining my opponents "impressive form but it could be better," came a voice I hadn't heard in the four weeks that I had stayed at the castle I gave a bow as soon as I saw Arthur "thank you my king," I replied. 

Arthur crossed her arms together "come Alaric I wish to see how far along your training with Sir Lancelot has gone," she said gesturing towards the open part of training field. 

"O-oh," I reply with a slight stutter and began to follow after her with a slight jog. Once we made it there Arthur pulled out her own wooden sword holding it up with both hands "you may strike when ready Alaric and no before you ask you may not use your magic," she declared calmly. 

I frowned before releasing a sigh of acceptance and raised my sword I breathed in deeply then exhaled relaxing my muscles my eyes narrow in concentration bringing the sword back I rush forward with a thrust. 

Arthur easily side steps but I bring the butt end of the sword back slamming it against her hands hoping to loosen her grip on the wooden blade, but it didn't work so I continued with a dash trying my best to strike her mid-section, but she dodges once again retaliating back with a hard strike downward causing me to flinch back. 

It made me a bit angry at least with Lancelot I could land in a few strikes but her it's like she's on a whole other level. 

My sword form changes from that of an eloquent warrior to one of a rageful beast I aimed a strike at her feet only to change it at the last second and made it so that blade would hit her unguarded arm but through sheer instinct along she was able to block it a bit barely which made me a bit frustrated. 

I channeled the rage I was feeling pushing her forward and began striking at her from different angles while moving forward in hopes of making her trip on her feet only my attempts were thwarted once she started spinning around blocking the attacks like how a dancer would do.

I aimed to strike her neck when she placed her blade undermine swiftly disarming me with an upward thrust, I was stunned as she placed the tip of her blade near my neck "yield," she commanded with a sight of disappointment I shake my head "aye I yield," I said. 

Arthur places the wooden blade down and extended her hand out for me to grip grabbing it I hoisted myself up "you did quite well Alaric but you could have been better," she said pausing for a moment to let her words sink in "you let your anger get the best of you in our spar, but I am not disappointed in that but rather your lack focus...anger is a powerful tool that one can use in order to dominate a battle but only if one knows how to control that anger while remaining focused.

 Your less then efficient use of hand combat was completely nonexistent I left several small openings that you could have used to strike with your remaining hand or legs," she continued like how a mother would scold their child which made me place my head down in shame "but overall it wasn't a bad duel in fact I hadn't felt this much of a rush in my veins since Merlin trained me," she praised a bit with a small smirk after seeing my downcast look. 

I perked up at that knowledge "...really?" I asked wondering if perhaps she was lying to me in order spare my feelings.

Arthur nods with an affirmative grunt "you have great potential Alaric I have no doubt that you will someday make an excellent knight," she said I smiled happily at the praise I wonder how long it has been since someone has ever praised me for something good to long perhaps, I thought. 

It was silent for a moment until both of our stomachs growled in synch Arthur's cheeks turn crimson while I just laugh "seems like were both quite hungry my lady...I've been taking some cooking lessons from the local inn that Sir Lancelot has been taking me to perhaps I can cook us something, but we would need a campfire," I said. 

Arthur nods looking down at her armored boots "I can gather the wood and hunt down some rabbit...I assume you already have the cooking materials?" she asked I replied with a chuckle "of course I have them having been here the past few days on my own I would be a mad man not to,"

"Then it's settled I shall return when I can," she declared heading off into the forest behind us when she was finally out of distance, I released a laugh "hahahaha who would have thought that she could easily get so embarrassed," I said remembering her flushed face. 

I went back to where I was originally training and grabbed the pack, I left leaning against a tree I then returned back and started setting up my cooking tools. 

Many minutes later Arthur returned carrying a pile of wood in her left arm while her right arm carried three dead rabbits, she carefully piled the wood in place around the stones I had placed while I gently took the rabbits from her other hand. 

Arthur then started the fire while I began the process of making some rabbit stew mixed in with some left-over potatoes I carried. Once that was done, I placed the pot over the fire and waited alongside Arthur.

"Neh Arthur can I ask you something?" I questioned in order break the weird silent tension in the air Arthur glances at me waiting for me to say more "I've only ever heard stories of you, but I wonder would you perhaps tell me your story from your own perspective?" I requested. 

Arthurs eyes widen for a fraction of a second until it went away in an instant "that's...well I suppose I can oblige your request," she replied. 

So, she began to tell me her life story while I maintained an ever watchful eye on the cooking pot. 

By the time she was done finishing her story the food was ready "ah looks like food's ready," I say serving her the first bowl while I took the second one stirring it gently.

I then took a few scoops and nodded my head in satisfaction "mmmh not bad if I do say so myself," I remarked turning to look at Arthur only to see her bangs cover her face, her hands trembled, and a piece of her hair stood up straight "um are you alright my lad-" I was cut off when she looked up at me with stars in her eyes "delicious!" she declared rapidly inhaling the stew much to my astonishment. 

I looked away in embarrassment never before have I ever seen someone make such a pretty expression I was cut off from my thoughts when Arthur shoved her bowl into my chest "seconds!" she declared I scratched the back of my head "okay okay no need to rush yourself into eating the food so quickly otherwise you'll throw up," I reply scooping up some more stew from the pot. 

"Huh what's wrong my lady?" I asked after seeing her looking a bit uncomfortable "n-nothing just don't say a word about what you saw earlier," she said trying to regather that emotionless tone in her voice. 

I smirk "on my honor I shan't tell a soul," I promised with a small laugh at the end Arthur couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips either despite not wanting too though.

-end of chapter four-

Alright here is chapter four I hope you all enjoyed it as I did writing it especially the part with Lancelot getting slapped. 

I have all the way until chapter twelve planned out on a google doc chapter twelve will be the part where we start getting into fate/apocrypha. 

if there's anything I need to correct just let me know I have been using the free version of Grammarly which works but not always so yeah.