
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Cómic
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340 Chs

Chapter 293

"Here, don't worry, Saber. No one saw anything. I was in front of you the whole time."

Shinji handed a skewer of grilled octopus tentacle to Saber, who was huddled under the parasol in her replacement swimsuit, looking quite gloomy.

Without saying a word, Saber took the skewer from Shinji without even glancing at it and began tearing into it fiercely, as if venting her frustration.

After finishing one skewer, Saber reached out her hand again.

Seeing her extended hand, Shinji opened his mouth to say something comforting but couldn't find the right words. He picked up another skewer of grilled octopus and handed it to Saber.

It was clear that Saber's current state wasn't due to embarrassment from being seen.

In another possible world, Saber wouldn't feel shy about such things.

Shinji was trying to figure out the exact reason through Saber's expressions, but he couldn't pinpoint it yet.

It wasn't until five plates of octopus were eaten that Saber finally lifted her head, turned away, and spoke with a complicated expression: "I... I must have caused you trouble, Shinji..."


Shinji's expression turned subtle, thinking, could it be that Saber...

"Because my body is different from Rider's and the others, due to training and farm work from a young age, my body isn't like that of a normal girl. You must think it's ugly, right?"

At this point, Shinji finally understood. Saber felt guilty for showing what she thought was an unattractive body to her Master.

Seeing Saber's complex and somewhat unresolved expression, Shinji felt a deep sense of guilt.

How could he have thought of laying his hands on such a virtuous person, deceiving her from start to finish in another possible world? It was truly sinful!

Letting out a small sigh, Shinji shook his head with a light smile and said casually: "You worry about things like that, Saber? My, that's surprising."

"Of course!"

Seeing Saber getting worked up, Shinji smiled gently: "Ah, I forgot. Saber is a girl after all, so it's natural to be concerned about such things."

"I..." Saber seemed to want to retort but ended up clenching her fists and looking away.

Shinji then stood up slowly and said: "Anyway, I don't think there's anything about your body to be ashamed of as a girl."


Saber looked up, stunned, at Shinji.

"...From a man's perspective."

Seeing Shinji finish his sentence with a warm, gentle smile, Saber took a few seconds to process it and then hurriedly asked.

"In a man's eyes, my body isn't unsightly? Shinji!"

Hearing this question, Shinji's eye twitched. How should he answer this? It felt like if he answered, he'd confirm himself as a lolicon!

"Ahem, don't overthink it, Saber. There's no need to question your attractiveness as a woman."

Shinji finally gave a vague response and silently added in his heart: After all, being one of the main characters, lacking in feminine appeal wouldn't do, right?

"So... that means..."

Saber turned her face away again. Judging by her flushed ears, her face was probably equally red. In a voice as soft as a mosquito, she stammered.

"Shinji... do you think so too?"


Hearing the sound, Saber turned to see a red mark on Shinji's face and quickly asked, "What happened, Shinji?"

"It's nothing. Just reminding myself not to cross a nearly criminal line." Shinji replied stoically, then cleared his throat, "I'll get something to drink. You make yourself comfortable."

"Wait, Shinji! You haven't answered my question!"

Saber tried to stop him, but Shinji walked away quickly, ignoring her plea.

As Shinji walked away, covering his face, he felt more and more that their conversation was problematic.

It was... rather inappropriate!


Shinji muttered, and the child-like Gilgamesh by the grill nodded in agreement.


Shinji: ...


Not far from the beach was an artificial forest.

Walking straight through the forest led to the cliff on the other side of the island, where a mansion occupied over three acres of land.

However, for lunchtime, they decided to eat in the artificial pavilion by the shore.

"Why did that monster appear?"

During lunch, Rin voiced her question.

"Yeah, it was way too weird!"

Luvia, still upset from the giant octopus ordeal, also complained.


Shinji thought for a moment, and seeing Saber enjoying her food, an idea struck him. He put on a serious face and said: "Never underestimate the sea! It has always been a dangerous place!"

"That's right." Saber nodded solemnly, "The sea is indeed a dangerous place."

No, your Master is far more dangerous.

Carrying a tray of food, their chef Archer thought silently.

"Shinji-san and Saber-chan are right!" Ruby chimed in seriously, "The sea is extremely dangerous! You might encounter all kinds of terrifying and unknown sea creatures! Octopus monsters, squid monsters, there are too many!"

Squid monsters?

Hearing this, Shinji froze, then quickly realized that Ruby had more tentacles prepared. This veteran had really thought things through.

In any case, it seemed the afternoon would be fun again!

Thinking this, Shinji took a big bite of his grilled octopus.


Rin looked skeptical. Without evidence proving it was Shinji and Ruby's doing, there was nothing she could do.

"Ahem!" Archer cleared his throat, seemingly trying to convey something to Rin, but was stopped by Shinji's gaze.

"Throat hurting? If so, I suggest some lozenges."

"Exactly." Ruby flew over, patting Archer's shoulder in agreement, with a hint of menace.

Seeing their resolute attitude, Archer chose to keep the truth to himself.

"In my hometown, the sea is also terrifying."

Bazett, carrying a coconut tree, joined in the conversation, leaving everyone stunned.

"Bazett, I just asked for a few coconuts..."

"Don't worry, I'm not tired at all!"

Shinji sighed, feeling exhausted: "It's not about being tired, just pick the coconuts without uprooting the tree..."

"Fifteen million..." Rider adjusted her glasses, "These artificial coconut trees cost one and a half billion yen per ten..."

"What?!" Rin and Bazett exclaimed in shock.

"Well, one less tree is one less tree. We'll just plant another..."

Before Shinji could finish, Bazett ran off with the tree, seemingly determined to replant it before lunch ended.

Watching her, Shinji felt helpless. Though he had recruited Bazett from the Magic Association, she saw herself as only good for fighting.

Recently, she had been voluntarily acting as Shinji's bodyguard, much to the dismay of Saber and Rider, who felt their roles were being usurped.

Currently, they managed not to argue in Shinji's presence. When he wasn't around, the tension was palpable.

"A suitable job for Bazett..."

Shinji pondered. Finding a meaningful role within Shen Yin that could gradually change Bazett's personality would be ideal.

Unable to come up with a good idea, Shinji decided to assign her tasks she excelled at.

Similar to a corporate bodyguard, responsible for the organization's security. Lots of small fry, occasional competent magicians from other countries.

"Shen Yin..."

Luvia murmured.

"What's up?"

Shinji asked, intrigued: "Interested in the little-known mystical management organization in this far-eastern country you look down on?"

Luvia, catching the sarcasm, surprisingly didn't show annoyance. She crossed her arms and hummed: "Don't misunderstand. I only despise Tohsaka. I have no special opinion on anything else in this country."

Rin objected: "What do you mean you only despise Tohsaka? I can't ignore that!"

"Wait, Rin. Argue later."

Shinji stopped the brewing fight and looked back at Luvia: "Are the Edelfelts interested in this island's small organization? I thought you were planning to attend the Clock Tower?"

"That was just a trial. I haven't made any decisions. Quality of education is my only criterion."

"Well, then Shen Yin might not be for you. Our education isn't on par with the Clock Tower."


Luvia felt stumped by his remark.

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