
Operation 'Annoy Assassin' 2/2

As they started making their way towards the stairs, Aqua stopped and looked around for a moment before a grin formed on her face.

"Oh, we are about to enter... I hope there isn't some pervert hiding in the woods waiting to attack us!" said loudly Aqua while looking in a specific direction.

"I am curious as to how you detected me... though it was stupid. I you hadn't called me out I would have allowed you to go in and give that vixen a scar." said a man coming in their direction.

The man had a carefree vibe around him and a slight smile on his face.

"Umu umu, but I can't annoy you if I don't see you *cough* *cough*, I mean it would be inappropriate to enter a place without giving the customary greetings." said Aqua with a smile on her face.

The man gave a slightly confused stare at Aqua.

"Well don't mind the details, for now how about some introductions? I am Aqua, this are my master and Saber, pleasure to meet you fak- I mean Assassin." continued Aqua.

Assassins eyebrow twitched for a moment before he spoke.

"No need to correct yourself, even if it was quite a mean thing to say it is still the truth."

"I see, well how about drinking with us for a bit? We will wait for your master here since it is wrong to just enter someone else's house without permission." said Aqua while sitting on the floor and opening one of her bottles.

Rin and Saber were quite confused at this, but since the plan was to get Caster to join them they decided to just stay here for now.

"Hmmm, it won't take long for my master to notice you, in fact I am surpassed she hasn't given me an order yet, so I see no reason to reject your offer." said Assassin calmly while also sitting down in front of Aqua.

"Very well. I am the goddess Aqua, how about you?" said Aqua while serving the alcohol on two cups three cups she got out of who knows where.

Assassin remained silent looking at Aqua with slight astonishment.

"Ahh I see, you have been captivated by my beauty and otherworldly charms and will now, upon realising I am a goddess, drop to your knees and start praying? Very well then, I accept you as my follower." said Aqua proudly while finishing serving the drinks.

"That was a stupid thing to do, Aqua. I may be a fake servant so that is most likely why I don't know anything about you from the Holy Grail, but my master surely will. Though I am not sure what you mean by 'goddess' I will have to reject the offer of being your follower." said Assassin with a slight smile on his face while grabbing a cup Aqua passed to him.

To be honest, Assassin was enjoying this very much! This woman, while weird, was also very amusing! She even gave him alcohol even though they were supposed to be killing each other.

Normally he would have doubted wether the alcohol was poisoned, but in truth he didn't really care, he was summoned against his will by someone he doesn't like and has nothing to do other than follow orders like a dog. Going out while drinking might not be all that bad.

"Hmm, not really it wasn't. It is only common courtesy for me to introduce myself when I already know your name, besides knowing my name won't help even someone as knowledgeable as your master." said Aqua while passing the second cup of alcohol to Artoria.

Artoria looked at the cup and was about to decline, however Aqua spoke to her before she could.

"Saber, we are trying to make a unified front here, so it is dictated by social conventions that you have to drink as well. It is more about politics which you were never very good at so it is normal for you not to be aware of it." said Aqua, successfully forcing Artoria with social presión to drink while also giving her a small jab.

Saber froze for a moment before looking at her master confused.

Rin, who was about to tell her not to drink and that Aqua was messing with her, suddenly found herself buried in Aqua's lap.

"You can't look at master for things like this Saber, it is a matter of wether you wish to no longer make the same mistakes that you did as a king and dive head on into the world of politics, it might even help you think of ways to learn how to rule properly!

I am sure you haven't managed to give much thought to what we discussed before so this might be a good thing!" while Aqua continued trying to convince Artoria like a bad influence would and Rin was suffocating, Artoria was currently in a small dilemma.

The conversation of before shook her up a lot and she hadn't had much time to actually think about it, so this... didn't sound like such a bad idea.

As Artoria accepted the glass, Aqua returned her gaze toward Assassin, who currently had an extremely amused look on his face while drinking.

"It is quite good." he said.

"I know right! I bought it today. What do you think Saber?"

"*Cough* *Cough* It burns."

"Hahahahha, that's good. Anyway, Assassin, are you sure about not becoming my follower? I am pretty awesome as a goddess you know... the very best actually." said Aqua with a smile. "I could grant anything you desire..."

"I don't desire anything." he replied calmly.

"Aww really? Not even some freedom? Must be hard to be a fake servant that is treated poorly and can't even leave this place..." Assassins eyebrows twitched in frustration, while being simultaneously confused as to how she knew all this.

"Really now? Will you use one of your 'goddess' tricks for that?" he said sarcastically.

"Oh I will use some tricks all right, and they are indeed worthy of a goddess." said Aqua with a smile on her face.

Around five minutes later, a very impressed Assassin was laughing loudly while a very awesome goddess was slightly bowing, like the director of an orchestra after showing the most wonderful masterpiece ever to a great public.

Rin and Artoria on the other hand had blank looks on their faces.

"Well, readers might be a bit disappointed since operation 'Annoy Assassin' failed, but you can't win them all I guess." said Aqua sadly, though she didn't really mind about the reader's opinions since she learned today something new... Assassin was a nice drinking buddy, and drinking buddy's are important!