
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Cómic
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340 Chs

Chapter 298

On the morning of August 17th.

Looking at the long-awaited normal meal, Saber struggled to hold back tears of joy.

These days without any substantial food were certainly better than her time in her own era, but...

After getting used to eating luxurious meals in the modern world, suddenly switching to a frugal diet was a bit tough for the Servant.

"Saber-chan? I think it's time to stop being so emotional..."


Called back from her long moment of self-reflection by Sakura, Saber nodded firmly, clasped her hands together in gratitude, and closed her eyes with a devout expression.

"—I am going to eat."


During breakfast, Sakura seemed to remember something and asked Shinji with a hint of worry.

"Brother, school is starting soon. Aren't you worried about your homework? Fujimura-sensei mentioned that because you missed a lot of classes, your summer homework is different from everyone else's..."

"It's fine, it's fine. That kind of thing doesn't matter."

Shinji waved his hand dismissively and continued, "Besides, you have to understand, summer homework is meant to be done on the last day of summer vacation."

"I don't think that's right..." Sakura muttered, tugging at her mouth.

"No, it is exactly like that!"

Shinji's expression suddenly turned serious, and he clenched his fist as he continued passionately, "The true meaning of summer homework is to bring the summer vacation to a perfect close! When you finish it, it signifies the end of this summer!

This bit of youth! This summer! The only way to perfectly conclude it is with the pen in your hand on the evening of August 31st as you frantically finish your homework!"

Sakura couldn't make sense of it, but she didn't show it on her face.

However, she was happy because her brother had promised to stay home for a few more days and would accompany her to school on the first day back.

That was enough.


With only one week left before the start of Shinji's final semester in high school, Rider suddenly came to him and led him to...

The Matou family living room.

"What's going on?"

Standing at the doorway, Shinji was puzzled as he saw Saber-chan sitting obediently in Sakura's lap, watching TV like a well-behaved child.

Why had Rider brought him here?

Was she jealous?

Jealous because Sakura had been spoiling Saber-chan a lot lately?

That didn't make sense. After all, Sakura had been pampering Saber-chan for a while now. In another possible timeline, Sakura's favorite thing was to take Saber-chan to children's clothing stores.

They could spend an entire afternoon there!

If he hadn't known her for so long, Shinji might have suspected Sakura was possessed by Caster. By the way, in that alternate timeline where Shinji summoned Saber-chan, Caster had... also been sacrificed.

Blown away by a powerful strike from Saber-chan...

The reason was that Shinji had been kidnapped by Caster.

"Master..." Rider adjusted her glasses, then glanced around the living room. "Don't you think there are a lot of unnecessary things here... because of Saber?"

"Unnecessary things?" Shinji was puzzled and carefully scanned the living room. "You're right, now that you mention it, the living room does feel a bit cluttered. It used to be much more spacious..."


Rider cleared her throat and nodded towards certain items.

Two-meter-tall lion plushies, one-meter-tall lion plushies, lion plushies, plushies, plushies...

There were lion-patterned sofa cushions, multiple lion-themed art pieces on the tables and corners, several lion-themed paintings on the walls, multiple lion-patterned teacup sets, and so on and so forth!

"Wait, why is my living room full of lions?"

Rider whispered, "Saber bought all of them. Recently, she seems to have learned online shopping and buys anything lion-related she comes across..."

Rider didn't finish, but Shinji understood the gravity of the situation. The credit card bill was one thing, but if Saber kept this up, their home would soon resemble the African savannah!

It was fortunate that real lion cubs weren't allowed for purchase, or else Saber-chan might have secretly brought one home!

"I see. I'll talk to her about it."

"Master, please ask her to keep her personal interests within a reasonable range."

"Don't worry."


As the sun set, Saber-chan stood resolutely as the truck marked "Secondhand Collection" drove away, carrying all the lion-themed items she had painstakingly collected.

Clenching her small fists, she fought back the sadness of parting.

Clap, clap!

After patting his hands, Shinji nodded in satisfaction.

"Alright, now it's clean."

"Master, can't you even tolerate them? Can't they have a place in this house? It's too cruel! I can't accept this!"

"Do you want to go with them?" Shinji squinted and retorted.

At his words, Saber-chan fell silent.

Originally, Shinji hadn't planned to be so harsh. As long as Saber-chan agreed not to clutter any place other than her room with lion items, it would have been fine.


Her room was already full!

Saber-chan's room was packed with lion-themed decorations and plushies, with barely any space to move! The overflow had nowhere else to go but the living room!

So, after a talk with Saber-chan, Shinji had called a secondhand collection service, ignoring her wishes.

With no strength to resist, Saber-chan watched as one by one, the lion decorations were loaded onto the truck.

Watching Saber-chan stand at the door, gazing longingly after the departing truck, Shinji, feeling he wasn't being unreasonable, took a small lion charm from his pocket, which had been overlooked by the secondhand collectors.


Seeing the lion charm Shinji handed her, Saber-chan's face brightened, and she smiled.

"Lion No. 78... You're still alive... Thank goodness..."

Shinji: ...

After a long silence, Shinji turned his gaze to their good neighbor—Luvia's house, as luxurious as their own.

Honestly, Shinji was starting to lose track of what Luvia wanted to do and her attitude towards him.


There should be some. After all, her tasks to collect the class cards and investigate him had both failed. Because of him, she lost two opportunities to apprentice under the Magician.

If she didn't hate him deeply for that, Shinji wouldn't believe it. Given the situation, she hadn't left Fuyuki but even returned...

Was it because she was unwilling to give up?

At this point, that seemed like the only explanation. Especially since she knew he wouldn't let her investigate further due to their fallout with the Second Magician.

Luvia should understand that as well.

"Is she really that unwilling to give up?"

Shinji pondered, scratching his chin.

"What's wrong, Shinji?" Saber-chan asked.

"Nothing," Shinji shook his head, listing all possibilities in his mind.

Although unwillingness seemed the most likely, Luvia had no means to act on it, knowing the actual difference in their abilities. In such cases, the best solution would be to stay far away and not get involved.

But Luvia didn't seem to do that. Instead, she chose to stay close to someone she disliked!

"Is she a masochist?"

"Shinji, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing, let's go back."

Choosing not to think about questions with no clear answer, Shinji turned back home. Though curious, Saber-chan didn't ask further and followed him.


In the Edelfelt mansion.

As Shinji suspected, Luvia was indeed upset and unwilling because of him, but she had no solution.

After returning home from Miyu's world, she had decided not to come back to Fuyuki. But...

For some reason, she did.

Partly due to her Servant (Gilgamesh), but it wasn't the main reason. Even Luvia didn't know why she returned, but she did.

Returning to collect information on Shinji?

No point. She knew he wouldn't let her investigate after falling out with Zelretch.

Studying magic at the obscure Shen Yin?

Why choose an unknown place over the prestigious Clock Tower? Was she crazy?

Unable to find a reason for staying in Fuyuki, Luvia looked at her butler and asked.

"August, why am I in Fuyuki?"

A new philosophical question following "Who am I?", "Where am I?", and "What am I doing?"

August: ...

"Perhaps there are unnoticed reasons buried deep in your heart or subconscious."

A very official answer, like:

Answered, but not really.

"Unnoticed reasons?"

"Matou Shinji," August replied, another answer that seemed to say something without saying much.

"Matou Shinji..."

Luvia rested her chin on her hand, lost in thought again...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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